Iconotype M.C. Cooke | | | | | |
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke, Grevillea, 8 (46): 64 (1879).
Basionym Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke, Grevillea, 8 (46): 64 (1879).
Diagnosis Obovata, vel spathulata, sessilis, aurantiaca, ad basin plicata, demum rupta. Ascis cylindraceis. Sporidiis amplis, ellipticis, hyalinis (.022–025 × .016–018 mm.).
On wood. Waitaki (55, 68).
Type Berggren 55 K(M) - syntypus
MycoBank 249137
Cooke M.C. 1879. New Zealand fungi. Grevillea, 8 (46): 54-68.
Kumar L.M., Smith M.E., Nouhra E.R., Orihara T., Sandoval P., Pfister D.H., McLaughlin D.J., Trappe J.M., Healy R.A. 2017. A molecular and morphological re-examination of the generic limits of truffles in the Tarzetta-Geopyxis lineage – Densocarpa, Hydnocystis, and Paurocotylis. Fungal Biology, 121 (3): 264-284.
Classification: incertae sedis, Berggrenia
Created on 14/01/2021.
Updated on 12/08/2023.