Smardaea planchonis

Coll. FLAS F-64534
Coll. FLAS F-64534
© R. Healy

Amylascus cineraceus Healy & M.E. Sm., Persoonia, 51: 135 (2023).


Basionym Amylascus cineraceus Healy & M.E. Sm., Persoonia, 51: 135 (2023).

Diagnosis See description.

Type FLAS-F-64534 - holotypus

MycoBank 847731


Healy R.A., Truong C., Castellano M.A., Bonito G., Trappe J., Caiafa M.V., Mujic A.B., Nouhra E., Sánchez-Ramírez S., Smith M.E. 2023. Re-examination of the Southern Hemisphere truffle genus Amylascus (Pezizaceae, Ascomycota) and characterization of the sister genus Nothoamylascus gen. nov. Persoonia, 51: 125-151.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Amylascus

Created on 25/12/2023.

Updated on 25/12/2023.


Collections List

[CL] Puyehue
N of Rio Golgol
07/05/2016, leg. A. Mujic & M.E. Smith
F-64534 (FLAS)
[CL] Panguipulli
Reserva San Pablo de Tregua
09/05/2019, leg. M.E. Smith, M. Caiafa & Y. Maldonado
F-68923 (FLAS)
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