Leucangium microspermum

Coll. KPM-NC 27881
Coll. KPM-NC 27881
© K. Yamamoto

Leucangium microspermum Koh. Yamam., Hir. Sasaki, Ohmae & Orihara, Truffology, 3 (1): 5 (2020).


Basionym Leucangium microspermum Koh. Yamam., Hir. Sasaki, Ohmae & Orihara, Truffology, 3 (1): 5 (2020).

Diagnosis The species forms much smaller ascospores than other infrageneric taxa of Leucangium.

Type KPM-NC 27881 - holotypus

MycoBank 833826


Yamamoto K., Sasaki H., Ohmae M., Orihara T. 2020. Leucangium microspermum: Re-examination of Japanese L. carthusianum reveals its taxonomic novelty. Truffology, 3 (1): 1-7.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Leucangium

Created on 22/08/2020.

Updated on 11/08/2023.


Collections List

[JP] Shikaoi-cho
Lake Shikaribetsu
12/09/2011, leg. K. Yamamoto
27881 (KPM-NC)
Source: Ascomycete.org
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