Eremiomyces innocentii

Coll. MUB Fung-j153
Coll. MUB Fung-j153
© V. Escobio

Eremiomyces innocentii Ant. Rodr. & Bordallo, Persoonia, 38: 325 (2017).


Basionym Eremiomyces innocentii Ant. Rodr. & Bordallo, Persoonia, 38: 325 (2017).

Diagnosis Ascomata hypogeous, 2–4 cm broad, subglobose, pale brown colour in exsiccata. Peridium 150–400 µm thick, well-defined, concolorous with surface in cross section, prosenchymatous, composed of parallel arranged hyphae, 15–20 μm broad, walls 1–2 μm thick, some hyphal cell inflated to 50 μm broad, yellowish in KOH. Gleba composed of dark red pockets of fertile tissue marbled by yellowish, sterile veins of subparallel hyphae 3-5 μm broad. Odour faint, no distinctive. Asci amyloid, thin-walled, mostly cilyndric, sometimes clavate-cilyndrical, sessile or short-stipitate, 150–180(–200) × 30–40 µm, with 6–8 uniseriate spores, randomly arranged in fertile pockets. Ascospores globose, (16–)17–20(–21) µm diam (median = 18.5 µm) including ornament, (15–)16–18(–18.5) µm (median = 17 µm) without ornament, by maturity yellow and ornamented with conical, blunt spines, 1–2 µm long, 1 µm wide at the base, sometimes truncated, often joined at the base to form ridges.

Type MUB Fung-j153 - holotypus

MycoBank 820114


Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., et al. 2017. Fungal Planet description sheets: 558–624. Persoonia, 38: 240-384.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Eremiomyces

Created on 01/08/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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