Otidea minor

Coll. 2013-08-20
Coll. 2013-08-20
© J.-M. Moingeon
Coll. NV 2007.07.10
Coll. NV 2007.07.10

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Helvella macropus (Pers.) P. Karst., Bidrag Känn. Finl. Natur Folk, 19: 37 (1871).


Basionym Peziza macropus Pers., Ann. Bot. (Usteri), 15: 26 (1795).

Diagnosis 53. Peziza macropus : stipitata magna : cupula hemisphaerica intus murina, extus cinerea; stipite longissimo attenuato.

Type Pl.1, f. 3 (Persoon, 1796) - lectotypus; Fungi Exs. Suec. 3266 (C) - epitypus

Sanctioning Fries, Syst. mycol., 2: 57 (1822).

Homotypic Macroscyphus macropus (Pers.) Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. plants, 1: 672 (1821) ; Macropodia macropus (Pers.) Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassau.Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 331 (1870) ; Aleuria macropus (Pers.) Gillet, Champ. Fr., Discom.: 35 (1879) ; Lachnea macropus (Pers.) W. Phillips, Man. Brit. Discom.: 207 (1887) ; Cowlesia macropus (Pers.) Nieuwl., Amer. Midland Nat., 4: 380 (1916) ; Cyathipodia macropus (Pers.) Dennis, Brit. cup-fungi: 7 (1960).

Helvella bulbosa (Hedw.) Kreisel, Boletus, 8: 29 (1984), s. auct.
Peziza crater Batsch, Elench. Fung., 1: 125 (1783).
Helvella hispida Schaeff., Fung. Bavaria Palatin. Ratisbon. nasc. icon., 4: 108 (1774); Paxina hispida (Schaeff.) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 205 (1928); Macropodia macropus var. hispida (Schaeff.) Killerm., Kryptog. Forsch., 2 (1): 36 (1929).
Peziza stipitata Huds., Fl. anglica, 2: 636 (1778).
Peziza stipitata Bull., Herb. Fr., pl. 196 (1785), illeg.
Peziza subclavipes W. Phillips & Ellis, in Ellis & Everhart, N. Amer. Fungi #985 (1887), fide Abbott & Currah (1997); Macropodia subclavipes (W. Phillips & Ellis) Rehm, Ann. Mycol., 2 (1): 35 (1904); Paxina subclavipes (W. Phillips & Ellis) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 206 (1928).

MycoBank 237869


Abbott S.P., Currah R.S. 1997. The Helvellaceae: systematic revision and occurrence in Northern and Northwestern North America. Mycotaxon, 62: 1-125.
Akata I., Kaya A. 2012. Two new Helvella records for Turkish mycobiota. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 6 (3): 31-33.
Baiano G., Garofoli D., Parrettini G. 1993. Il genere Helvella. 1° contributo: specie raccolte nell’Astigiano. Rivista di Micologia, 36 (3): 197-221.
Dissing H. 1966. The genus Helvella in Europe, with special emphasis on the species found in Norden. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, 25 (1): 1-172.
Dissing H., Nannfeldt J.A. 1966. Helvella cupuliformis sp. nov., H. villosa (Hedw. ex O. Kuntze) comb. nov., H. macropus (Pers. ex Fr.) Karst., and their allies. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 60 (2): 325-337.
Gibson J.L., Kimbrough J.W. 1988. Ultrastructural observations on Helvellaceae (Pezizales). Ascosporogenesis of selected species of Helvella. Canadian Journal of Botany, 66 (4): 771-783.
Häffner J. 1987. Die Gattung Helvella. Morphologie und Taxonomie. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 7: 1-165.
Hernández L.R., Gómez L.D. 1975. Helvella macropus (Fr.) Karst., en Costa Rica. Brenesia, 5: 47-49.
Karsten P.A. 1871. Mycologia fennica. I. Discomycetes. Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk, 19 (I-VIII): 1-263.
Kasparek F. 1999. Einige Lorcheln sind ohne Mikroskop bestimmbar. Der Tintling, 1999 (1): 18-25.
Kempton P.E., Wells V.L. 1970. Studies on the fleshy fungi of Alaska. IV. A preliminary account of the genus Helvella. Mycologia, 62 (5): 940-959.
Persoon C.H. 1795. Observationes mycologicæ. Annalen der Botanik, 15: 1-43.
Skrede I., Carlsen T., Schumacher T. 2017. A synopsis of the saddle fungi (Helvella: Ascomycota) in Europe – species delimitation, taxonomy and typification. Persoonia, 39: 201-253.
Van Vooren N. 2014. Notes sur le genre Helvella L. (Ascomycota, Pezizales). 2. Les sous-genres Cupuliformes et Macropodes. Bulletin mycologique et botanique Dauphiné-Savoie, 212: 29-47.
Wang Y.Z., Chen C.M. 2002. The Genus Helvella in Taiwan. Fungal Science, 17 (1-2): 11-17.
Weber N.S. 1972. The genus Helvella in Michigan. The Michigan Botanist, 11 (4): 147-201.

Classification: Helvellaceae, Helvella

Created on 29/06/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Aillon-le-Jeune
Col des Prés
15/05/2017, leg. B. Charlet

[FR] Beynost
01/02/1973, leg. P. Berthet
PB 956 (LY)
Source: FMBDS/Herbier UCBL Lyon 1
[FR] Beynost
01/01/1977, leg. N. Arpin
PB 1094 (LY)
Source: FMBDS/Herbier UCBL Lyon 1
[FR] Bourgoin-Jallieu
21/02/1927, leg. Marès

Source: FMBDS
[FR] Creys-Mépieu
Étang Marterin
03/04/2006, leg. P. Bejuis

[FR] Crolles
Marais de Montfort
10/12/2014, leg. Collectif (SMD)

Source: FMBDS/BD R. Garcin
[FR] Fareins
Château de Fléchères
17/02/2017, leg. L. Taboulet

Source: FMBDS/BD L. Girard
[FR] Fontaine
Les Vouillants
04/02/2014, leg. R. Garcin

Source: FMBDS/BD R. Garcin
[FR] Fontaine
les Vouillants
04/02/2014, leg. Collectif

[FR] Grigny
les Arboras
10/02/2017, leg. B. Rivoire
NV 2017.02.02 
Source: FMBDS/BD B. Rivoire
[FR] La Boisse
25/02/1968, leg. N. Arpin
PB 797 (LY)
Source: FMBDS/Herbier UCBL Lyon 1
[FR] La Chapelle-de-la-Tour
les Palleteaux
07/02/2018, leg. P. Béjuis

[FR] Lans-en-Vercors
Croix de Lichou
14/04/2010, leg. R. Garcin

Source: FMBDS/BD R. Garcin
[FR] Messimy
Haute Bruyère
25/03/2012, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2012.03.01 
Source: BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Messimy
Haute Bruyère
16/03/2013, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2013.03.04 
Source: BD N. Van Vooren
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