Coll. FMKI 145 © P. Catcheside | | | | | |
Antrelloides atroceracea P.S. Catches. & D.E.A. Catches., Swainsona, 31: 82 (2018).
Basionym Antrelloides atroceracea P.S. Catches. & D.E.A. Catches., Swainsona, 31: 82 (2018).
Diagnosis See description.
Type AD-C 55811 - holotypus
MycoBank 825521
Catcheside P.S., Catcheside D.E.A. 2018. Antrelloides atroceracea, a new genus and species in the Pezizaceae (Pezizales) from Australia. Swainsona, 31: 81-91.
Classification: Pezizaceae, Antrelloides
Created on 19/01/2019.
Updated on 08/08/2023.