Geomorium singeri

Coll. MES-155
Coll. MES-155
© M.E. Smith

Geomorium singeri (Gamundí & E. Horak) Kraisit., Pfister, Kuhar & M.E. Sm., Persoonia, 44: 109 (2019).


Basionym Underwoodia singeri Gamundí & E. Horak, Beih. Sydowia, 8: 162 (1979).

Diagnosis Carpophoro 60–140/7–15 mm, cylindrico vel tubuliformi, conico apicem versus, cavo, fragili. Hymenio castaneo, saepe colore purpureo vel olivaceo tinctu. Stipite ex albido cremeo, raro lilaceo tinctu, glabro vel indistincte longitudinaliter surcato, haud lacunoso. Ascosporis 21–26/9,6–13 mµ, ellipsoideis, grosse verrucosis. Ascis 350–410/14–18 mµ, operculatis. Ad terram (vel lignum putridum) in silvis nothofagineis. Fuegia. Holotypus: LPS 38598.

Type LPS 38598 - holotypus

MycoBank 828306


Bonito G., Smith M.E., Nowak M., Healy R.A., Guevara G., Cázares E., Kinoshita A., et al. 2013. Historical biogeography and diversification of Truffles in the Tuberaceae and their newly identified Southern Hemisphere sister lineage. PLoS ONE, 8 (1): .
Gamundí I.J., Horak E. 1979. Una nueva especie de Underwoodia de los bosques andinopatagonicos. Beihefte zur Sydowia, 8: 162-167.
Kraisitudomsook N., Healy R.A., Pfister D.H., Truong C., Nouhra E., Kuhar F., Mujic A.B., Trappe J.M., Smith M.E. 2019. Resurrecting the genus Geomorium: Systematic study of fungi in the genera Underwoodia and Gymnohydnotrya (Pezizales) with the description of three new South American species. Persoonia, 44: 98-112.

Classification: Geomoriaceae, Geomorium

Created on 03/03/2020.

Updated on 11/08/2023.


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