Coll. ERD-2223 © E. Rubio | | | | | |
Genabea fragilis Tul. & C. Tul., Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1 (2): 60 (1844).
Basionym Genabea fragilis Tul. & C. Tul., Giorn. Bot. Ital., 1 (2): 60 (1844).
Diagnosis Nuci avellanae magnitudine, aterrima, superficie inaequali, intus grisea, contextu densissimo firmo avenio; sporae nigrae tandem liberae. Odor debilis. — Fungus plane hypogaeus.
Octobre legimus in populetis prope Genabum (Gall. Aurelian).
Type ???
Homotypic Genea fragilis (Tul. & C. Tul.) B.C. Zhang, Mycol. Res., 95 (8): 987 (1991).
MycoBank 158668
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Zhang B.C. 1991. Taxonomic status of Genabea, with two new species of Genea (Pezizales). Mycological Research, 95 (8): 986-994.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Genabea
Created on 22/06/2015.
Updated on 02/08/2023.