Helvella phlebophoroides

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© D. Minter

Diehliomyces microsporus (Diehl & E.B. Lamb.) Gilkey, Mycologia, 46 (6): 790 (1955).


Basionym Pseudobalsamia microspora Diehl & E.B. Lamb., Mycologia, 22 (5): 223 (1930).

Diagnosis Ascocarps cream-colored to reddish brown, subspherical to discoid, irregularly lobed, 0.5-3.0 c. in diameter infolded at a distinct base when formed on the surface of the substratum; surface convolute to cerebriform; context fleshy, of interwoven hyphae generally thick walled, outer cells disintegrating to form an indefinite cortex of false rind, surface minutely scabrous, interior composed of closely crowded venae internae (spore bearing folds) separated by venae externae (labyrinthine canals) filled with a loose weft of anastomosing hyphae, canals converging at one or more points, usually having a common opening to the exterior, sometimes opening to the surface at more than one point; paraphyses reduced to anastomosing hyphae 5-7 µ in diameter; asci fugaceous, irregularly arranged throughout the venae internae, short or long stipitate, ovate to subspherical, (p. sp.) 18-25 × 12-15 µ with 8 spores or less, irregularly arranged, stipe variable, 3-10 µ broad and 6-15 µ long; spores subspherical, hyaline, sulphur-colored in mass, 5-7 µ, chiefly 6 µ in diameter, usually with one large colorless oil drop; epispore smooth, colorless, less than 1 µ thick; hyphae within the venae externae 8 µ to 12 µ in diameter; chlamydospores occasionally within hyphae of the ascocarp, spherical, 13 µ in diameter, content golden-brown with epispore 2 µ thick, smooth to finely granular.

Type BPI 684697 - holotypus

MycoBank 296752


Bisset P.G., Colhoun J., Gandy D.G. 1982. Germination of Diehliomyces microsporus ascospores and determination of their thermal death point. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 78 (3): 540-542.
Diehl W.W., Lambert E.B. 1930. A new truffle in beds of cultivated mushrooms. Mycologia, 22 (5): 223-226.
Gilkey H.M. 1954. Taxonomic notes on Tuberales. Mycologia, 46 (6): 783-793.
Hawker L.E. 1959. The development of the fruit-body of Diehliomyces microsporus (Diehl and Lambert) Gilkey (syn. Pseudobalsamia microspora Diehl and Lambert). Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 38: 71-75.
Læssøe T., Hansen K. 2007. Truffle trouble: what happened to the Tuberales? Mycological Research, 111: 1075-1099.
Maszkiewicz J., Szudyga K. 1999. Occurrence of false truffle (Diehliomyces microsporus Gilkey) and the efficacy of bulk pasteurization. Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin, 50: 107-133.
Minter D.W. 2007. No. 1714: Diehliomyces microsporus. IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, 172: .
Pegler D.N., Spooner B.M., Young T.W.K. 1993. British Truffles.
Soares do Nascimento J., Ferreira da Eira A. 2007. Isolation and mycelial growth of Diehliomyces microsporus: effect of culture medium and incubation temperature. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 50 (4): 587-595.

Classification: incertae sedis, Diehliomyces

Created on 15/08/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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