Jafnea semitosta

Coll. HRL0976
Coll. HRL0976
© R. Lebeuf

Jafnea semitosta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Korf, Nagaoa, 7: 5 (1960).


Basionym Peziza semitosta Berk. & M.A. Curtis, Grevillea, 3 (28): 153 (1875).

Diagnosis 723. Peziza (Sarcoscyphae) semitosta. B. & C. — Umbrina extus velutino-hispidula intus spadicea; cupula hemispherica in stipitem rugoso-costatum decurrente ; margine inflexo ; sporidiis subfusiformibus granulatis.
On the ground. Pennsylvania, Michener. No. 3936. Cup 1 ½ inch across, hemispherical, umber, finely velvety, rugose behind ; stem ribbed ; sporidia subfusiform, .00117 long.

Type ex herb. Berkeley no. 3936 (K) - holotypus

Homotypic Sepultaria semitosta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Morgan, J. Mycol., 8 (4): 188 (1902) ; Paxina semitosta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 209 (1928).

Peziza hainesii Ellis, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 8 (6): 65 (1881), fide Durand (1906), Korf (1960); Lachnea hainesii (Ellis) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 186 (1889).

MycoBank 332671


Antonín V., Moravec J. 2010. Jafnea semitosta (Ascomycota, Pyronemataceae), first collection in the Czech Republic. Czech Mycology, 62 (1): 1-11.
Benkert D., Klofac W. 2004. Jafnea semitosta (Ascomycetes, Pezizales), ein amerikanischer Becherling offenbar erstmals in Europa. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 13: 55-59.
Berkeley M.J. 1875. Notices of North American fungi. Grevillea, 3 (28): 145-160.
Berthet P., Korf R.P. 1969. Sur la position taxonomique du genre Jafnea Korf. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 96: 247-249.
Durand E.J. 1906. Peziza fusicarpa Ger. and Peziza semitosta B. & C. Journal of Mycology, 12 (81): 28-32.
Egertová Z., Sochor M. 2017. The largest fungal genome discovered in Jafnea semitosta. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303 (7): 981-986.
Korf R.P. 1960. Jafnea, a new genus of the Pezizaceae. Nagaoa, 7: 3-8.
Morgan A.P. 1902. The discomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio. Journal of Mycology, 8 (4): 179-192.
Seaver F.J. 1928. The North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates).
Shaffer R.L., Rogerson C.T. 1952. Notes on the fleshy fungi of Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 55 (3): 282-286.

Classification: Pyropyxidaceae, Jafnea

Created on 03/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Armoy
La Combe des Mas
04/06/1995, leg. A. Gruaz

Source: FMBDS/BD A. Favre
[FR] Caluire-et-Cuire
Montée de la Rochette
24/11/1911, leg. J. Nesme

[FR] Caluire-et-Cuire
rue Abbé Lemire
20/01/1968, leg. P. Berthet
PB 796 (LY)
Source: FMBDS/Herbier UCBL Lyon 1
[FR] Caluire-et-Cuire
18/12/1968, leg. P. Berthet
PB 847 (LY)
[FR] Chaponost
Le Devais
09/10/2011, leg. Collectif

[FR] Chaponost
28/11/2011, leg. ?
NV 2011.11.08 
Source: BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Chessy
11/11/2011, leg. F. Armada et coll.
FA 2424 
Source: FMBDS/BD F. Armada
[FR] Clarafond-Arcine
Bois de la Donaz
24/10/1982, leg. Collectif

Source: FMBDS
[FR] Claveisolles
10/08/1968, leg. A. Fabre & R. Vigne
PB 837 (LY)
[FR] Feyzin
bords du Rhône
28/02/1966, leg. P. Berthet
PB 667 (LY)
[FR] Lyon
15/03/1934, leg. M. Josserand

[FR] Lyon
15/01/1937, leg. M. Josserand

Source: FMBDS
[FR] Lyon
22/09/1963, leg. A. Fabre
PB 574 (LY)
[FR] Maringes
Route de Virigneux
03/10/1995, leg. A. Ayel

[FR] Morzine
Les Grangettes
07/07/1995, leg. A. Gruaz

Source: FMBDS/BD A. Favre
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