Helvella inexpectata

Coll. RM1088
Coll. RM1088
© R. Martinez

Helvella inexpectata Skrede & T. Schumach., Fung. System. Evol., 6: 82 (2020).


Basionym Helvella inexpectata Skrede & T. Schumach., Fung. System. Evol., 6: 82 (2020).

Diagnosis See description.

Type F-256541 (O) - holotypus

MycoBank 834623


Skrede I., Ballester L., Mathiesen C., Schumacher T. 2020. The genera Helvella and Dissingia (Ascomycota: Pezizomycetes) in Europe – Notes on species from Spain. Fungal Systematics and Evolution, 6: 65-93.

Classification: Helvellaceae, Helvella

Created on 23/08/2020.

Updated on 11/08/2023.


Collections List

[PK] Dalana
Jhok Reserve Forest
18/08/2018, leg. N. Aman
36405 (LAH)
Source: Ascomycete.org
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