Otidea purpureobrunnea

Coll. BJTC FM1048
Coll. BJTC FM1048
© J.Z. Cao

Otidea purpureobrunnea L. Fan & Y.Y. Xu, J. Fungi, 2022 (8): 17 (2022).


Basionym Otidea purpureobrunnea L. Fan & Y.Y. Xu, J. Fungi, 2022 (8): 17 (2022).

Diagnosis See description.

Type BJTC FM1048 - holotypus

MycoBank 843182


Xu Y.-Y., Mao N., Yang J.-J., Fan L. 2022. New species and new records of Otidea from China based on molecular and morphological data. Journal of Fungi, 2022 (8): 1-24.

Classification: Otideaceae, Otidea

Created on 15/06/2022.

Updated on 16/08/2023.


Collections List

[CN] Tuwoxiang
25/08/2020, leg. H. Liu
FM1048 (BJTC)
Source: Ascomycete.org
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