Galiella rufa

Coll. 2015.05.28
Coll. 2015.05.28
© B. Sheehan

Galiella rufa (Schwein.) Nannf. & Korf, in Korf, Mycologia, 49 (1): 108 (1957).


Basionym Bulgaria rufa Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s, 4 (2): 178 (1832).

Diagnosis B. rufa, L. v. S., in ligno putrido Bethlehem hunc fungum rarius, sed tum maxima copia inveni. B. magnitudine et substantia indoleque omnino B. inquinantis: forma autem magis Pezizoidea, breviter stipitata. Junioribus subturbinatis aut obovatis, clausis, vix autem velatis. Mox cupula dilatatur, margine undulato repando, disco, ascophoro, eleganter rufo. Extus umbrino-fusca, venoso-rugulosa, strigoso-pilosa, pilis tamen breviusculis. Statu madido attinet diametrum 2–3 uncialem, et colore laeto inter folia putrida oculos allicit; in sicco cornea et indurata sit mox autem reviviscens. Increscit more B. inquinatae lignis, putridioribus tamen, inter folia defossis.

Type ???

Homotypic Sarcosoma rufum (Schwein.) Durand, J. Mycol., 9 (2): 102 (1903) ; Gloeocalyx rufa (Schwein.) Sacc., Syll. fung., 22: 726 (1913).

Peziza hirtipes Cooke, Hedwigia, 14 (6): 81 (1875), fide Rifai (1968), Carbone et al. (2015); Plectania hirtipes (Cooke) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 163 (1889).

MycoBank 282663

1) The basionym B. rufa is often dated in 1834, but after Stafleu & Cowan (1985: 441) the Schweinitz''s article has been published in 1832.


Carbone M., Agnello C., Bomanz B. 2015. Studies in Galiella (Ascomycota, Pezizales). I. Notes on Galiella rufa., 7 (2): 55-60.
Cooke M.C. 1875. Pezizae Americanae. Hedwigia, 14 (6): 81-85.
Durand E.J. 1903. The genus Sarcosoma in North America. Journal of Mycology, 9 (2): 102-104.
Korf R.P. 1957. Two bulgarioid genera: Galiella and Plectania. Mycologia, 49 (1): 107-111.
Le Gal M. 1951. Observations sur Sarcosoma orientale Pat. et Sarcosoma rufum (Schw.) Rehm. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 67: 101-106.
Li L.T., Kimbrough J.W. 1996. Spore ontogeny of Galiella rufa (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany, 74 (10): 1651-1656.
Rifai M.A. 1968. The Australasian Pezizales in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. natuurkunde, Sect. 2, 57 (3): 1-295.
Samuelson D.A., Benny G.L., Kimbrough J.W. 1980. Asci of the Pezizales. VII. The apical apparatus of Galiella rufa and Sarcosoma globosum: reevaluation of the suboperculate ascus. Canadian Journal of Botany, 58 (11): 1235-1243.
Schweinitz L.D. von 1834. Synopsis fungorum in America boreali media degentium. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 4 (2): 141-316.

Classification: Sarcosomataceae, Galiella

Created on 02/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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