Coll. HKAS54998 © Q. Zhao | | | | | |
Helvella orienticrispa Q. Zhao, Zhu L. Yang & K.D. Hyde, in Zhao et al., Phytotaxa, 239 (2): 135 (2015).
Basionym Helvella orienticrispa Q. Zhao, Zhu L. Yang & K.D. Hyde, in Zhao et al., Phytotaxa, 239 (2): 135 (2015).
Diagnosis Pileus has a pale brownish receptacle surface, a glabrous, whitish to cream hymenium with a margin rolled to hymenium when young, but expanded and split at maturity. Stipe possesses deep lengthwise grooves and cross-veins. It is mainly distributed in coniferous forests.
Type HKAS 74316 - holotypus
MycoBank 816601
Zhao Q., Tolgor B., Zhao Y., Yang Z.L., Hyde K.D. 2015. Species diversity within the Helvella crispa group (Ascomycota: Helvellaceae) in China. Phytotaxa, 239 (2): 130-142.
Classification: Helvellaceae, Helvella
Created on 17/04/2016.
Updated on 07/08/2023.