Morchella steppicola

Coll. 2010.04.25
Coll. 2010.04.25
© Z. Lukács

Morchella steppicola Zerova, Ukr. Bot. Zhurn., 2 (1): 156 (1941).


Basionym Morchella steppicola Zerova, Ukr. Bot. Zhurn., 2 (1): 156 (1941).

Diagnosis Carposomatibus compresso-globosis, irregulariter-globosis, vel ovatis, fIavido- griseolo-fuscis, 2,5-5 cm altis, 2-5,5 cm latis, una vel saepe usque ad quattuor cavitatibus isolatis praeditis, superficie partis fertilis tuberculato-cerebrosa. Fossis daedaleoideis 0,8-1,5 cm altis angustis, saepe anastomosantibus. Stipite brevi, solido extus tuberculato-sulcato, 0,8-1,5 cm longo, 1,2-3,3 cm lato, sine fossa delimitanta in partem fertilem transiente. Ascis octosporis, cylindraceis, usque ad 200 µ longis, 17,2-21 µ latis; paraphysis apicem versus leniter incrassatis. Sporis ellipsoidalibus pallide-flavo-brunneolis, 17-20,7 (23) × 9,5-14 µ raro 15-16 µ latis.
Hab. In stepposis ad terram prope Opp. Karlovka regionis Poltaviensis, Mais mense 1930. Leg. D. Zerov.
Obs. A speciebus gen. Morchellae adhuc descriptis differt forma et habitus carposomatis compluribus cavitatibus et stipite brevi plenoque praediti.

Type Zerova (1941: 156) - lectotypus; CWU-D0208 - epitypus

MycoBank 334468


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Häffner J., Lukács Z. 1996. Rezente Ascomycetenfunde XVIII. Morchella steppicola Zerova. Rheinland-Pfälzisches Pilzjournal, 5-6 (2-1): 108-118.
Heluta V. 2017. Distribution of Morchella steppicola (Pezizales, Ascomycota), a fungus listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, within the country. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 74: 469-474.
O'Donnell K., Rooney A.P., Mills G.L., Kuo M., Weber N.S., Rehner S.A. 2011. Phylogeny and historical biogeography of true morels (Morchella) reveals an early Cretaceous origin and high continental endemism and provincialism in the Holarctic. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 48 (3): 252-265.
Perić B., Radić S. 2014. Deux taxons du genre Morchella (Pezizales), intéressants et rares en Europe : M. steppicola et M. eximia. Mycologia Montenegrina, 16: 29-44.
Yatsiuk I., Saar I., Kalamees K., Sulaymonov S., Gafforov Y., O’Donnell K. 2016. Epitypification of Morchella steppicola (Morchellaceae, Pezizales), a morphologically, phylogenetically and biogeographically distinct member of the Esculenta Clade from central Eurasia. Phytotaxa, 284 (1): 31-40.
Zerova M. 1941. A new morel from the Virgin Steppe (Morchella steppicola Zerova sp. nov.). Ukrayins'kyi Botanicnyi Zhurnal, 2 (1): 155-159.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella

Created on 10/07/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


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