Chaetothiersia eguttulata

Coll. MSTR P-25015
Coll. MSTR P-25015
© F.J. Valencia

Chaetothiersia eguttulata Valencia, U. Lindemann & Van Vooren,, 13 (1): 16 (2021).


Basionym Chaetothiersia eguttulata Valencia, U. Lindemann & Van Vooren,, 13 (1): 16 (2021).

Diagnosis Differs from C. cupressicola by its yellowish colour with slightly more orange tints, eguttulate ascospores, shorter marginal hairs and its growth on debris of Abies.

Type MSTR P-25015 - holotypus

Paratrichophaea boudieri (Grelet) Bronckers, Sterbeeckia, 23: 20 (2003), s. Perry & Pfister (2008).

MycoBank 837945


Perry B.A., Pfister D.H. 2008. Chaetothiersia vernalis, a new genus and species of Pyronemataceae (Ascomycota, Pezizales) from California. Fungal Diversity, 28: 65-72.
Van Vooren N., Valencia F.J., Carbone M., Lindemann U., Vega M., Valade F. 2021. Exploring the European Trichophaea-like discomycetes (Pezizales) using morphological, ecological and molecular data., 13 (1): 5-48.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Chaetothiersia

Created on 05/02/2021.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


Collections List

[ES] Parauta
monumento natural Pinsapo de las Escaleretas
05/04/2017, leg. F.J. Valencia
P-25015 (MSTR)
[US] Placer County
French Meadows Reservoir
28/05/2003, leg. B.A. Perry
BAP 481 (FH)
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