Geopora cooperi

Coll. VK 3598
Coll. VK 3598
© V. Kaounas

Geopora cooperi Harkn., Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1 (3): 168 (1885).


Basionym Geopora cooperi Harkn., Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1 (3): 168 (1885).

Diagnosis Irregularly globular, 2–4 cm. in diameter, covered with dense brown wool, which is continued inwards on the trama: absorbing base none: hymenium white, not closely packed: asci cylindrical, 8-spored, 220 × 26 µ: sporidia hyaline, oblong, smooth, with a large shining, excentric nucleus. 28 × 20 µ. — Hay wards, January. Collected by Dr. J. G. Cooper. 3880.

Type ex herb. Harkness no. 3880 (BPI) - holotypus

Geopora annulata Gilkey, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot., 6 (11): 335 (1916).
Geopora brunneola Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 270 (1899).
Pseudohydnotrya carnea Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 267 (1899); Pseudobalsamia carnea (Harkn.) Szem., Die Unterirdischen Pilze des Karpatenbeckens: 121 (1965).
Geopora graveolens W. Oberm., Mycol. Centralbl., 3: 2 (1913).
Pseudohydnotrya harknessii E. Fisch., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfamilien: 282 (1897); Geopora harknessii (E. Fisch.) Gilkey, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot., 6 (11): 330 (1916); Pseudobalsamia harknessii (E. Fisch.) Szem., Die Unterirdischen Pilze des Karpatenbeckens: 121 (1965).
Geopora magnata Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 270 (1899).
Geopora magnifica Gilkey, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot., 6 (11): 334 (1916).
Geopora mesenterica Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 271 (1899).
Geopora schackii Henn., Beibl. Hedwigia, 37 (1): 2 (1898).

MycoBank 171252

1) After the recent works of molecular phylogeny, G. cooperi appears as a species complex.


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Montecchi A., Dal Forno A. 1995. Prima segnalazione per l'Italia di Geopora schackii P. Hennings (=Geopora cooperi Harkness fo. cooperi). Rivista di Micologia, 38 (1): 33-38.
Moreno G., Galán R., Montecchi A. 1991. Hypogeous fungi from peninsular Spain. II. Mycotaxon, 42: 201-238.
Nannfeldt J.A. 1946. En ny svensk hypogé, tryffeln Geopora schackii P. Henn. Friesia, 3 (3): 177-188.
Passauer U. 1998. Geopora cooperi Harkness, ein weltweit seltener Pilz in der "Bockhöhle". Mitteilung der Geologie und Paläontologie Landesmuseum Joanneum, 56: 87-94.
Perić B. 2012. Notes on Montenegrin species of Geopora. Mycologia Montenegrina, 14: 117-150.
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Solak M.H., Gücin F., Işiloğlu M., Pacioni G. 2003. A new record of Geopora cooperi f. cooperi from West Asia. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 35 (4): 473-475.
Soleilhac A. 1972. Geopora schackii (P.Hennings). Bulletin trimestriel de la Fédération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, 45: 6-7.
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Classification: Pyronemataceae, Geopora

Created on 25/05/2015.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
12/10/1969, leg. Robert H., Roux

Source: FMBDS
[FR] Valloire
Sentier de l'Ecosylve
07/08/2008, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2008.08.01 
Source: BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Villarodin-Bourget
route Sainte-Anne
14/09/1969, leg. Tinel

Source: FMBDS
[IT] Pontechianale
Vallone di Soustra
08/09/2022, leg. G. Manavella
NV 2022.09.19 
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