Cheilymenia raripila

Leg. F. Ayer, 9/11/2010
Leg. F. Ayer, 9/11/2010
© R. Dougoud
Leg. F. Ayer, 9/11/2010
Leg. F. Ayer, 9/11/2010

© R. Dougoud

Cheilymenia raripila (W. Phillips) Dennis, Kew Bull., 14 (3): 428 (1960).


Basionym Ascobolus raripilus W. Phillips, Grevillea, 7 (41): 23 (1878).

Diagnosis Gregarious, or crowded, minute, sessile, glabrous, at first globose, then hemisphaerical; disc convex, plae, egg-yellow, scantily clothed externally with a few, pale, septate, straight hairs; asci broadly clavate; sporidia 8, ovate, smooth, hyaline, .025 × .014 mm.; paraphyses linear, simple, clavate at the summit.
On cow dung. No. 509.

Type ex herb. Harkness 509 (K) - holotypus

Homotypic Lasiobolus raripilus (W. Phillips) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 537 (1889) ; Patella raripila (W. Phillips) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 173 (1928).

Lasiobolus dubius Starbäck, Ark. Bot., 2 (5): 2 (1904), fide Moravec (2005).
Peziza hyalochaeta Speg., An. Soc. Cient. Argent., 10 (1): 24 (1880), fide Moravec (2005); Cheilymenia hyalochaeta (Speg.) Gamundí, Lilloa, 30: 326 (1960).
Cheilymenia notabilispora J. Moravec, Česká Mykol., 22 (1): 36 (1968), fide Moravec (2005).

MycoBank 328160


Brummelen J. (van) 1986. Notes on cup fungi – 3. On three species of Cheilymenia. Persoonia, 13: 89-96.
Lantieri A. 2004. Études sur le genre Cheilymenia en Sicile: C. raripila (W. Phillips) Dennis, une première récolte en Italie. Documents mycologiques, 33 (131): 39-46.
Moravec J. 1968. A study concerning a better recognition of operculate discomycetes of the genus Cheilymenia Boud. Česká Mykologie, 22 (1): 32-41.
Moravec J. 1990. Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 3. A new generic and infrageneric classification of Cheilymenia in a new emendation. Mycotaxon, 38: 459-484.
Moravec J. 1992. Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 4. The section Paracheilymeniae. Mycotaxon, 44 (1): 59-72.
Moravec J. 2005. A World Monograph of the genus Cheilymenia (Discomycetes, Pezizales, Pyronemataceae). Libri Botanici, 21: 1-256.
Phillips W. 1878. Fungi of California (Collected by Dr. H.W. Harkness and Mr. J.P. Moor). Grevillea, 7 (41): 20-23.
Poulain M. 1992. Un discomycète coprophile méconnu : Cheilymenia raripila (Phill.) Dennis. Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle du Pays de Montbéliard, 1992: 53-54.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Cheilymenia

Created on 09/08/2013.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


Collections List

[CH] Châtonnaye
La Brévire
09/11/2010, leg. F. Ayer

[FR] Surmont
12/10/1987, leg. M. Poulain

[CZ] Branžež
08/11/1987, leg. J. Moravec
63399 (CUP)
[DE] Rügen
11/09/1988, leg. D. Benkert
- (BHU)
[FR] Saint-André-le-Puy
19/01/1987, leg. A. Ayel
AA 19870119 (SLL)
[FR] Saint-André-le-Puy
05/03/1989, leg. A. Ayel

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