Tuber castellanoi

Coll. CC 2015-03-20
Coll. CC 2015-03-20
© P. & C. Coach

Tuber castellanoi G. Bonito & Trappe, Mycologia, 102 (5): 1051 (2010).


Basionym Tuber castellanoi G. Bonito & Trappe, Mycologia, 102 (5): 1051 (2010).

Diagnosis Suprapellis peridii maturitate aliquot hyphalibus moniliformibus ob parietes irregulariter incrassatos; sectio transversalis peridii suprapelle prosenchymatica, pelle hypharum inflatarumque subpelle prosenchymatica. Sporae globosae vel late ellipsoideae extremis obtusis; ornamento reticulate excludo, in ascis 1-sporis 33–44 × 24–38 mm et Q = 1.0–1.6, in ascis 2-sporis 24–40 × 20–36 mm et Q = 1.0–1.5. Holotypus hic designatus: Trappe 28069, California, Fresno County, Ross Creek Watershed, Turtle Creek.

Type OSC 131470 - holotypus

MycoBank 515122


Bonito G., Trappe J.M., Rawlinson P., Vilgalys R. 2010. Improved resolution of major clades within Tuber and taxonomy of species within the Tuber gibbosum complex. Mycologia, 102 (5): 1042-1057.

Classification: Tuberaceae, Tuber

Created on 25/11/2020.

Updated on 12/08/2023.


Collections List

[US] Boolder Creek
20/03/2015, leg. P. & C. Coach
CC 2015-03-20 
Source: Mushroom Observer
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