Hydnotrya cubispora

Coll. K(M)189248
Coll. K(M)189248
© C. Johnson

Hydnotrya cubispora (E.A. Bessey & B.E. Thomps.) Gilkey, Oregon State Monogr., Stud. Bot., 1: 23 (1939).


Basionym Genea cubispora E.A. Bessey & B.E. Thomps., Mycologia, 12 (5): 284 (1920).

Diagnosis Ascocarp when dry 7 to 9 mill. in diameter and 5 to 8 mill. in vertical thickness, slightly larger when fresh, with somewhat cerebriform external folds and involutions which have a teudency to radiate from the central opening. When fresh the whole surface was isabelline in color, but when dry and after handling the exposed convex edges of the folds are castaneous. Surface mealy and very slightly pubescent surrounding mycelium scanty. Cavity single, but thrown into irregular pockets by the folds and involutions of the surface. Opening central, 1 to 2 mm. wide, the edge turned in nearly to the base of the cavity. Ascocarp wall 700 to 800 µ thick, the outer 100 to 150 µ consisting of large pseudoparenchymatous cells, the next 100 to 150 µ of tangled, frequently septate hyphae 5 to 10 µ in diameter, the remaining 500 to 600 µ consisting of the hymenium. Hymenium continuous, not areolate ; asci cylindric, 300-350 × 25-30 µ, rounded at the apex and tapering abruptly at the base. Paraphyses filiform, occasionally, but indistinctly, septate, overtopping the asci 75 to 110 µ and forming a secondary cortex. Ascospores eight, monostichous, the basal and central ones almost isodiametric, 27-28 × 24-28 µ, the one or two nearest the apex often longer, 36-42 × 24-28 µ. Lumen of spores 14-18 µ wide and 16-22 µ long; the endospore 1.2-3 µ thick. Epispore laterally 0.2-4 µ in thickness and 2-4 thick on the ends of all the spores except those at or next to the apex where the thickness reaches 5-10 µ. Epispore thrown into irregular folds but without papillae, tubercules or reliculations. Ascospores polygonal in cross section, occasionally even square

Type Bessey et Darlington no. 123 (MICH) - holotypus

MycoBank 251675


Bessey E.A., Thompson B.E. 1920. An undescribed Genea from Michigan. Mycologia, 12 (5): 282-284.
Gilkey H.M. 1939. Tuberales of North America. Oregon State Monographs, Studies in Botany, 1: 1-63.
Lack B. 2003. Hydnotrya cubispora in Wales. Field Mycology, 4 (4): 122.
Trappe M.J., Evans F., Trappe J.M. 2007. North American Truffles.
Vries G.A. (de) 2002. Een vergelijkend onderzoek van de olieboltruffel (Hydnotrya michaelis) met Hydnotrya cubispora en de voor Nederland nieuwe Hydnotrya confusa. Coolia, 45 (4): 201-204.

Classification: Discinaceae, Hydnotrya

Created on 19/05/2015.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


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