Coll. PDD 55928 © R.E. Beever & PDD fungarium |  Iconotypus of Labyrinthomyces steenisii Boedjin | | | | |
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe, Mycotaxon, 9 (1): 320 (1979).
Basionym Stephensia varia Rodway, Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1897: 129 (1897).
Diagnosis Stephensia varia, n.s., subterranean, irregularly spherical. Peridium rather thick, sub-cartilaginous. Gleba of one or more broad contorted hymenial cells or tubes in a pithy fiberoid trama. Asci narrow, cylindrical. Paraphysis numerous linear. Sporidia spherical, smooth, hyaline, 20 u. Very variable in size and proportionate development of tubes and trama. When small, ½ -¾ in. tube often single and not very contorted, with copious trama. When about 1 in. tubes fairly numerous, trama reduced, the tuber being then of a firmer consistency. In specimens about 2 in. diameter the tubes are very numerous and large (¼ in.), and trama very slight. These three forms may be persistently distinct, but the asci and sporidia not differing would lead one to infer they are forms of one plant. The small softer form is much sought by larvae of small insects, the empty peridium is often found lying on the surface of the soil.
Type HO 113780 - holotypus
Labyrinthomyces steenisii Boedijn, Bull. Jardin Bot. Buitenzorg, 16 (2): 239 (1939).
MycoBank 316170
Beaton G., Weste G. 1977. The genus Labyrinthomyces. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 69 (2): 243-247.
Boedijn K.B. 1939. The Tuberales of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, 16 (2): 236-244.
Pacioni G., Astier J. 1999. Labyrinthomyces varius (Ascomycotina, Pezizales) nel sud della Francia. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea, 14 (2): 165-168.
Rodway L. 1897. Tasmanian fungi. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1897: 129-144.
Trappe J.M. 1979. The orders, families, and genera of hypogeous Ascomycotina (truffles and their relatives). Mycotaxon, 9 (1): 297-340.
Trappe J.M., Castellano M.A., Malajczuk N. 1992. Australasian truffle-like Fungi, II. Labyrinthomyces, Dingleya and Reddellomyces gen. nov. (Ascomycotina). Australian Systematic Botany, 5: 597-611.
Warcup J.H. 1990. Occurrence of ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic discomycetes after a wild fire in a eucalypt forest. Mycological Research, 94 (8): 1065-1069.
White N.H. 1956. A note on truffle fungi in Australia with special reference to Labyrinthomyces steenisii Boedijin. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 39 (3): 341-342.
Classification: Tuberaceae, Labyrinthomyces
Created on 14/01/2021.
Updated on 12/08/2023.