Coll. NV 2013.08.09 © N. Van Vooren |  Coll. NV 2013.08.09
Microcharacters 10 µm © N. Van Vooren | | | | |
Dissingia oblongispora (Harmaja) T. Schumach. & Skrede, Persoonia, 42: 198 (2019).
Basionym Helvella oblongispora Harmaja, Karstenia, 18: 57 (1978).
Diagnosis Helvellae leucomelaenae sat similis; ab ea differt coloribus pallidioribus et stipite costis satis distinctis apothecii, constructione excipuli dissimili et sporis brevioribus (longitudine 17.5-21.0 µm) plerumque oblongis. Typus: Federal Republic of Germany, Bavaria (Bayern), near Munich (München), abundant on calcareous soil under conifers near the River Isar, 23.VII.1969 A. Einhellinger (C).
Type A. Einhellinger (C) - holotypus
MycoBank 829094
Hansen K., Schumacher T., Skrede I., Huhtinen S., Wang X.-H. 2019. Pindara revisited – evolution and generic limits in Helvellaceae. Persoonia, 42: 186-204.
Harmaja H. 1978. New species and combinations in Helvella and Gyromitra. Karstenia, 18 (2): 57.
Harmaja H. 1979. Studies on cupulate species of Helvella. Karstenia, 19 (2): 33-45.
Harmaja H. 1982. Helvella oblongispora found in Finland. Karstenia, 22 (1): 20.
Skrede I., Carlsen T., Schumacher T. 2017. A synopsis of the saddle fungi (Helvella: Ascomycota) in Europe – species delimitation, taxonomy and typification. Persoonia, 39: 201-253.
Van Vooren N. 2014. Contribution à la connaissance des Pézizales (Ascomycota) de Rhône-Alpes – 2e partie. Cahiers de la FMBDS, 4: 1-172.
Classification: Helvellaceae, Dissingia
Created on 03/03/2020.
Updated on 11/08/2023.