Ascobolus epimyces

Coll. 2010-08-08
Coll. 2010-08-08
© P. Püwert
Coll. 2010-08-08a
Coll. 2010-08-08a
© P. Püwert

Ascobolus epimyces (Cooke) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 91 (1928).


Basionym Chlorosplenium epimyces Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., 2 (38): 299 (1875).

Diagnosis On old Corticium. Cups sessile, greenish yellow, then olivaceous, pulverulent (1. line), plane, disc paler; asci clavate; sporidia biseriate, broadly fusiform (.02 × .01 m m). The pulverulent granules are globose and brown under the microscope and about .007 m. m. diameter. New Jersey (Ellis).

Type ex herb. Ellis 1010 (NY) - holotypus

Ascobolus lignatilis var. fagisedus Velen., Monogr. Discom. Bohem.: 366 (1934), fide Brummelen (1967).

MycoBank 120403


Brummelen J. (van) 1967. A World-monograph of the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia, supplement, I: 1-260.
Cooke M.C. 1875. Synopsis of the Discomycetous Fungi of the United States. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 2: 285-300.
Moravec J. 1970. Operculate discomycetes of the family Ascobolaceae Sacc. from the Mladá Boleslav district in Central Bohemia. Česká Mykologie, 24 (3): 134-145.
Paulsen M.D., Dissing H. 1979. The genus Ascobolus in Denmark. Botanisk Tidsskrift, 74 (2-3): 67-78.
Seaver F.J. 1928. The North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates).

Classification: Ascobolaceae, Ascobolus

Created on 19/01/2021.

Updated on 12/08/2023.


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[DE] Döhlau
08/08/2010, leg. P. Püwert

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