Aleurina imaii

Coll. 2012.12.09
Coll. 2012.12.09
© M. Kutsuna

Aleurina imaii (Korf) W.Y. Zhuang & Korf, Mycotaxon, 26: 374 (1986).


Basionym Jafnea imaii Korf, Nagaoa, 7: 7 (1960).

Diagnosis Apothecia primum cupulata vel turbinata, deinde patellata, 1-1.5 cm. diam., excipulo pallide rubido-brunneo vel sordide viridi-brunneo, supra pustulato, infra humi granula amplectentes hyphas efferente, hymenio pallide brunneo vel brunneo-viride; subhymenium ca. 70 µ latum, e textura intricata pallide brunnea, hyphis 3.6-9.1 µ diam.; excipulum medullare 0-375 µ latum, e textura intricata pallide brunnea, hyphis 5.4-8.2 µ diam.; excipulum exterius 100-190 µ latum, cellulis elongatis parietibus brunneis instructis, plerumque 21.7-29 × 12.7-25.3 µ; hyphae basilares ramosae, subhyalinae, 4.5-5.4 µ diam.; asci 281-366 × 12.9-19.3 (-21. 4) µ, e lituis nati; ascosporae ellipsoideae, (19-) 20.8-23.5(-25.3)) × (9.1-) 10-11.8 (-12.7) µ verrucis exclusis, juvenilibus duos guttulos magnos postea evanescentes contentibus, maturis verrucis grandis ornatis (Fig. 4); paraphyses hyalinae vel leviter coloratae, filiformi-clavatae, ca. 3.6 µ diam., septis infrequentibus. In humo et residuis vegetabilium. Holotypus: CUP, Fungi of Japan 184.

Type Fungi of Japan 184 (CUP) - holotypus

Homotypic Jafneadelphus ferrugineus var. imaii (Korf) Rifai, Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet., tweede sect., 57 (3): 90 (1968).

MycoBank 103019


Korf R.P. 1960. Jafnea, a new genus of the Pezizaceae. Nagaoa, 7: 3-8.
Rifai M.A. 1968. The Australasian Pezizales in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. natuurkunde, Sect. 2, 57 (3): 1-295.
Zhuang W.Y., Korf R.P. 1986. A monograph of the genus Aleurina Massee (= Jafneadelphus Rifai). Mycotaxon, 26: 361-400.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Aleurina

Created on 04/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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