Tuber mujicii

Coll. FLAS-F-60274
Coll. FLAS-F-60274
© R. Healy

Tuber mujicii Lemmond, Healy & M.E. Sm., Mycologia, 114 (3): 582 (2022).


Basionym Tuber mujicii Lemmond, Healy & M.E. Sm., Mycologia, 114 (3): 582 (2022).

Diagnosis Tuber mujicii can be distinguished from other North American Tuber species in the Puberulum lineage by a combination of characters, including claycolored to tawny-olive peridium, the lack of dermatocystidia, the 1–2 (rarely 3) ascospores per ascus, the generally subglobose as opposed to ellipsoid spores, the number of reticulations across the spore surface, and the ITS rDNA sequences.

Type FLAS-F-60274 - holotypus

MycoBank 839190


Lemmond B.R., Healy R., Bonito G., Smith M.E. 2022. Tuber eburneum and Tuber mujicii: New pine-associated Tuber species from eastern North America. Mycologia, 114 (3): 575-586.

Classification: Tuberaceae, Tuber

Created on 14/06/2022.

Updated on 16/08/2023.


Collections List

[US] Hawthorne
Ordway-Swisher Biological Station
25/01/2017, leg. A. Mujic
F-60274 (FLAS)
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