Coll. HMAS 97509 © W.Y. Zhuang | | | | | |
Geopyxis korfii W.Y. Zhuang, Nova Hedwigia, 83 (1-2): 180 (2006).
Basionym Geopyxis korfii W.Y. Zhuang, Nova Hedwigia, 83 (1-2): 180 (2006).
Diagnosis Apotheciis discoideis vel cupulatis, marginatis, 3-20 mm diam.; ascis subcylindricis, 195-215 × 10-12.5 µm; ascosporis ellipsoideis vel late ellipsoideis, subtiliter ornatis, 12-15 × 8-10 µm; paraphysibus filiformibus, 1.5-2 µm lato.
Type HMAS 97506 - holotypus
MycoBank 522316
Wang X., Huhtinen S., Hansen K. 2016. Multilocus phylogenetic and coalescent-based methods reveal dilemma in generic limits, cryptic species, and a prevalent intercontinental disjunct distribution in Geopyxis (Pyronemataceae s. l., Pezizomycetes). Mycologia, 108 (6): 1189-1215.
Zhuang W.Y., Liu C.Y. 2006. A new species of Geopyxis (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae) with ornamented ascospores from China. Nova Hedwigia, 83 (1-2): 177-186.
Classification: Tarzettaceae, Geopyxis
Created on 08/04/2016.
Updated on 07/08/2023.