Donadinia nigrella

Coll. AD 110518-1
Coll. AD 110518-1
© A. Parker

Donadinia nigrella (Seaver) M. Carbone, Agnello & P. Alvarado,, 5 (1): 6 (2013).


Basionym Paxina nigrella Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 208 (1928).

Diagnosis Apothecia scattered, shallow cup-shaped, with the margin more or less wavy, externally brownish-black, clothed with inconspicuous hairs, reaching a diameter of 2-3 cm. and a depth of about 1 cm. or less, becoming strongly wrinkled when dry (externally closely resembling Pseudoplectania vogesiaca); hymenium concave, black; stem reaching a length of 3-4 cm. and a diameter of 2-3 mm. of nearly uniform thickness throughout its entire length, roundish or angular, clothed like the outside of the apothecium with brown hairs and attached at the base with a dense mass of coarse, black mycelium; hairs pale-brown, septate, thin-walled, flexuous, reaching a diameter of 10 µ; asci cylindric above, gradually tapering below, reaching a length of 500 µ and a diameter of 20 µ; spores 1-seriate, parallel with the ascus, ellipsoid, usually containing two small oil-drops and numerous granules, hyaline or faintly yellowish, 15 × 30-35 µ; paraphyses numerous slightly enlarged at their apices, dark-brown, reaching a diameter of 4-5 µ.
On rotten wood in coniferous woods.

Type ex herb. Seaver (NY) - holotypus

Homotypic Plectania nannfeldtii Korf, Mycologia, 49 (1): 109 (1957) ; Macropodia nigrella (Seaver) Teng, Fung. China: 762 (1963) ; Helvella nigrella (Seaver) F.L. Tai, Syll. fung. Sin.: 157 (1979) ; Macroscyphus nigrellus (Seaver) Z.S. Bi, Macrofung. Fl. N. Guangdong: 26 (1990).

MycoBank 801344


Carbone M., Agnello C., Alvarado P. 2013. Phylogenetic studies in the family Sarcosomataceae (Ascomycota, Pezizales)., 5 (1): 1-12.
Carbone M., Agnello C., Baglivo A., Perić B., Giorgi D. (de) 2012. Studio comparato delle specie lungamente stipitate del genere Plectania. Mycologia Montenegrina, 14: 7-38.
Cripps C. 2009. Snowbank Fungi revisited. Fungi, 2 (1): 47-53.
Korf R.P. 1957. Two bulgarioid genera: Galiella and Plectania. Mycologia, 49 (1): 107-111.
Li L.T., Kimbrough J.W. 1995. Spore wall ontogeny in Pseudoplectania nigrella and Plectania nannfeldtii (Ascomycotina, Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany, 73 (11): 1761-1767.

Classification: Sarcosomataceae, Donadinia

Created on 28/05/2015.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


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