Jafnea pallida

Coll. 2003-08-30
Coll. 2003-08-30
© G. Gates
Coll. PDD 83310
Coll. PDD 83310

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Jafnea pallida (Rodway) G.M. Gates & Van Vooren, Ascomycete.org, 8 (3): 101 (2016).


Basionym Geopyxis pallida Rodway, Pap. & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1920: 154 (1920).

Diagnosis Geopyxis pallidus, n.s. Cup shaped, 5–8mm. diameter, on a slender stem 10mm., all parts white, thin, fleshy, externally smooth or slightly mealy, margin brownish with short irregular fimbriations. Hymenium smooth, asci linear, spores uniseriate, oblong, 22–24 × 10 µ, hyaline, minutely verruculose. Paraphyses filiform.< br />On ground, Mt. Nelson.

Type RH 377 (HO) - lectotypus

MycoBank 816295


Gates G., Van Vooren N. 2016. Jafnea pallida (Pezizales), a new name for a cup fungus rediscovered in Tasmania. Ascomycete.org, 8 (3): 101-104.
Rodway L. 1921. Additions to the fungus flora of Tasmania. Part 3. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1920: 153-159.

Classification: Pyropyxidaceae, Jafnea

Created on 07/05/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] La Chaulme
21/08/1988, leg. A. Ayel
AA 1988.08.21a (SLL)
[FR] Saint-Jean-Soleymieux
vers Ferréol
12/08/1992, leg. A. Ayel
AA 19920812 (SLL)
[FR] Saint-Jean-Soleymieux
07/08/1993, leg. A. Ayel

[FR] Saint-Jean-Soleymieux
vers Ferréol
20/08/1996, leg. A. Ayel

[KG] Djety Oguz
Djety Oguz valley
13/07/2016, leg. Z. Egertova
NV 2016.07.06 
Source: Ascomycete.org
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