Ascobolus denudatus

Coll. PR/927
Coll. PR/927
© P. Ribollet

Ascobolus xylophilus Seaver, Mycologia, 3 (2): 61 (1911).


Basionym Ascobolus xylophilus Seaver, Mycologia, 3 (2): 61 (1911).

Diagnosis Plants gregarious, sessile, 1-2 mm. in diameter, dark-colored, blackish to the naked eye, reddish-brown with the lens; hymenium slightly concave or nearly plane; asci large, cylindric or clavate, 175-235 × 30-35 µ, operculate, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate or partially 2-seriate above, large, ellipsoid, with ends narrowed, purple, at first smooth, becoming slightly roughened, 35-38 × 13-15 µ.
On the weathered surface of some coniferous wood, Geneva Creek Canyon, September, 1910.

Type BPI 663457 - isotypus

MycoBank 142955


Brummelen J. (van) 1967. A World-monograph of the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia, supplement, I: 1-260.
Brummelen J. (van), Candoussau F. 1981. Ascobolus xylophilus redescribed from France with remarks on its taxonomic position. Persoonia, 11 (3): 377-380.
Ribollet P. 2009. Ascobolus xylophilus Seaver (Ascomycota, Pezizales) récolté dans le Puy-de-Dôme., 1 (4): 17-19.
Seaver F.J. 1911. Studies in Colorado Fungi—I. Discomycetes. Mycologia, 3 (2): 57-66.
Van Vooren N. 2017. Contribution à la connaissance des Pézizales (Ascomycota) en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – 3e partie. Cahiers de la FMBDS, 5: 1-126.

Classification: Ascobolaceae, Ascobolus

Created on 11/01/2021.

Updated on 12/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Mont-Dore
11/09/2009, leg. P. Ribollet
Source: FMBDS/BD P. Ribollet
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