Coll. PSC 3642 © D. Catcheside |  Coll. PSC 3642 © D. Catcheside | | | | |
Geomorium beatonii (Rifai) Kraisit., Pfister & M.E. Sm., Persoonia, 44: 105 (2019).
Basionym Underwoodia beatonii Rifai, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Natuurk., sect. 2, 57 (3): 69 (1968).
Diagnosis Apothecia gregaria vel caespitosa, elongata, conico columnaria, recta vel curvula, intus pluri-Iacunoso-fistulosa, apice brunneola, basi albida. Cortex fertilis interior paliformis, usque 50 µ crassa, e cellulis clavatis constat. Pars medullaris textura intricata, hyphis hyalinis septatis (3-)4-10 µ crassis, cum cellulis nematoideis usque 20 µ crassis. Asci cylindracei, octospori, 320-400 × 16-20 µ. Ascospori ellipsoidei, guttulati, subhyalini, verrucosi, 22.7-25.4 × 10.9-12.5 µ. Paraphyses septatae, apice rectae subclavatae vel clavatae, 5-7.2 µ diam.
Hab. ad terram, prope Anglesea, Victoriae, 18 Julii 1964, G. Beaton 215 typus est [K].
Type ex herb. G. Beaton no. 215 (K) - holotypus
Homotypic Helvella beatonii (Rifai) Harmaja, Karstenia, 14: 103 (1974).
MycoBank 828308
Dissing H. 1972. Specific and generic delimitation in the Helvellaceae. Persoonia, 6 (4): 425-432.
Harmaja H. 1974. Notes on the genus Helvella, including the merging of the genus Wynnella. Karstenia, 14: 102-104.
Kraisitudomsook N., Healy R.A., Pfister D.H., Truong C., Nouhra E., Kuhar F., Mujic A.B., Trappe J.M., Smith M.E. 2019. Resurrecting the genus Geomorium: Systematic study of fungi in the genera Underwoodia and Gymnohydnotrya (Pezizales) with the description of three new South American species. Persoonia, 44: 98-112.
Rifai M.A. 1968. The Australasian Pezizales in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. natuurkunde, Sect. 2, 57 (3): 1-295.
Classification: Geomoriaceae, Geomorium
Created on 03/03/2020.
Updated on 11/08/2023.