Coll. 2005-07-01 © M. Trappe | | | | | |
Hydnotrya variiformis Gilkey, Mycologia, 39 (4) : 444 (1947).
Basionym Hydnotrya variiformis Gilkey, Mycologia, 39 (4) : 444 (1947).
Diagnosis Ascomatibus 0.7-3 cm. diam., argillaceis, subdepressis, regularibus aut penitus lobatis, superficie minute velutinosis; caverna fere simplice aut gleba compactis plicis composita; textis corticis externi pseudoparenchymaticis interne in stratum compacte hyphalem transformantibus; ascis cylindricis aut lente clavatis, 240-280 × 24 µ; paraphysibus ultra ascos 120-140 µ prominentibus; sporis ellipsoideis, brunneis, juvenilibus uni aut rare imperfecte biseriatis, maturis perfecte uniseriatis, minute lacunosis, 24-28 × 32-36 µ
Type W.B. Cooke no. 13371 (OSC) - holotypus
MycoBank 287083
Gilkey H.M. 1947. New or otherwise noteworthy species of Tuberales. Mycologia, 39 (4): 441-452.
Gilkey H.M. 1954. Taxonomic notes on Tuberales. Mycologia, 46 (6): 783-793.
Stielow B., Bubner B., Hensel G., Münzenberger B., Hoffmann P., Klenk H.P., Göker M. 2010. The neglected hypogeous fungus Hydnotrya bailii Soehner (1959) is a widespread sister taxon of Hydnotrya tulasnei (Berk.) Berk. & Broome (1846). Mycological Progress, 9 (2): 195-203.
Trappe J.M., Castellano M.A. 1992. Keys to the genera of truffles (Ascomycetes). McIlvainea, 10: 47-65.
Classification: Discinaceae, Hydnotrya
Created on 02/07/2015.
Updated on 03/08/2023.