Ascodesmis porcina


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Ascodesmis porcina Seaver, Mycologia, 8 (1): 3 (1916).


Basionym Ascodesmis porcina Seaver, Mycologia, 8 (1): 3 (1916).

Diagnosis Apothecia very small, scarcely visible, scattered or thickly gregarious, at first subglobose, expanding and becoming subdiscoid, externally whitish or pallid, not exceeding 0.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium strongly convex, becoming dark, finally almost black by reason of the dark colored spores; excipulum almost wanting; asci broad clavate to ovoid, abruptly narrowed into a short stem-like base, reaching a length of 75-90 µ and a diameter of 25-35 µ; spores 2-seriate or very irregularly bunched near the end of the ascus, subglobose, at first hyaline and smooth, becoming pale-brown and rough, reaching a diameter of 1o-13 µ, or occasionally 10-11 × 12-13 µ; spore-roughenings very variable, consisting of minute rounded wart-like projections, short interrupted ridges, or often with one conspicuous simple or branched ridge extending across the visible surface of the spore; paraphyses stout, gradually enlarged at their apices, reaching a diameter of about 5 µ. On excrement of pigs.
Type Locality: Grown in the laboratories of the New York Botanical Garden on pig dung sent from Porto Rico.

Type ex herb. Seaver A1084 (NY) - holotypus

MycoBank 207891


Brummelen J. (van) 1981. The genus Ascodesmis (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Persoonia, 11 (3): 333-358.
Liou S.C., Chen Z.C. 1977. Preliminary studies on coprophilous Discomycetes in Taiwan. Taiwania, 22 (1): 44-58.
Obrist W. 1961. The genus Ascodesmis. Canadian Journal of Botany, 39: 943-953.
Seaver F.J. 1916. North American species of Ascodesmis. Mycologia, 8 (1): 1-4.

Classification: Ascodesmidaceae, Ascodesmis

Created on 18/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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