Otidea leporina

Coll. LIP 0001407
Coll. LIP 0001407
© M. Loizides

Gyromitra anthracobia Loizides, P.-A. Moreau & Bellanger, in Crous et al., Persoonia, 40: 287 (2018).


Basionym Gyromitra anthracobia Loizides, P.-A. Moreau & Bellanger, in Crous et al., Persoonia, 40: 287 (2018).

Diagnosis See description.

Type LIP 0001407 - holotypus

MycoBank 824544


Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., et al. 2018. Fungal Planet description sheets: 716–784. Gyromitra anthracobia. Persoonia, 40: 240-393.

Classification: Discinaceae, Gyromitra

Created on 23/08/2018.

Updated on 08/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] La Tour-de-Salvagny
Les Grands Bois
16/04/2006, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2006.04.05 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] La Tour-de-Salvagny
Les Grands Bois
27/04/2008, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2008.04.25 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] La Tour-de-Salvagny
Les Grands Bois
13/04/2013, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2013.04.16 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Lyon
22/03/1960, leg. P. Berthet
PB 329 (LY)
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Claveisolles
15/03/1974, leg. J. Cavet

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Bron
Parc de Parilly
19/03/1974, leg. P. Berthet
PB 1008 (LY)
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Jonage
15/04/1985, leg. J. Cavet

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Marennes
15/04/1990, leg. J. Cavet

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Bron
Parc de Parilly
15/06/1992, leg. J. Cavet

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Vaulx-en-Velin
Parc de Miribel
12/04/2002, leg. J. Cavet
JC 153.10.28B 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Bron
14/03/2011, leg. H. Orcel

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Saint-Jean-Soleymieux
Vers Ferréol
12/05/1980, leg. A. Ayel

Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Saint-Quentin-Fallavier
Propriété Guérin
28/04/1895, leg. P. Riel, Rambaldy & Convert
PR 2307 (SLL)
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Irigny
15/04/2013, leg. J.-P. Jouve
NV 2013.04.19 
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[FR] Cassis
22/03/2014, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2014.03.16 
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