Acervus Kanouse
Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., 23: 149 (1938)
Espèce type : Acervus aurantiacus Kanouse 1938
Type désigné par Kanouse (1938)
Diagnose : Apotheciis caespitosis, sessilibus, vel substipitatis in sclerotiformibus radicibus, coriaceis, fixis centralibus vel subcentricis, coloratis; hypotheciis parenchymaticis; excipulis prosenchymaticis; sporis ellipsoideis, non-septatis, hyalinis; paraphysibus crassis, irregulariter auctis, coloratis. Species typica Acervus aurantiacus.
Famille : Otideaceae
Acetabula Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 330 (1870)
Espèce type : Acetabula vulgaris Fuckel 1870
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Cupulae sparsae, magnae, in stipitem crassum, sulcatum retrorsum attenuatae, carnosae, campanulatae, extus venosae laevesve. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia in asci superiori parte oblique monosticha, ovata vel oblongo-ovata, hyalina, continua, enucleata uninucleatave. Paraphyses filiformes, clavatae. Terrestres, plerumque vernales.
Synonyme de Helvella
Ahmadea Aman, Khalid & Moncalvo
Stud. Fung., 5 (1): 454 (2020)
Espèce type : Ahmadea dalanensis Aman & Khalid 2020
Type désigné par Aman, Khalid & Moncalvo (2020)
Diagnose : Hypogeous ascomata, irregular in shape, thin excipulum, solid gleba lacking paraphyses, asci with eight spores (sometimes less), ascospores globose, ornamented with sharp spines with a broad base and blunt ends.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Aleuria Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 325 (1870)
Espèce type : Aleuria aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Cupulae gregariae, magnae, ampliato-campanulatae, extus farinosae, stipitatae subsessilesve, carnosae, disco concavo, marginato, colorato. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia oblique monosticha, oblongo-ovata, 1—2 guttulata, continua, hyalina, episporio granuloso. Paraphyses filiformes, coloratae. Autumnales. Terricolae.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Aleurina Massee
Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1898: 13 (1898)
Espèce type : Aleurina tasmanica Massee 1898
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Amylascus Trappe
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 57 (1): 89 (1971)
Espèce type : Amylascus herbertianus (J.W. Cribb) Trappe 1971
Type désigné par Trappe (1971)
Diagnose : Ascocarpi subglobosi, plicati. Excipulm externum verrucosum, cellulis inflatissimis. Gleba venis coloratis, cellulosis. Asci sporis 5–8, parietibus amyloideis, incrassatis. Sporae globosae, ornatae.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascocarp subglobose, plicate. Peridium red to blackish brown, verrucose, tomentose, with an outer layer of greatly inflated (up to 100 µm) cells. Gleba trame not differentiated into fertile and non-fertile areas but deeply penetrated by meandering, red, peridium-line veins. Asci 5- to 8-spored, ellipsoid, sessile or with a short, simple stem, at maturity the walls more or less 2 µm thick and faintly blue in Melzer''s reagent. Spores globose, echinulate, hyaline.
Anthracobia Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 106 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza melaloma Alb. & Schwein. 1805
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Poils courts et obtus ; spores avec ou sans sporidioles. Espèces à spores lisses ; carbonicoles
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, first cupuliform then discoid or flattened, hymenium yellow-orange to dull orangish, with an external surface covered by superficial light umber brown to brown pseudo-hairs, i.e. brown clavate or obtuse elongated cells. Margin hairy. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata and ectal layer of textura subglobulosa/angularis. Asci operculate, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, enlarged to capitate at the top, hyaline. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, biguttulate, thick-walled, smooth. Species saprobic on burnt soil.
Stade asexué de type Scytalidium.
Antrelloides P.S. Catches. & D.E.A. Catches.
Swainsona, 31 (6): 82 (2018)
Espèce type : Antrelloides atroceracea P.S. Catches. & D.E.A. Catches. 2018
Type désigné par Catcheside & Catcheside (2018)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecial ascomata up to 40 mm diam. Hymenium convex; firm, waxy; black, violaceous-black. Basal stipe substantial; obconic; a chambered base of knobby columnar ridges radiating from base; fragile, waxy. Asci amyloid; cylindrical; operculate; 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid; smooth under light microscope. Paraphyses longer than asci; septate; tips swollen and tending to aggregate, encrusted with brown amorphous matter; branching occasionally near tips. Medullary excipulum of several layers of interwoven hyphae, grading into ectal excipulum. Ectal excipulum of large globose to subglobose cells with interwoven hyphae. Stipe tissue of textura globulosa and chains of subglobose cells.
Aparaphysaria Speg.
Anal. Soc. cient. argent., 94 (1-2): 81 (1922)
Espèce type : Aparaphysaria doelloi Speg. 1922
Type désigné par Spegazzini (1922)
Diagnose : Char. Pezizea, subceraceo-carnosa, glaberrima, hyalospora; ascomata mediocra subturbinato-cupulata, sessilia; asci cylindracei densissime constipati, octospori, operculatim dehiscentes, paraphysibus omnino nullis; sporae ellipticae, continuae, hyalinae, laeves.
Est Peziza paraphysibus plane destituta.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Aquapeziza D.M. Hu, L. Cai & K.D. Hyde
Mycologia, 104 (2): 541 (2012)
Espèce type : Aquapeziza globispora D.M. Hu, L. Cai & K.D. Hyde 2012
Type désigné par Hu et al. (2012)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Apothecia scattered, epigeous, sessile, turbinate, white; excipulum composed of an ectal exipulum of textura globulosa to textura angularis and medullary excipulum of textura intricata. Paraphyses cylindrical, septate, hyaline. Asci unitunicate, not protruding, operculum not distinct, at first broad cylindrical becoming ovoid at maturity, with a rounded apex, hyaline, amyloid, eight-ascospored. Ascospores globose, one-celled, guttulate, hyaline, smooth.
Arpinia Berthet
Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, 43, num. spéc.: 36 (1974)
Espèce type : Arpinia inops Berthet 1974
Type désigné par Berthet (1974)
Diagnose : Apotheciae terrestres, pedunculatae, cupulares, extrinsecus subtiliter furfuraceae, omnino pallidae, pigmentis carotenoidibus indigentes. Asci octospori, non iodo caerulescentes. Sporae uni – aut biguttulatae, ovatae, laeves, uninucleatae. Paraphyses clavatae, apice rectae. Ascogenae hyphae fibulatae.
Famille : Otideaceae
Ascobolus Pers.
Syst. Nat. Edn, 13, 2 (2): 1461 (1792)
Espèce type : Ascobolus pezizoides Pers. 1797
Famille : Ascobolaceae
Stade asexué de type Rhizostilbella.
Ascocalathium Eidam ex J. Schröt.
in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien, 3.2 (1-2): 32 (1893)
Espèce type : Ascocalathium stipitatum Eidam ex J. Schröt. 1893
Type désigné par Schröter (in Cohn, 1893)
Diagnose : Fruchtkörper frei aufsitzend, sehr klein, scheibenförmig aus kleinen fleischigen Grundlagen un den frei auf ihnen aufsitzenden Schläuchen mit dazwischen stehenden Paraphysen gebildet. Schläuche cylinderisch, 8sporig. Sporen ellipsoidisch; Membran farblos. Paraphysen haarförmig, die Schlaüche überragend.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Ascodesmis Tiegh.
Bull. Soc. bot. Fr., 23: 275 (1876)
Espèce type : Ascodesmis nigricans Tiegh. 1876
Type désigné par Seaver (1928)
Diagnose : Comme l''exprime le nom d''Ascodesmis, que je propose de leur donner, le fruit mûre ces plantes se compose simplement d''un bouquet ou d''une rosette d''asques divergents, entremêlés de paraphyses, le tout inséré à la surface supérieure d''une petite masse cellulaire arrondie, qui à son tour s''attache au milieu de sa face inférieure et par un court rameau à un filament mycélien. Complétement dépourvus d''enveloppe ou de périasque, ces fruits sont très petits, les plus gros atteignant à peine 2 à 3 dixièmes de millimètre; aussi n''apparaissent-ils à l''oeil nu, sur la trame blanche formée par le mycélium aérien de la plante, que comme autant de petils points d''un brun-chocolat dans l''Ascodesmis nigricans, d''un jaune d''or dans l''Ascodesmis aurea. […]
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Ascophanus Boud.
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 5, 10: 241 (1869)
Espèce type : Ascophanus granuliformis (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1869
Diagnose : Ascobolus et Peziza auctorum.
Receptaculum carnosum, glabrum, aut pruinosum, aut etiam pilosum, rario marginatum, semper sessile. Hymenium planum aut convexum, gelatina raro conspicua, thecis parum prominentibus, semper crystallino-papillatum. Paraphyses thecarum longitudine, simplices aut ramosae, septatae, graciles aut ad apicem incrassatae, hyalinae aut coloratae, intus saepius granulosae. Thecae crassae clavatae, raro oblongo-ovatae, hyalinae aut vix tinctae, ad basin attenuatae, sporas 8 includentes (unica specie thecas 16 sporas offert), operculo conspicuo, rotundato, saepius recurvato, dehiscentes. Sporae ovatae aut oblongo-ovatae, semper hyalinae aut vix tinctae, nudae sed juniores gelatina singulatim circumdatae, episporio hyalino, levi, raro minutissime punctato, nucleo conspicuo ; maturae ad extremitatem thecae sic aggregatae : sex in duabus seriebus juxtapositis et una utraque extremitate.
Synonyme de Iodophanus ?
Ascorhizoctonia Chin S. Yang & Korf
Mycotaxon, 23: 468 (1985)
Espèce type : Ascorhizoctonia praecox Chin S. Yang & Korf 1985
Type désigné par Yang & Korf (1985)
Diagnose : Coloniae celeriter crescentes, hyalinae vel brunnae, patellas petrianas 90 mm latas agarum + aquam, agarum + Zeae farinam, agarum + hordei tosti extractum, agarumve + Solani tuberosi dextrosum continentes 5–7 diebus temperatura ca 21 C velantes. Mycelium adpressum, immersum, superficiareve, annulis concentricis praesentibus absentibusve, cellularum monilioidearum caespites sporodochiis similes super agaro vel intra agarum saepe producentibus. Hyphae cylindrales, septatae, 2.0–13.0 mm latae, hyalinae vel brunneae, laeves vel sparsim verrucosae, aut parallele jacentes aut paene ad angulum 90° ramificantes, cellulis globulis oleosis repletis. Circuli et ponticuli hyphales praesentes vel absentes. Nec sclerotia vera nec bulbili procreati.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia sunken in the substratum up to halfway up the apothecial flanks; ascospores ellipsoid with conspicuously tapered ends, walls thick (0.7–1 μm), perispore cyanophilic, not loosening in CB, smooth or finely verrucose, RBI 1–2, containing only BSG; asci arising from compact croziers; hairs distributed only on marginal area, hair base narrow; colonies concentrically banded on MEA, of moderate growth (reaching 5–6 cm diam. on MEA at fourth day); ascorhizoctonia-type anamorph normally formed on MEA; mycelia forming loops on water agar and CMA; saprotrophic; so far including species with yellowish to ochre hymenia in fresh apothecia, occurring only on burnt substrates.
Ascosparassis Kobayasi
Bull. nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, n.s., 5: 45 (1960)
Espèce type : Ascosparassis shimizuensis Kobayasi 1960
Type désigné par Kobayasi (1960)
Diagnose : Fructificationes e sclerotio subterraneo carnoso oriundae, stipitatae coriaceae flabellatim dilatatae, margine lobatae undulatae integrae; hymenio unilaterali laevi; excipulo externo verrucoso parenchymatico, hypothecio prosenchymatico. Paraphyses filiformes simplices, apice hamatae; ascis cylindricis octosporis inoperculatis J-; ascosporis uniseriatis ellipsoideis continuis laevibus hyalinis.
Famille : Otideaceae
Définition actuelle : Fructifications growing from underground sclerotioid carnose mycelial mass, stipitate coriaceous, flabellately dilated, margin lobed, undulate, entire; hymenium unilateral smooth; exciple (ectal excipulum) verrucose, parenchymatic; inner tissue (medullary excipulum) prosenchymatic. Paraphyses simple, not forming epithecium, apex peg-shaped; asci cylindric 8-spored inoperculate, apex opening by pore, not bluing with iodine. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid smooth one-celled, hyaline.
Aurantiolachnea Van Vooren, 13 (1): 9 (2021)
Espèce type : Lachnea solsequia Quél. 1892
Type désigné par Van Vooren et al. (2021)
Diagnose : Differs from Humaria by the orange-coloured hymenium, smooth or finely dotted ascospores, its saprobic trophic status and genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, orange-coloured, with an external surface and margin covered by brown hairs. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata, ectal layer of textura subglobulosa/angularis. Hairs simple, superficial, septate, with a simple base. Asci operculate, narrowing towards the base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, not enlarged at the top, containing carotenoid pigments. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, biguttulate, smooth or very finely dotted. Trophic status probably saprobic. Asexual morph unknown.
Aurophora Rifai
Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet., tweede sect., 57 (3): 52 (1968)
Espèce type : Peziza dochmia Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1868
Type désigné par Rifai (1968)
Diagnose : Apothecia gregaria, magna, stipitata vel subsessilia, inaequalia, flabelliformis, auriformis vel rara discoidea. Caro (excipulum medullare) e textura intricata, hyphis septatis, gracilibus, gelatinosis composita. Asci subcylindracei, inferne longe angustati, octospori. Ascospori uniseriati, hyalini, guttulati, leniter curvati, striati. Paraphyses lineares, septatae, ramosae. Hab. ad lignum putridum.
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Babosia D.G. Knapp, Zagyva, Trappe & Kovács
Mycologia, 112 (4): 811 (2020)
Espèce type : Babosia variospora D.G. Knapp, Zagyva, Trappe & Kovács 2020
Type désigné par Knapp et al. (2020)
Diagnose : Ascomata gasteroid, hypogeous. Differs from the phylogenetically most closely related Temperantia, Hydnobolites, and Stouffera by the dark sporogenous zone and dark brown spore color at maturity, the clear peridermal layer at maturity, and the variability of the ornamentation of the ascospores.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Balsamia Vittad.
Monogr. Tuberac.: 30 (1831)
Espèce type : Balsamia vulgaris Vittad. 1831
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Char. Uterus mollis, sessilis, arrhizus, semper clausus, celluloso-carnosus. Sporangia oblonga, membranacea, pedicellata, octospora, cellularum parietibus immersa ac seriatim disposita. Sporidia cylindracea, laevia, pellucida.
Famille : Helvellaceae
Barssia Gilkey
Mycologia, 17 (6): 253 (1925)
Espèce type : Barssia oregonensis Gilkey 1925
Type désigné par Gilkey (1925)
Diagnose : Ascocarp scabrous to verrucose, reddish-yellow, nearly even to lobed, somewhat flattened with an irregular opening at the apex into a central depression; cortical structure of the surface of the ascocarp carried into the depression except where the hymenium projects inot it; inner tissue of the ascocarp thrown up in more or less connected folds, forming canals and chambers lined with hymenium, these canals opening into the cavity of the ascocarp; hymenium composed of regularly arranged asci and paraphyses; paraphyses very slender and much longer than the asci; asci cylindrical, somewhat club-shaped, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, smooth, 1- or incompletely 2-seriate, colorless.
Famille : Helvellaceae
Berggrenia Cooke
Grevillea, 8 (45): 64 (1879)
Espèce type : Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Type désigné par Cooke (1879)
Diagnose : Carnosa, inflata, subsessilis, intus hymenio effuso obducta. Sporidiis amplis, ascigeris. Gard. Chron., Oct., 1879
Famille : Incertae sedis
Boubovia Svrček
Česká Mykol., 31 (2): 71 (1977)
Espèce type : Humaria luteola Velen. 1934
Type désigné par Svrček (1977)
Diagnose : Apothecia minuta vel mediocria, sessilia, concava, discina, crasse carnosa, margine integro, nuda, luteo-colorata. Excipulum ectale medullareque textura globulosa vel subglobulosa, cellulis ecoloratis, parietibus haud incrassatis. Asci cylindracei, non amyloidei, octospori. Paraphyses tenuiter filiformes, apice non dilatatae, conspecte curvatae et spiraliter contortae. Ascosporae ellipsoideae, verrucosae, hyalinae. Hab. ad terram.
Famille : Coprotaceae
Boudiera Cooke
Grevillea, 6 (38): 76 (1877)
Espèce type : Boudiera areolata Cooke & W. Phillips 1877
Type désigné par Cooke (1877)
Diagnose : Immarginata, orbiculare, discoidea, plana, vel convexa, carnosa; hymenio papillato; ascis clavatis vel clavato-cylindraceis, exclusis; sporidiis globosis; paraphysibus distinctis.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Boudierella Sacc. ex Marchal
Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 34: 130 (1895)
Espèce type : Boudierella cana Marchal
Type désigné par Marchal (1895)
Diagnose : Ascomata carnosula, sessilia, hemisphaerica. Discus planus, margine ciliatus, ascis papillatus. Asci oblongi, 4-spori, fissura longitrorsus dehiscentes, paraphysati. Sporidia globosa hyalina, laciniis numerosis, angustis, insigniter contecta.
A gen. affini Boudiera differt sporidiis non octonis nec
coloratis ascisque longitrorsus dehiscentibus.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Byssonectria P. Karst.
Meddn Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 6: 6 (1881)
Espèce type : Byssonectria obducens P. Karst. 1881
Type désigné par Karsten (1881)
Diagnose : Perithecia stromate byssino, effuso, connexa, ceteroqvin, sicut etiam asci et sporae, Nectriellae; paraphyses numerosae.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Caccobius Kimbr.
Am. J. Bot., 54 (1): 22 (1967)
Espèce type : Caccobius minusculus Kimbr. 1967
Type désigné par Kimbrough & Korf (1967)
Famille : incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Caloscypha Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 103 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza fulgens Pers. 1822
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Thèques de grandeurs ordinaires ou petites (brévithèques). Paraphyses rameuses, souvent atténuées aux extrémités ; thèques petites ; spores rondes.
Famille : Caloscyphaceae
Stade asexué de type Geniculodendron.
Carbomyces Gilkey
N. Amer. Fl. Ser., 2, 1: 27 (1954)
Espèce type : Carbomyces emergens Gilkey 1954
Type désigné par Gilkey (1954)
Diagnose : Ascocarp compact, hypogaeous or epigaeous, more or less globose but with a suggestion of a slightly narrowed, darker base; peridium firm when dry, its texture somewhat that of carbonized wood; outer layer coarsely pseudoparenchymatous; innermost layer of coarse, free or more or less fused, branching hyphae, this layer continuing into the gleba as a network of veins surrounding nests of closely-packed minute asci; mature asci brownish, broadly obovate to globose, thick-walled, often eventually released from the hyphae, and tardily and irregularly dehiscent to allow gradual escape of the spores; spores 8, globose or broadly ellipsoid, smooth or with minute scattered papillae, brownish.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Cazia Trappe
Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn, 49: 336 (1989)
Espèce type : Cazia flexiascus Trappe 1989
Famille : Pezizaceae
Cephaliophora Thaxt.
Bot. Gaz., 35: 157 (1903)
Espèce type : Cephaliophora tropica Thaxt. 1903
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 6 fide DoF
Chaetothiersia B.A. Perry & Pfister
Fungal Divers., 28: 69 (2008)
Espèce type : Chaetothiersia vernalis B.A. Perry & Pfister 2008
Type désigné par Perry & Pfister (2008)
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, cupuliform, pale grey to whitish-coloured or yellow to orangish yellow, with an external surface covered by brown hairs. Margin hairy. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer thick, of textura intricata, and ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs superficial, simple, septate, with a simple ± swollen base. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from free croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, equal to enlarged (sometimes subcapitate) at the top, hyaline or containing a sparse granular yellow pigment. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, guttulate or not, smooth. Species saprobic on the litter and woody debris of conifers. Asexual morph unknown.
Chalazion Dissing & Sivertsen
Norw. J. Bot., 22 (1): 1 (1975)
Espèce type : Chalazion sociabile Dissing & Sivertsen 1975
Type désigné par Dissing & Sivertsen (1975)
Diagnose : Carposoma parvum, superficiale, discoides vel pulvinatum, albidum vel colore perpallido, grandinem parvam revocans, unde nomen. Excipulum exterius simplex, e cellulis cyanophilis membranis tenuibus compositum, nullis pilis vestitum. Asci operculati, magni, prominentes, non amyloides, clavati, membranis crassis. Paraphyses hyalinae vel colore perpallido, septatae, sursum incrassatae. Ascosporae biseriatae, membranis crassis, colore nullo, maturae ornamentis cyanophilis notatae, guttulas continentes.
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Définition actuelle : Fruit bodies small, superficial, discoid to pulvinate, whitish or very lightly pigmented. Outer excipullum simple, of thin walled, cyanophilic cells, without hairs. Asci operculate, large, protruding, non-amyloid, clavate, thick walled. Paraphyses hyaline or very lightly coloured, enlarged above, septate. Ascospores thick walled, biseriate, colourless, with guttules, at maturity with a cyanophilic ornamentation.
Cheilymenia Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 105 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza stercorea Pers. 1800
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Poils du réceptacle longs et aigus. Hyménium rouge ou jaune, rarement de couleur fauve ou pâle. Spores n''ayant jamais intérieurement de gouttelettes. Hyménium jaune ou orangé. Espèces fimicoles.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Choiromyces Vittad.
Monogr. Tuberac.: 50 (1831)
Espèce type : Choiromyces meandriformis Vittad. 1831
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Char. Uterus polymorphus, sessilis, arrhizus, extus laevis, interne carnosus, solidus, caro albida, venis proprie seminiferis, decolorantibus variegata. Sporangia longissime pedicellata, lagenaeformia, octospora, simplici serie ad latera venarum distributa. Sporidia sphaerica.
Famille : Tuberaceae
Chorioactis Kupfer ex Eckblad
Nytt Mag. Bot., 15 (1-2): 127 (1968)
Espèce type : Urnula geaster Peck 1894
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Apothecia juvenilia clausa, matura ex apice basin versus stellatim dehiscentia, excipulo toto textura intricata constructo, extus tomentosa, tomento e stratis cellularibus externis formato; pili tomenti simplices, septati, recti, pariete duplici fusco instructi. Asci cylindrici, non amyloidei, octospori. Sporae fusiformes, saepe asymmetricae, laeves, hyalinae. Cellulae paraphysium ante ejaculationem sporarum distincte turgescentes.
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia closed when young, splitting stellately from the apex downwards when ripe. Externally tomentose. Excipulum of a textura intricata throughout. The outer cell layers give rise to the tomentum which consists of a single type of hair. Hairs unbranched, septate, straight, and with a brown, double wall. Asci cylindrical, eight-spored, non-amyloid. Spores fusiform, smooth, hyaline. Paraphyses with cells that swell considerably before spore discharge.
Chromelosporium Corda
in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., 3 Abt., 3: 81 (1833)
Espèce type : Chromelosporium ochraceum Corda 1833
Type désigné par Corda, in Sturm (1833)
Diagnose : Char. gen. Sporae continuae coloratae, in gelatina nidulantes, floccis heterogeneis destructis ramosis, articulatis hyalinis inspersae. Acervuli effusi colorati.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 3 fide DoF, actuellement 5
Cidaris Fr.
Summa veg. Scand., sectio post.: 347 (1849)
Espèce type : Verpa caroliniana Schwein. 1832
Type désigné par Cooke (1875)
Diagnose : Verpa Schwein.! Discus pileatus, rugoso-tuberculosus, margine revoluto. Stipes rugoso-plicatus.
Famille : Helvellaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Ciliaria Quél. ex Boud., nom. illeg.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 105 (1880)
Espèce type : Peziza scutellata L. 1753
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Poils du réceptacle longs et aigus. Spores lisses ou plus souvent verruqueuses, garnies intérieurement de gouttelettes nombreuses, très rarement presque nulles. Hyménium rouge, espèces terrestres ou humicoles.
Synonyme de Scutellinia
Cleistoiodophanus J.L. Bezerra & Kimbr.
Am. J. Bot., 63: 838 (1976)
Espèce type : Cleistoiodophanus conglutinatus J.L. Bezerra & Kimbr. 1976
Type désigné par Bezerra & Kimbrough (1976)
Diagnose : Apothecia coprophila, gregaria vel cespitosa, sese cleistohimenialiter evolventia, occulsa, autem, manentia, albo colore praedita; excipula ectalis cyanophilica, cellulas rectangulares vel quadratas habens; excipula medularis cyanophilica, cum textura globulosa; asci generaliter octospore, diffuse amiloides, large clavati, cum parietibus crassis in juventute, pedicelati; ascospori uninucleati, hyalini, ellipsoides, laeves, perisporium mucilaginosum ostentantes; paraphyses ramosae, hyalinae, septatae, multinucleatae.
Momentum conidiale: Oedocephalum Preuss.
Famille : Ascobolaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia gregarious to cespitose, developing cleistohymenially, remaining closed, light colored; ectal excipulum of textura prismatica, cyanophilic, of rectangular or quadratic cells; medullary excipulum cyanophilic, of textura globulosa; asci usually 8-spored, diffusely amyloid, broadly clavate, thick-walled in youth, stalked; ascospores uninucleate, hyaline, ellipsoid, smooth, a mucilaginous perispore present; paraphyses branched, hyaline, septate, multinucleate; conidial stage: An Oedocephalum Preuss. Coprophilous.
Cleistothelebolus Malloch & Cain
Can. J. Bot., 49 (6): 851 (1971)
Espèce type : Cleistothelebolus nipigonensis Malloch & Cain 1971
Type désigné par Malloch & Cain (1971)
Diagnose : Ascogonia convoluta. Ascocarpae ab subglobosis irregulares, pallide brunneae, nonstromaticae. Asci irregulariter dispositi, ovoidei, evanescentes. Ascosporae unicellares, hyalinae, sine pora, sine "de Bary bubbles." Conidia modo blastosporae producta, hyalina, unicellaria, frequenter gemmifera.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Définition actuelle : Ascocarp initials coiled. Ascocarps subglobose to irregular in shape, pale brown, nonostiolate, nonstromatic. Asci irregularly disposed, ovoid, evanescent. Ascospores one-celled, hyaline, without germ pores, without "de Bary bubbles." Conidia produced as blastospores, hyaline, onecelled, often budding.
Complexipes C. Walker
Mycotaxon, 10 (1): 99 (1979)
Espèce type : Complexipes moniliformis C. Walker 1979
Type désigné par Walker (1979)
Diagnose : Sporocarpia ignota. Chlamydosporae globosae, 55-110 µm in diam, ferruginae vel atrocinnamomeae, tunica stratis tribus: exteriore ± 1 µm, medio usque ad 6 µm, interiore 0.5-1 µm. Pagina sporae rugosa vel papillosa, altitudo ornamenti usque ad 4 µm. Hypha affixa papillosa vel interdum rugosa, bitunicata, septata cellusis usque ad novem, ad septa constricta, cellula ad basim sporae cupulata, usque ad 24 × 24 µm. Typus: Ames, Iowa, U.S.A., Walker #27 (OSC).
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Conoplea Pers.
Tent. disp. meth. fung.: 55 (1797)
Espèce type : Dematium sphaericum Pers. 1795
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 8 fide DoF
Cookeina Kuntze
Revis. gen. pl., 2: 849 (1891)
Espèce type : Peziza tricholoma Mont. 1834
Type désigné par Seaver (1927)
Diagnose : Cookeina OK. = Trichoscypha Cooke 1879 non Hk.f.* in BHgp. 1862. Die altere Anacardiacee gilt, sodass die Discomycetee anders zu benennen ist; sie moge den berühmten Namen ihres Begrunders tragen. Die Arten sind nach Saccardo sylloge VIII 160/3 übertragen: Cookeina [...]
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Coprobia Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 107 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza granulata Bull. 1790
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Réceptacles marginés, à marge dépassant ou ne d"passant pas l''hyménium, mais toujours l''entourant sur les côtés. Spores sans sporidioles, lisses ; espèces furfuracées, stercoricoles.
Synonyme de Cheilymenia
Coprotus Korf & Kimbr.
Am. J. Bot., 54 (1): 21 (1967)
Espèce type : Ascobolus sexdecimsporus P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1858
Type désigné par Kimbrough & Korf (1967)
Diagnose : Apothecia sessilia, discoidea vel aliquantulum convexa, solitaria vel se congregantia, plerumque quam 1 mm diam, minora, ascis prominentibus asperata; asci operculati, 30 vel plures, 30-200 µ longi, 5-60 µ lati, in iodo non caerulescentes, in "congo red" aequabiliter tincti; ascospori in 1 vel 2 seriebus vel irregulariter dispositi, 8-256 in asco quoque, leves, elliptici, 6.0-16 × 3.5-10 µ, muris tenuibus, bullulam conspicuam continentes; paraphyses filiformes, septatae, uncinatae vel clavatae, simplices vel saepe ramosae.
Famille : Coprotaceae
Cubonia Sacc.
Syll. fung., 8: 527 (1889)
Espèce type : Lasiobolus brachyascus Marchal 1885
Type désigné par Seaver (1927)
Diagnose : Lasioboli et Ascophani spec. Auct. — Ascomata sessilia hemisphaerico-obconica, glabra vel pilosa, disco plano, ascis papillato. Asci clavati vel subpiriformes, octospori, paraphysati. Sporidia perfecte sphaerica, asperula, hyalina.
Synonyme de Ascobolus
Cupulina Dougoud, Van Vooren & M. Vega, 7 (2): 39 (2015)
Espèce type : Cupulina montana Dougoud, Van Vooren & M. Vega 2015
Type désigné par Dougoud et al. (2015)
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia gregarious, hemispherical or cupulate, sessile, partially embedded in the substrate or superficial, small, brownish ochraceous yellow, brownish orange or orange. Margin protruding, grossly and irregularly crenulate or fimbriate, whitish to pale yellow. Asci operculate, octospored, inamyloid. Ascospores fusoid or ellipsoid, hyaline. Paraphyses straight, enlarged at the top, with yellowish or hyaline content, without iodine reaction, septate, simple or furcate. Medullary excipulum of textura intricata. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa to globulosa-angularis. Habitat: on soil, on naked or mossy ground.
Cyathipodia Boud.
Hist. Class. Discom. Eur.: 39 (1907)
Espèce type : Cyathipodia platypodia Boud. 1907
Type désigné par Dissing (1966)
Diagnose : Ce genre est bien voisin des Leptopodia dont il ne diffère que par les réceptacles qui ne sont jamais à bords infléchis mais toujours cupulaires. Le pédicule est long, grèle, ordinairement non sillonné ou à peine lacuneux, plus rarement sillonné. Les thèques, spores et paraphyses sont celles des Helvelles. Toutes les espèces sont terrestres.
Synonyme de Helvella
Daleomyces Setch.
Mycologia, 16 (5): 240 (1924)
Espèce type : Daleomyces gardneri Setch. 1924
Type désigné par Setchell (1924)
Diagnose : Ascomata magna, inferne per stipitem et contextam mycelialem curtam robustamque, truncato obconicam, affixa, peridio maturitate proprio nullo vestita, interne labyrinthiformi-cavernosa; cameris numerosis cavis, clausis, forma magnitudineque irregularibus, earum parietibus hymenio vestitis, ascis elongatis, cylindraceis, octosporis, paraphysibus intermixtis; paraphysibus moderate robustis, ascos distincte superantibus, earum partibus exsertis flexis; sporis non septatis, oblongis, leviter ruguloso-reticulatis.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate, discoid or sparassoid (cabbage-head), of various colours: whitish with pinkish tinges, becoming more or less brownish with age, purplish brown, olivaceous brown or distinctly violet. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with the top strongly bluing in an iodine solution (WTR type), with or without crozier. Paraphyses containing a vacuolar pigment, brown, purple brown or yellowish becoming brown with maturity. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa, with large cells, sometimes partly gelatinised in the outer part (e.g. D. exogelatinosus). Ascospores biguttulate, ornamented with isolate warts, punctiform or irregular, often more dense at the poles. Species saprobic, preferentially growing on basic substrates (burned soil, sandy soil, soil with a high pH).
Delastria Tul. & C. Tul.
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 2, 19: 379 (1843)
Espèce type : Delastria rosea Tul. & C. Tul. 1843
Type désigné par Tulasne & Tulasne (1843)
Diagnose : Peridium tenuissimum byssaceum, candidum, arenae immistum; substantia carnosa, molliuscula, humida, in glebulis versiformibus septis mollibus albis immutabilibus (peridii filamentis stipatis intropulsis aequiparandis) dissecta ; sporangia ovato-oblonga, obtusa saepius incurvato-subreniformia, in glebulis nidulantia, sporas 3 (rarius 4) sphaericas reticulato-echinatas foventia ; guttula (?) in quaque spora subconcentrica. — Fungus basi absorbenti patentissima eradicata donatus.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Dennisiopsis Subram. & Chandrash.
Kew Bull., 31 (3): 639 (1977)
Espèce type : Dennisiopsis octospora Subram. & Chandrash. 1977
Type désigné par Subramanian & Chandrashekara (1977)
Diagnose : Discomyces apothecia gerens. Apothecia superficialia, sparsa, sessilia, laete flava vel cremea, e fasciculo vel e fasciculis pluribus ascoram et paraphysium in medulla basili constata; medulla sine excipulo ectali. Asci operculati 8- vel multispori, non-amyloidei. Ascosporae hyalinae vel pallide flavae, unicellulares, tenuiter tunicatae, globosae vel ellipsoideae, laeves, in massam interdum agglutinantes, unaquaque ''bulla de Baryea'' prominenter ornata. Paraphyses filiformes, septatae, simplices vel ramosae.
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Densocarpa Gilkey
N. Amer. Fl., ser. 2, 1: 15 (1954)
Espèce type : Densocarpa shanorii Gilkey 1954
Type désigné par Gilkey (1954)
Diagnose : Ascomatibus hypogaeis aut epigaeis, compactis, puncto adjunctionis myceliali instructis, superficie glabris vel minute velutinosis, saepe tessellatis; texto corticis minute pseudoparenchymatico; gleba firmula lacunis multiformibus, saepe gyroso-labyrinthicis, floccis trajectis, hymenio ex ascis paraphysibusque in valium ordinatis vestitis; ascis cylindricis aut lente clavatis, octosporis; sporis globosis, levibus, saepe 1-4 tantum maturantibus, uniseriatis.
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascocarp hypogaeous or epigaeous, firm, with a broad mycelial area at the base, the upper surface often minutely downy and tending to crack irregularly, appearing tessellate at maturity; gleba penetrated by numerous chambers and winding canals lined by hymenium and filled at first by loose hyphae, these often breaking away raggedly in the wider cavities; peridium dark, minutely pseudoparenchymatous; gleba principally of compactly arranged hyphae or of prosenchyma. Hymenium consisting of asci and paraphyses in palisade, many of the paraphyses extending beyond the asci and filling the cavity with loose hyphae. Asci mainly cylindric or slightly clavate, normally 8-spored at first but with generally only 1-4 spores maturing; mature spores typically uniseriate, globose, smooth.
Desmazierella Lib.
Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 1, 17: 83 (1829)
Espèce type : Desmazierella acicola Lib. 1829
Type désigné par Libert (1829)
Diagnose : Receptaculum orbiculatum; hymenium discoideum, discretum, setulis rigidis hirsutum ; Asci elongati, deorsum attenuati, flexuosi, absque paraphiysibus ; sporidia uniserialia, alba, ovata, sporidiolis duobus.
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Stade asexué de type Verticicladium.
Dichobotrys Hennebert
Persoonia, 7 (2): 193 (1973)
Espèce type : Dichobotrys abundans Hennebert 1973
Type désigné par Hennebert (1973)
Diagnose : Coloniae effusae, ochraceae hyphis hyalinis, laxis. Conidiophori erecti, magni, repetito dichotomice furcati; rami longi, divaricati, sursum curtiores, terminalibus geminatis globosis inflatis conidiogenis cellulis, simul conidia producentes, demum collabentibus. Conidia holoblastica, singula, sessilia vel pedunculata, subglobosa vel napiformia, laevia, superne saepe crassiori parite, inferne tenui pariete, cum vestigio pediculi dilabentia.
Synonyme de Trichophaea
Dictyocoprotus J.C. Krug & R.S. Khan
Mycologia, 83 (1): 103 (1991)
Espèce type : Dictyocoprotus mexicanus J.C. Krug & R.S. Khan 1991
Type désigné par Krug & Khan (1991)
Diagnose : Apothecia dispersa, sessilia, levia, discoidea vel patelliformia, albida vel flavida. Excipulum iodo non rufescentes, ex excipulum ectale textura angulari et excipulum medullare textura intricata compositum, Asci protrudentes, operculati, iodo non caerulescentes, cylindracei, basin versus in stipitem brevem attenuati. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, hyalinae, in apice crassae et uncinatae. Ascosporae unicellulares, ellipsoideae, hyalinae vel flavidae, subtiliter reticulatae, bullam unam continentes, sine vagina gelatinosa.
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecla scattered, sessile, smooth, discoid to saucer-shaped, whitish to pale yellowish; excipulum cyanophilous, non-dextrinoid, two-layered, composed of an ectal excipulum of textura angularis and a distinct medullary excipulum of textura intricata. Asci protruding, operculate, nonamyloid, cylindrical, tapering below into a short stipe. Paraphyses filiform, simple, hyaline, enlarged and uncinate at the apices. Ascospores one-celled, ellipsoidal, hyaline to pale yellowish, ornamented with a fine reticulum, at maturity forming de Bary bubbles, lacking mucilaginous sheath.
Diehliomyces Gilkey
Mycologia, 46 (5): 789 (1954)
Espèce type : Pseudobalsamia microspora Diehl & E.B. Lamb. 1930
Famille : Otideaceae
Dingleya Trappe
Mycotaxon, 9 (1): 331 (1979)
Espèce type : Dingleya verrucosa Trappe 1979
Type désigné par Trappe (1979)
Famille : Tuberaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascocarps hypogeous with a brown, verrucose peridium. Gleba white with rounded to narrow, labyrinthine chambers lined with a hymenial palisade and filled with asci, paraphyses and spores. Asci cylindric, mostly 8-spored. Spores globose to ellipsoid, hyaline to brown, ornamented with cyanophilic, rounded to irregular warts or ridges.
Discina (Fr.) Fr.
Summa veg. Scand., section post.: 348 (1849)
Espèce type : Peziza perlata Fr. 1822
Type désigné par Fries (1849)
Diagnose : Cupula (ampla) ab initio plano-convexa, centro adfixa. Sporidia sporidiolis duobus.
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, sessile to substipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid; hymenium rugose, yellow–brown, orange-brown, red-brown, or dark brown; stipe fluted, lacunose. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to fusoid, with solitary, pointed apiculi; surface with an irregular reticulum at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents uniguttulate or triguttulate.
Discinella P. Karst., nom. illeg.
Hedwigia, 30: 301 (1891)
Espèce type : Discinella corticalis P. Karst. 1891
Type désigné par Karsten (1891)
Diagnose : Est Discina Fr. em. apotheciis minoribus. Complectitur species plures Humariae Sacc. Syll.
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Disciotis Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 100 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza venosa Pers. 1801
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Spores ovales elliptiques tardives, sans sporidioles. Genre fondé sur les P. venosa Pers. et reticulata Grev.
Famille : Morchellaceae
Discomycetella Sanwal
Sydowia, 7: 200 (1953)
Espèce type : Discomycetella aquatica Sanwal 1953
Type désigné par Sanwal (1953)
Diagnose : Apothecia glabra, discoidea, hymenio convexo, valde gelatinoso. Hymenium in pagina superiore tantum evolutum. Asci longissimi, in stipitem attenuati, operculo apicali dehiscentes. Sporae hyalinae, ellipsoideae leves. Mycelium vegetativum superficiale, niveum
Synonyme de Psilopezia?
Dissingia K. Hansen, X.H. Wang & T. Schumach.
Persoonia, 42: 195 (2019)
Espèce type : Peziza leucomelaena Pers. 1822
Type désigné par Hansen et al. (2019)
Famille : Helvellaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia cup-shaped, mostly remaining concave when expanding, subsessile, or with a ± distinct stipe; stipe short, broad or slender, with a few ± conspicuous, blunt ribs gradually widening and subdividing towards the cup attachment. Hymenium yellowish brown to greyish brown, to dark brownish black; receptacle surface even or with few to many blunt to angular ribs and grooves below, pubescent, upper part whitish to dark greyish brown, below concolorous or often gradually paler to almost whitish. Asci cylindrical, operculate, arising from simple septa, 8-spored. Spores ellipsoid, obtuse or attenuate, smooth. Paraphyses filiform, septate, with clavate or subcapitate tips.
Donadinia Bellem. & Mel.-Howell
Cryptog. Mycol., 11 (3): 218 (1990)
Espèce type : Urnula helvelloides Donadini, Berthet & Astier 1973
Type désigné par Bellemère et al. (1990)
Diagnose : Apotheciae lignicolae, in ligno mortuo caduco enascentes, pedunculatae, cupulares, gregariae; cupula hemisphaerica, marginata. Stipes plenus. Asci octospori, cylindrati, base flexuosi. Endotunica in apice solum adest, natura heteroclita. Ectotunica in apice angustata, natura heteroclita. Apertio operculata haud suboperculata. Sporae pariete propra dispari, ac perispora verrucis parvis cyanophilisque ornata, et intus parcis guttulis repletae. Ascogenae hyphae non fibulatae. Paraphyses lineares, apice saepe furcatae ac nodosae.
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Durandiomyces Seaver
N. Amer. Cup-Fungi (Operc.): 242 (1928)
Espèce type : Gyromitra phillipsii Massee 1895
Type désigné par Seaver (1928)
Diagnose : Ascophores large, consisting of numerous contorted and frequently anastomosing ribs resembling a Spamssis, the numerous cavities lined everywhere with the hymenium, the color ranging from white to rosy or faintly violaceous; flesh very brittle; asci 8-spored; spores minutely sculptured; spore-sculpturing consisting of minute warts or papillae.
Synonyme de Daleomyces
Elaiopezia Van Vooren, 12 (4): 185 (2020)
Espèce type : Galactinia polaripapulata J. Moravec 1969
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, discoid or slightly cupulate, small-sized, olive or yellowish with distinct olivaceous tinges. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored; ascus wall diffusely amyloid (W type). Paraphyses containing a yellow, yellow-ochre or olivaceous pigment, sometimes also with an external pigment at the top. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa with small to medium-sized cells. Ascospores eguttulate, sometimes containing small granules or drops in young state, smooth or ornamented. Species saprobic.
Eleutherascus Arx
Persoonia, 6 (3): 377 (1971)
Espèce type : Arachniotus lectardii Nicot 1970
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Eoaleurina Korf & W.Y. Zhuang
Mycotaxon, 26: 381 (1986)
Espèce type : Humaria foliicola Henn. 1902
Type désigné par Zhuang & Korf (1986)
Diagnose : Ab Aleurina Massee cellulis excipuli ectalis isodiametricis, globosis vel angularibus, et non polygonaliter elongatis, parietibus cellularum exilibus et hyalinis; non rigidis et pigmentiferis differens. Ab Greletia Donadini et Smardaea Svrcek contentu cellularum excipularum brunneo, non purpureo, in speciminibus siccatis in aqua ad examinationem paratis, et apicibus paraphysium tumidis differens. Ab his generibus trbus omnibus texturis apothecialibus parum gelatinosis, et excipulo medulloso ex permixtione texturae angularis et texturae intricatae potius quam tantum ex textura intricata non gelatina consistente differens.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Définition actuelle : Apothectum dlscoid to subturbinate, sessile to subsessile, hymenium smooth, receptacle pustulate. Excipular tissues slightly gelatinous; ectal excipulum of textura globulosa to textura angularis, cells hyaline, thin-walled, pigmentation if present only in the cytoplasm; medullary excipulum of textura angularis mixed with textura 1ntricata. Subhymenium indistinguishable. Asci operculate, 8-spored, subcylindrical, J- in Melzer''s Reagent. Ascospores ellipsoid, biguttulate, with ornamentations on the surface. Paraphyses swollen at apex, with pigmented contents.
Eoterfezia G.F. Atk.
Bot. Gaz., 34: 40 (1902)
Espèce type : Eoterfezia parasitica G.F. Atk. 1902
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Eremiomyces Trappe & Kagan-Zur
Mycol. Res., 109 (2): 244 (2005)
Espèce type : Choiromyces echinulatus Trappe & Marasas 1973
Type désigné par Ferdman et al. (2005)
Diagnose : A Choiromyces sporis virgis conicis rectis obtusis, cellulis magnopere inflatis, ordiniibus DNA abhorrentibus (ad Pezizaceas, non Tuberaceas, affinis) et distributione in desertis Hemisphaerio Meridionali differt.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Fallacidiscus U. Lindemann, Roffler & Van Vooren, 14 (2): 46 (2022)
Espèce type : Fallacidiscus helveticus U. Lindemann, Roffler & Van Vooren 2022
Type désigné par Lindemann et al. (2022)
Diagnose : Differs from Spaniodiscus fuckelii and Ramsbottomia spp. by discoid apothecia with a small marginal edge, a hairless margin, and finely warted ascospores containing polar oil droplets, as well as its genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, yellow-orange-coloured, with an external surface densely covered by short brown hairs and a hairless margin. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata, ectal layer of textura subglobulosa/angularis. Hairs short, simple, superficial, septate, with a simple base, obtuse or slightly sharp. Asci operculate, 8-spored, narrowing toward base, arising from croziers, inamyloid. Paraphyses slender, ± enlarged at the top, containing carotenoid pigments. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, thick-walled, containing small bipolar oil droplets, finely warted. Trophic status unknown. Asexual morph unknown.
Fastigiella Benedix
Kulturpflanze, 17: 276 (1969)
Espèce type : Morchella caroliniana Bosc 1811
Synonyme de Neogyromitra
Filicupula Y.J. Yao & Spooner
Kew Bull., 51 (1): 193 (1996)
Espèce type : Pseudonectria suboperculata Döbbeler & P. James 1978
Diagnose : Apothecia primum clavata, demum obovoidea vel turbinata, supra applanata. Discus aurantiacus. Receptaculum cupulatum, ad basin hyphis ramosis affixum. Excipulum ectale ad basin e textura prismatica compositum, ad lateris e hyphis subparallelis septatis compositum, muris hypharum crassis gelatinosisque; hyphae ad angulum parvum ad superficiem depositi. Asci operculati, jodo non caerulescenti, clavati. Ascosporae unicellulares, hyalinae, laeves, fusoideae, guttulatae. Paraphyses filiformes, septatae, rectae vel curvatae.
Famille : Incertae sedis
Définition actuelle : Apothecia clavate at first, becoming obovoid or turbinate, flattened above. Disc orange. Receptacle cupulate, surface rough, with branched anchoring hyphae present at the base and lower receptacle. Ectal excipulum comprising textura prismatica at the base, and septate, sub-parallel hyphae above; excipular hyphae radially arranged, lying at a low angle to the surface, their walls thickened and strongly adherent. Asci operculate, iodine-negative, clavate, thin-walled. Ascospores unicellular, colourless, smooth, fusoid, often inaequilateral, guttulate. Paraphyses filiform, septate, straight or curved, flexuous.
Fischerula Mattir.
Nuovo G. bot. ital., 34: 1348 (1928)
Espèce type : Fischerula macrospora Mattir. 1928
Type désigné par Mattirolo (1928)
Diagnose : A Tuberaceis adhuc notis eximium hoc novum Genus, ascorum, sporarumque habitu differt, dum facies universa cum aliis fungis hypogeais (praesertim e Genere « Tuber ») plerumque convenit. Peridio irregulari, difformi, circumvoluto, contextu pseudoparenchymatico ; colore umbrino-luteo notato. Carne fuliginea, venis luteis filiformibus dispersis. Ascis amplis, membranis spissis, formam praebentibus ovatam (130 usque ad 179 micra et ultra long, secundum sporarum inclusarum numerum) basi leviter attenuatis. Sporis raro unicis; plerumque 2-3-4 in singulis ascis, magnis (50-70 long. et ultra ; 40-50 lat. et ultra); non aculeatis, nec alveolatis (uti in Genere « Tuber »); sed dense verrucosis; verrucis difformibus, irregularibus, latis ; colore saturate castaneo-badio, illum Hydnothriae quodammodo referente.
Famille : Morchellaceae
Fuckelina Kuntze, illeg.
Rev. Gener. Plant., 2: 852 (1891)
Espèce type : Fuckelina bulbosa (Hedw.) Kuntze 1891
Diagnose : = Macropodia Fuck. 1869 non (—um) R.Br* 1812 = Octospora Hedw. ex parte minima. Die Crucifere Macropodium gilt, sodass die homonyme Discomycetee anders zu benennen ist; sie sei dem Begründer dieser Gattung gewidmet. Die Arten sind nach Saccardo syll. VIII 158—160 von Macropodia übertragen [...]
Synonyme de Helvella
Galactinia (Cooke) Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 101 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza saniosa Schrad. 1792
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Cupula sessilis, integra, lactescens
Famille : Pezizaceae
Galeoscypha Svrček & J. Moravec
Česká Mykol., 43 (4): 210 (1989)
Espèce type : Coprobia pileiformis Svrček 1978
Type désigné par Svrček & Moravec (1989)
Diagnose : Carposomata parva, gregaria, usque confluentia, superficialia, absque hypothallo sed basi hyphis ferrugineo-brunneis, tenuibus, crasse tunicatis, septatis, dense connexis substrato adnata, primum subglobosa, pyriformia, apice truncata, dein pileiformia, disco convexo, hemisphaerico, immarginato, nonnumquam obtuse conico, margine undulato, granuloso, fulgide aurantiaco, subtus crasse obconica vel subcylindrica, stipitiformiter angustata, thecio sanguineo-rubro vel aurantiaco-rubro, extus minutissime granulata Excipulum externum atque medullaris textura globuloso-angularis, aurantiaco-coloratum, parte externa margineque cellulis globosis cyanophilis, ad basim pilis hyphoideis flexuosis hyalinis septatis et hyphis mycelialibus ferrugineo-brunneis instructum. Asci cylindrici, operculati, non amyloidei, octospori. Paraphyses crasse cylindricae, parte basali ramosae, sursum dilatatae, clavatae, subcapitatae vel lanceolatae, septatae, sub hyalinae. Ascosporae ellipsoideae, inaequales, intus irregulariter granulosae sed etiam biguttulatae, perisporio non separabile, verrucis cyanophilis in aequalibus ornato. Habitat saprobioticus.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Galiella Nannf. & Korf
Mycologia, 49 (1): 107 (1957)
Espèce type : Bulgaria rufa Schwein. 1832
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Genabea Tul. & C. Tul.
G. bot. ital., 1 (7-8): 60 (1845)
Espèce type : Genabea fragilis Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Genea Vittad.
Monogr. Tuberac.: 27 (1831)
Espèce type : Genea verrucosa Vittad. 1831
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Geneosperma Rifai
Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet., tweede sect., 57 (3): 102 (1968)
Espèce type : Geneosperma geneosporum Rifai 1968
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Geodina Denison
Mycologia, 57 (4): 649 (1965)
Espèce type : Geodina guanacastensis Denison 1965
Famille : Wynneaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecium goblet-shaped with a slender stem, thick-fleshed, corky to leathery; hymenium light-colored to bright-colored, yellow to red; exterior similarly colored, hairy; hairs fasciculate composed of thick-walled, nonseptate hyphae arising from the ectal excipulum; excipulum composed of two distinct layers, a medullary excipulum of entangled hyphae (textura intricata), and a rind-like ectal excipulum composed of more or less rectangular cells (textura prismatica to textura angularis); asci suboperculate, with eccentric opercula, cylindrical with gradually tapering bases, not turning blue in iodine, not all maturiilg simultaneously; ascospores ellipsoid, large, long, containing 1-2 large oil drops, heavily sculptured; spore sculpturing not staining readily in cotton blue, consisting of coarse, anastomosing ridges; paraphyses slender, cylindrical, septate, with subclavate apices; growing in the soil in the tropics.
Geomorium Speg.
Anal. Soc. cient. argent., 94 (1-2): 79 (1922)
Espèce type : Geomorium fuegianum Speg. 1922
Famille : Geomoriaceae
Geopora Harkn.
Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1 (3): 168 (1885)
Espèce type : Geopora cooperi Harkn. 1885
Type désigné par Harkness (1885)
Diagnose : Subterranean. Integument woolly, continuous with the trama. Hymenium convolute. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia hyaline, oblong, smooth.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Geoporella Soehner
Z. Pilzk., 21 (8): 8 (1951)
Espèce type :
Diagnose : Ascomata subglobosa, tuberosa, lobata; cortice plerumque in glebam profunde penetrante; superficie ab initio cerea, mature fusco-purpurea; gleba purpurea, cavernis trajekta et gyrum carpta; asci cylindrici, oktospori; asci subhymeniales copiose prominentes; sporae uniseriatae, ellipsoideae, verrucosae vel echinatae papillosae; paraphyses ascos superantes.
Synonyme de Hydnotrya
Geopyxis (Pers.) Sacc.
Syll. fung. (Abellini), 8: 63 (1889)
Espèce type : Peziza carbonaria Alb. & Schwein. 1805
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Geoscypha (Cooke) Lambotte
Mém. Soc. roy. sci. Liège, 2e sér., 14: 320 (1888)
Espèce type : Peziza violacea Pers. 1794
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Cupula integra, vel lobata, sessilis, extus laevi, sub-pruinosa vel farinosa
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate or discoid, violet-coloured. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with the top intensely bluing in iodine solution (WTR or WT type in G. ampelina), with crozier. Paraphyses containing a brown or purple brown vacuolar pigment. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa, with large cells. Ascospores smooth or ornamented with isolated warts, biguttulate, except in G. violacea where the drops may be visible only in young spores. Species saprobic, often growing on burnt soil.
Gilkeya M.E. Sm., Trappe & Rizzo
Mycologia, 98 (5): 705 (2007)
Espèce type : Hydnocystis compacta Harkn. 1899
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Glaziella Berk.
Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn, 80: 31 (1880)
Espèce type : Glaziella vesiculosa Berk. 1880
Famille : Glaziellaceae
Globopilea Beauseign.
Contr. Etude Fl. Mycol. Landes: 204 (1926)
Espèce type : Helvella phlebophora Pat. & Doass., in Patouillard 1886
Synonyme de Helvella
Greletia Donadini
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 95(3): 183 (1980)
Espèce type : Plicaria planchonis Dunal ex Boud. 1887
Synonyme de Smardaea
Gymnohydnotrya B.C. Zhang & Minter
Mycol. Res., 92 (2): 192 (1989)
Espèce type : Gymnohydnotrya australiana B.C. Zhang & Minter 1989
Synonyme de Geomorium
Gyrocephalus Pers., nom. rejic.
Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris, 3: 77 (1824)
Espèce type : Gyrocephalus aginnensis Pers. 1824
Synonyme de Gyromitra
Gyrocratera Henn.
Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenb., 41: 9 (1899)
Espèce type : Gyrocratera ploettneriana Henn. 1899
Type désigné par Hennings (1899)
Synonyme de Hydnotrya
Gyromitra Fr.
Summa veg. Scand., section post.: 346 (1849)
Espèce type : Helvella esculenta Pers. 1800
Diagnose : Helvellae sp. Auctt. Discus bullato-inflatus, costis elevatis gyrosus.
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, stipitate; hymenophore irregularly convex to irregularly lobed or cerebriform; hymenium rugose to convoluted, orange-brown to dark red-brown to purplish; stipe cylindric, sometimes with longitudinal furrows, hollow, white to cream, brown or purple. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to subfusoid, nonapiculate or with broadly rounded apiculi; surface seen as smooth with light microscopy but finely rugose under SEM at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents biguttulate.
Gyromitrodes Vassilkov
Sovetsk. Bot., 6: 51 (1942)
Espèce type : Helvella sphaerospora Peck 1875
Synonyme de Pseudorhizina
Hansenopezia Matočec, I. Kušan & Jadan
in Yuan et al., Fungal Divers., 104 : 64 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza retrocurvata K. Hansen & Sandal 1998
Type désigné par Matočec et al. (in Yuan et al., 2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata apothecial, solitary or often in groups, medium-sized, epigeous, centrally attached to the substrate, regularly circular to much sinuous from the top view, cupulate when young, then plate-shaped, hymenial surface reddish brown, lilac-violet, violet-brown, purplish brown to dark brown, matte, margin upright then flattened to reflexed, entire, blunt, smooth and or beset with scattered white fibrils, whitish grey or pale brownish yellow, excipular ground concolourous with the margin, finely pubescent or ornamented with reddish brown patches distributed to the basal parts. Flesh fragile, homogenous, soft waxy, dry on cut or exuding watery to milk-white latex. Hymenium arranged as a regular palisade. Asci cylindrical, hyaline, apex subtruncate, protruding above paraphysis tips at full maturity, 8-spored, base tapered, arising from croziers, operculum apical, very narrow, occupying ≤ 28% of living mature ascus diam, functional, flat lentiform before opening, encircled by slight “u”-shaped indentation in the wall, periascal amyloid mucus thin and film-like through the entire length but almost lacking on opercular lense, while the thickest at the opercular edge where is moderately euamyloid, forming unclear thin annular zone, reaction gradually decreasing in strength towards the base, with reacting area on half of the ascus length or more. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid with ± rounded poles, radially symmetrical, 1-celled, subglabrous or with cyanophilic verrucae, perispore cyanophilic, not loosening when heated in lactic Cotton Blue or in KOH, wall 3-layered ± thick-walled, without sheath on ejected spores; sporoplasm multiguttulate, lipid content nearly maximal with all guttules of approx. same size or 2–3 large lipid bodies mixed with many smaller ones, lipid bodies much coalesced in dead spores, uninucleate, nucleus and nucleolus not contrasted nor stained in Lugol’s solution, de Bary bubbles absent in anhydrous media. Paraphyses cylindrical, apically obtuse to subclavate, straight to bent, not branching in the upper part, embedded in hyaline epithecial exudate or only with hyaline, thin coating, apical cell contain single or few non-refractive vacuoles entirely filled with finely dispersed minute pinkish brown particles and/or partially with larger non-refractive granules of the same colour, not containing vacuolar bodies, in Lugol’s solution pigment partially turning to rusty brown colour. Marginal texture in section displaying broad outline, textura globulosa-angularis mixed with some cylindric cell chains that may protrude as scattered cylindric obtuse, thin-walled hyphoid hairs or form loose tufts; texture is not cyanophilous. Subhymenium well-discerned, composed of hyaline subgelatinous densely woven textura porrecta. Medullary and ectal excipulum of ± homogenous, subhyaline texture, except for the cortical layer. Upper part composed of textura globulosa- moniliformis mixed with cylindric very long, mostly vertically oriented hyphae. Lower part composed of textura globulosa-angularis with intermixed intricate connective hyphae, cells smaller in size towards the surface. Cortical layer composed of textura porrecta-intricata, discontinuous layer when present pustulate, cells with ochraceous walls and rusty brown patches, coiled and agglutinated together; texture is not cyanophilous.
Ecology: Saprotroph on rich soil with litter and wood residues of Abies alba, on very rotten stumps and trunks of Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica, sometimes also on rich soil outside forests, fruitbodies appear in spring or autumn to winter.
Hapsidomyces J.C. Krug & Jeng
Mycologia, 76 (4): 748 (1984)
Espèce type : Hapsidomyces venezuelensis J.C. Krug & Jeng 1984
Type désigné par Krug & Jeng (1984)
Diagnose : Apothecia dispersa, cleistohymenialia, turbinata, margine distincto, brunnea, excipulum ectale et excipulum medullare exhibentes. Asci protrudentes, operculo disciformi, iodo caerulescentes, cylindracei, flavidiores, basin versus in stipitem brevem contracti. Paraphyses filiformes, granula flavida continentes. Ascosporae unicellulares, globosae, eguttulatae, hyalinae vel pallide flavidae, reticulum et spinae exhibentes.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Hellenicoscyphus U. Lindemann, Van Vooren & Kaounas, 14 (2): 74 (2022)
Espèce type : Hellenicoscyphus hyalotrichus U. Lindemann, Van Vooren & Kaounas 2022
Diagnose : Differs from Paratricharina by its hyaline marginal hairs organised in small bundles, the lack of excipular hairs and from Tricharina by its hyaline marginal hairs, the lack of excipular hairs and its bipolar spore granules, and from both genera by its genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, cupuliform, light brown to ochre. Receptacle hairless. Marginal hairs organised in small bundles, superficial, septate, with a simple widened base. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata, and ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from free croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, hyaline. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, containing small bipolar granules. Species probably saprobic. Asexual morph unknown.
Helvella L.
Sp. pl., 2: 1180 (1753)
Espèce type : Helvella mitra L. 1753
Type désigné par Dissing (1966)
Famille : Helvellaceae
Helvellella S. Imai
Bot. Mag. (Tokyo), 46: 174 (1932)
Espèce type : Helvella sphaerospora Peck 1875
Type désigné par Imai (1932)
Diagnose : Genus affine Helvellae sed sporae globosae
Synonyme de Pseudorhizina
Heteroplegma Clem.
Bull. Torrey bot. Club, 30: 92 (1903)
Espèce type : Heteroplegma caeruleum Clem. 1903
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Apothecia superficialia, sessilia, carnosa, hemisphaerico-cupulata, furfuraceo-excipulata, magna; epithecium nullum; paraphyses praesentes; hypothecium percrassum, hyalinum, trilaminatum, lamina superiore et inferiore pseudoparenchymaticis, medullari hyphis parallelis intertextisque, tramitiforme; excipulum tenue, filis brevibus tomentosum. Asci octospori, cylindracei, iodo valde caerulescentes. Sporae continuae, hyalinae, ellipticae. Nomen propter hypothecium laminatum, ἕτερος, dissimilis, πλέγµα, τό, vimineum.
Est Piicaria hypothecio heteromorpho.
Synonyme de Galactinia
Heydenia Fresen.
Beitr. Mykol., 2: 47 (1852)
Espèce type : Heydenia alpina Fresen. 1852
Famille : Pseudombrophilaceae
Hiemsia Svrček
Česká Mykol., 23: 83 (1969)
Espèce type : Hiemsia pseudoampezzana (Svrček) Svrček 1969
Synonyme de Octospora
Hoffmannoscypha Stielow, Göker & Klenk
Mycol. Progr., 12 (4): 684 (2012)
Espèce type : Hoffmannoscypha pellita (Sacc.) Stielow, Göker & Klenk 2012
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia superficially attached to the substrate, often slightly sunken into it, without stipe, roundish when juvenile and nearly entirely closed at the apex, cupulate when mature, at full maturity with ripped edges; lobes erect when juvenile, effused when mature. Ectal excipulum (epicutis) dark yellow-orange, seldom orange-brown, pseudoparenchymatous, with angular or isodiametric, thick-walled cell agglomerates (textura angularis), cells giving rise to dark brown, thick-walled, multiple septate cylindrical finely warted setae, single or cespitose, dark brown in water and 5% KOH. Asci operculate, cylindrical, eight-spored, monoseriate. Paraphyses slender, single, septate, with gentle orange pigmentation giving rise to the colour of the hymenium, slightly thickened and bent at the tip, arranged in palisade order.
Humaria Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 320 (1870)
Espèce type : Humaria hemisphaerica (F.H. Wigg.) Fuckel 1870
Type désigné par Denison (1959)
Diagnose : Cupulae sparsae, rarius gregariae, sessiles, carnosae, majusculae, extus margineque aut ciliatae setosaeve, aut tomentosae, aut subglabrae, rarius totae glabrae. Disco concavo, demum applanato convexove, discolori. — Asci elongato-cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia ovata oblongove-ovata, plerumque guttulis 1—3 magnis, continua, hyalina dilutissimeve rubella. Paraphyses filiformes, variae. Plerumque terrestres.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Hydnobolites Tul. & C. Tul.
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 2, 19: 378 (1843)
Espèce type : Hydnobolites cerebriformis Tul. & C. Tul. 1843
Type désigné par Tulasne & Tulasne (1843)
Diagnose : Peridium vere nullum; substantia carnosa compacta similaris irregularis extus anfractuosa exarata, intus sinubus serpentinis partis, fungi ad superficiem apertis, varie pertusa; sporangia ovato-elliptica inordinate in substantia (extremae filamentorum ex quibus illa constat vesiculae auctae) nidulantia, sporas octo sphaericas reticulato-echinatas foventia. — Fungus globosus basi absorbente, mycelii fibrillis tenuissimis humo adhaerenti praeditus.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Hydnocystis Tul. & C. Tul.
G. bot. ital., 1 (7-8): 59 (1845)
Espèce type : Hydnocystis arenaria Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Hydnoplicata Gilkey
Mycologia, 46 (6): 783 (1955)
Espèce type : Hydnoplicata whitei Gilkey 1954
Type désigné par Gilkey (1954)
Diagnose : Ascomatibus lobatis, pucto adjunctionis myceliali destitutis; gleba plicis compactis et irregularibus, nonnumquam anastomosantibus, et fossas longas labyrinthiformesque et cubicula separantibus composita, ascis et paraphysibus in vallum ordinatis vestita; ascis cylindraceis; paraphysibus quam asci longioribus, apicibus in pseudoparenchyma intertextis; sporis uniseriatis, breve ellipsoideis.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Hydnotrya Berk. & Broome
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ser. 1, 18: 78 (1846)
Espèce type : Hydnotrya tulasnei (Berk.) Berk. & Broome 1846
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata hypogeous to emergent, irregularly globose to ellipsoid, irregularly lobed to convoluted; hymenophore sequestrate, a ptychothecium, internally hollow or sparsely to highly infolded and chambered; excipular surface shades of brown, glabrous to pubescent. Ascospores brown, globose to ellipsoid or rectangular, nonapiculate to apiculate, thick-walled; surface punctate to nodulose with rounded warts or echinulate at maturity; perispore cyanophilic, contents eguttulate to uniguttulate. Tissues in cross section separated into a medullary excipulum of textura intricata and ectal excipulum of textura angularis or textura prismatica.
Hydnotryopsis Gilkey
University of Calif. Publ. Bot., 6: 336 (1916)
Espèce type : Hydnotryopsis setchellii Gilkey 1916
Type désigné par Gilkey (1916)
Diagnose : Ascocarp subglobose, compact, more or less lobed and wrinkled, without external opening; cortex sometimes extending deeply into interior; gleba composed of minute, irregular folds, more or less joined, forming complex system of veins separating canals and chambers; hymenium of regular palisade of asci, lining walls of canals and chambers; asci cylindrical, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, papillose.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Hypotarzetta Donadini
Docums Mycol., 15 (60): 48: (1985)
Espèce type : Hypotarzetta insignis (Berthet & Riousset) Donadini 1985
Synonyme de Tarzetta
Imaia Trappe & Kovács
Mycologia, 100 (6): 934 (2008)
Espèce type : Imaia gigantea (S. Imai) Trappe & Kovács 2008
Famille : Morchellaceae
Infundibulum Velen.
Monogr. Discom. Bohem.: 351 (1934)
Espèce type : Peziza linteicola W. Phillips & Plowr. 1887
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Synonyme de Peziza
Iodomarcelleina Sammut, P. Alvarado & Van Vooren
Cryptog. Mycol., 44 (12): 164 (2023)
Espèce type : Iodomarcelleina obscura Sammut, P. Alvarado & Van Vooren
Type désigné par Sammut et al. (2023)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, discoid, sessile, dark coloured. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, with croziers, having a diffusely amyloid wall in iodine solution. Ascospores globose, multiguttulate, smooth. Paraphyses with an external pigment at the top. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa/angularis. Anamorph unknown. Trophic status unknown.
Iodophanus Korf
in Kimbr., Am. J. Bot., 54 (1): 18 (1967)
Espèce type : Ascobolus carneus Pers. 1801
Type désigné par Korf, in Kimbrough (1967)
Diagnose : Apothecia minuta, glabra, plerumque pigmentis carotenoideis colorata; asci in iodo caerulescentes; ascospori notis calloso-pecticis ornati, bullulis vel vacuolis evidentibus aliis deficientibus; status conidioferus Oedocephali instar quoad cognitus est.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia scattered to gregarious, closed in youth, expanding, becoming plane to convex, roughened with protruding asci, 1 to 2 mm in diam, pallid to yellow or flesh-colored, glabrous; excipulum of two areas, (1) ectal of pallid to pigmented textuia angularis, (2) medullary of textura intricata; asci blued in iodine (slightly stronger at their apices), staining uniformly in congo red, 150-350 µ long, 25-40 µ wide, operculate; ascospores 1 to 2 seriate, elliptical, 8.5-25 × 16-38 µ, finely warted to large (up to 3.0 µ) tack-head markings, without deBary bubbles or other guttules; paraphyses stout, simple or forked, septate, up to 10 µ thick at the apex, with or without oil droplets or pigments. Conidial state where known belonging to the genus Oedocephalum.
Stade asexué de type Oedocephalum.
Iodowynnea Medel, Guzmán & S. Chacón
Mycotaxon, 59: 128 (1996)
Espèce type : Iodowynnea auriformis (Pat. ex Le Gal) Medel, Guzmán & S. Chacón 1996
Type désigné par Medel et al. (1996)
Diagnose : A Wynnea affine differt ascis iodinos et sporae verrucosis in vittas in longitudinem porrectas confluentibus.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Ionopezia Van Vooren, 12 (4): 187 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza gerardii Cooke 1875
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, discoid or cupulate, sessile, violet-coloured. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with or without crozier, wall diffusely amyloid (W type). Paraphyses hyaline, with an external purplish brown to violet pigment located at the top. Ascospores fusoid, multiguttulate, ornamented with longitudinal striations (only seen with a high magnification). Species forming ectomycorrhizas.
Iotidea Clem.
Gen. fung.: 89 (1909)
Espèce type : Peziza pleurota W. Phillips 1887
Type désigné par Clements (1909)
Diagnose : Asci blue with iodin. Apothecia cleft on one side, ear-like
Synonyme de Peziza ?
Jafnea Korf
Nagaoa, 7: 5 (1960)
Espèce type : Jafnea fusicarpa (W.R. Gerard) Korf 1960
Type désigné par Korf (1960)
Diagnose : Apothecia patellata vel urceolata, 0.5-5(-8)cm. diam., excipulo exteriore e textura prismatica vel angulari, cellulis perpendiculariter ad apothecii faciem exteriorem elongatis. exterioribus brunneis, interioribus hyalinis vel brunneis; pilis superficialibus, brevibus, brunneis, vel in specie una absentibus; hyphae basaleres abundantes, subhyalinae, humi granula amplectentes et pseudostipitem isto modo efficientes; asci operculati, octospori, apicibus in Iodo non caerulescentibus; ascosporae grandae, hyalinae, primum biguttulatae deinde non guttulatae, verrucis minutis vel grandis ornatae. In humo et residuis vegetabilium. Holotypus : Peziza fusicarpa Gerard.
Famille : Pyropyxidaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia discoid to deep cupulate, 0.5-8 cm. diam.; ectal excipulum composed of cells elongated perpendicularly to the outer surface of the apothecium, outermost cells brown-walled, inner cells hyaline or brown; hairs absent, or if present superficial, short, brown; basal hyphae abundant, nearly hyaline, enmeshing particles of soil to form a pseudostipe or cushion; asci operculate, 8-spored, J-; ascospores large, hyaline, biguttulate in youth, non-guttulate at maturity, marked with small to large warts. On soil and duff.
Kalaharituber Trappe & Kagan-Zur
Mycol. Res., 109 (2): 242 (2005)
Espèce type : Tuber pfeilii Henn. 1897
Type désigné par Ferdman et al. (2005)
Diagnose : A Terfezia sporis spinis minutissimis dense congestis, ordiniibus DNA abhorrentibus, distributione in Hemisphaerio Meridionali differt.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Kalapuya M.J. Trappe, Trappe & Bonito
Mycologia, 102 (5): 1059 (2010)
Espèce type : Kalapuya brunnea M.J. Trappe, Trappe & Bonito 2010
Diagnose : Ascomata hypogaea, stereothecia, subglobosa. Peridium porphyreum vel brunneum, verrucosum, verrucis fissuris tenuibus separatis. Gleba solida, albida, contextu fertili griseo-brunneo maculato. Asci ellipsoidei vel globosi. Sporae ellipsoideae, laeves, juventute hyalinae, maturitate succineae.
Famille : Morchellaceae
Kallistoskypha Pfister, Agnello, Lantieri & LoBuglio
Mycol. Progr., 12 (4): 670 (2013)
Espèce type : Kallistoskypha incarnata (Duvernoy & Maire) Pfister, Agnello, Lantieri & LoBuglio 2013
Famille : Caloscyphaceae
Karstenella Harmaja
Karstenia, 9: 20 (1969)
Espèce type : Karstenella vernalis Harmaja 1969
Type désigné par Harmaja (1969)
Famille : Karstenellaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascocarp very thin, totally tightly appressed at the substrate (not being a true apothecium), its development probably gymnocarpic. Spores one-celled, rather thin-walled, hyaline in KOH, slightly yellowish in Melzer''s, blue in Cotton Blue (Methyl Blue) in lactic acid. Asci with persistent wall of the unitunicate type, discharging their spores with a puff, operculate, rather thin-walled, apex not differentiated, cylindrical, eight-spored, not blueing with Melzer''s. Excipulum throughout composed of more or less interwoven, filamentous hyphae (textura intricata). Subiculum (?) composed of interwoven, filamentous hyphae of other kind than those of the excipulum.
Kimbropezia Korf & W.Y. Zhuang
Mycotaxon, 40: 272 (1991)
Espèce type : Kimbropezia campestris Korf & W.Y. Zhuang 1991
Type désigné par Korf & Zhuang (1991)
Diagnose : Ab Peziza structura cyanophilica lentiformi intra parietem operculi asci inclusa differens
Synonyme de Peziza
Kompsoscypha Pfister
Mem. N. Y. bot. Gard., 49: 340 (1989)
Espèce type : Kompsoscypha chudei (Pat. ex Le Gal) Pfister 1989
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Korfiella D.C. Pant & V.P. Tewari
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 54 (3): 493 (1970)
Espèce type : Korfiella karnika D.C. Pant & V.P. Tewari 1970
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Kotlabaea Svrček
Česká Mykol., 23: 85 (1969)
Espèce type : Kotlabaea deformis (P. Karst.) Svrček 1969
Synonyme de Byssonectria
Labyrinthomyces Boedijn
Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz, sér. 3, 16 (2): 238 (1939)
Espèce type : Labyrinthomyces steenisii Boedijn 1939
Famille : Tuberaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascocarps hypogeous with a brown tomentose peridium. Gleba with prominent, labyrinthine, mostly hollow chambers that do not open to the surface. Asci cylindric, long-stipitate, mostly 8-spored. Paraphyses much shorter than asci. Spores globose, hyaline, smooth in youth, at maturity ornamented with rounded, irregular warts.
Lamprospora De Not.
Comm. Soc. crittog. Ital., 1 (5): 388 (1863)
Espèce type : Lamprospora miniata (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) De Not. 1864
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Lasiobolidium Malloch & Cain
Can. J. Bot., 49 (6): 853 (1971)
Espèce type : Lasiobolidium spirale Malloch & Cain 1971
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata cleistothecial or apothecial, small, sessile, subglobose, slightly cupuliform or discoid, whitish, pale greyish or yellow-brown, with an external surface covered by brown hairs. Margin hairy on the apothecial species. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs ± superficial or deeply rooted, septate, with a simple base, sometimes multifurcate, long, upward-pointing, straight or helically coiled. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 4- or 8-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, hyaline, eguttulate, but sometimes containing small granules usually disappearing in mature ascospores, smooth or verrucose with isolated warts. Species saprobic, coprophilous or not. Asexual morph unknown.
Lasiobolus Sacc.
Bot. Zbl., 18: 220 (1884)
Espèce type : Lasiobolus pilosus (Fr.) Sacc. 1884
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Lasiocupulina Van Vooren & M. Vega, 10 (6): 221 (2018)
Espèce type : Lasiocupulina mediterranea Van Vooren & M. Vega 2018
Diagnose : Differs from Cupulina by the presence of a hairy margin and its molecular data.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Lathraeodiscus Dissing & Sivertsen
Mycologia, 80 (6): 832 (1989)
Espèce type : Lathraeodiscus arcticus Dissing & Sivertsen 1989
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Lazuardia Rifai
Mycotaxon, 31 (1): 241 (1988)
Espèce type : Lazuardia lobata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Rifai 1988
Famille : Pulvinulaceae
Legaliana Van Vooren, 12 (4): 188 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza badia Pers. 1800
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate or discoid, sessile, dark coloured (brown, reddish brown, olivaceous brown, purplish brown, blackish purple). Flesh without coloured latex, but sometimes with a watery juice. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution, more or less intensely at the top (WT type). Paraphyses containing a brownish or olive-brown vacuolar pigment, and often showing an external brown pigment at the top. Ascospores biguttulate, sometimes with an oil drop larger than the other, more rarely uniguttulate, ornamented with irregular warts, but often with elongated warts or crests, sometimes forming a network or an incomplete reticulum. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa/angularis, with large cells. Species saprobic or ectomycorrhizal.
Lepidotia Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 101 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza hispida Quél. 1879
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Réceptacles sensiblement pédiculés ou obconiques, à squames triangulaires submembraneuses. Spores elliptiques, sans sporidioles.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Leptopodia Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 99 (1885)
Espèce type : Leptopodia elastica (Bull.) Boud. 1904
Synonyme de Helvella
Leucangium Quél.
Compt. Rend. Assoc. Franç. Avancem. Sci., 11: 404 (1883)
Espèce type : Leucangium ophthalmosporum Quél. 1883
Famille : Morchellaceae
Leucopezis Clem.
Gen. Fungi: 175 (1909)
Espèce type : Leucopezis excipulata Clem. 1909
Synonyme de Humaria ?
Leucoscypha Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 104 (1885)
Espèce type : Leucoscypha leucotricha (Alb. & Schwein.) Boud. 1885
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Loculotuber Trappe, Parladé & I.F. Alvarez
Mycologia, 84 (6): 927 (1993)
Espèce type : Loculotuber gennadii (Chatin) Trappe, Parladé & I.F. Alvarez 1993
Synonyme de Tuber
Lotinia Pérez-Butrón, Fern.-Vic. & P. Alvarado
in Crous et al., Persoonia, 35: 325 (2015)
Espèce type : Lotinia verna Pérez-Butrón, Fernández-Vicente & P. Alvarado 2015
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Luciotrichus R. Galán & Raitv.
Czech Mycol., 47 (4): 272 (1995)
Espèce type : Luciotrichus lasioboloides R. Galán & Raitv. 1995
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Luteoamylascus Cabero, P. Alvarado & G. Moreno
Mycol. Progr., 15 (4): 3 (2016)
Espèce type : Luteoamylascus aculeatus Cabero, P. Alvarado & G. Moreno 2016
Type désigné par Cabero et al. (2016)
Diagnose : A combination of smooth peridium, amyloid asci, and globose spores ornamented with large spines. Genetic profile differs from all other sequenced, described Pezizaceae
Famille : Pezizaceae
Macropodia Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 331 (1870)
Espèce type : Macropodia macropus (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Type désigné par Fuckel (1870)
Diagnose : Cupulae magnae, sparsae, carnosae, plano-hemisphaericae, abrupte longe stipitatae, totae hirto-pulverulentae, disco vix discolori. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia in asci superiori parte oblique monosticha, ovato-ellipsoidea, uniguttulata, hyalina, laevia, continua. Paraphyses filiformes adsunt. Terrestres autumnalesque.
Synonyme de Helvella
Macroscyphus Nees ex Gray
Nat. Arr. Brit. Plant., 1: 671 (1821)
Espèce type : Macroscyphus macropus (Pers.) Gray 1821
Synonyme de Helvella
Malvipezia Van Vooren, 12 (4): 188 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza howsei Roze & Boud. 1880
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate or discoid, sessile, with pale mauve, purple or violet colours. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely amyloid in an iodine solution except at the top where the reaction is intense and forms a ring (WTR type). Paraphyses containing a brown vacuolar pigment. Ascospores biguttulate, ornamented with isolated, rounded warts, more rarely with irregular and coalescent warts. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa with medium-sized to large cells. Species saprobic.
Marcelleina Brumm., Korf & Rifai
Persoonia Suppl., 1: 233 (1967)
Espèce type : Ascobolus persoonii P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1867
Type désigné par Brummelen (1967)
Diagnose : Apothecia sessilia, interdum ad basin paullo constricta, terricola. Receptaculum carnosum, molle, sat parvum, demum expansum. Discus e piano convexus, violaceus, brunneo-violaceus, brunnescens aut nigrescens, pigmento carotenoideo miniato aut rubro destitutus. Asci cylindracei, operculati, pariete iodo non caerulescente. Ascosporae globulosae, ornatae aut laeves. Paraphyses tenues, apice incrassatae saepe curvatae vel curvulae.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Mattirolomyces E. Fisch.
Nat. Pflanzenfam. (Ed. 2), 5bVIII: 39 (1938)
Espèce type : Choiromyces terfezioides Mattir. 1888
Famille : Pezizaceae
Maublancomyces Herter
Revista Südam. de Botanica, 8: 161 (1950)
Espèce type : Helvella gigas Krombh. 1834
Type désigné par Herter (1950)
Diagnose : Sporae fusiformes, apicibus verruca ornatae, asperae vel subtilissime irregulariter reticulatae, 30-45 micra long., guttula magna centrali et saepius duabus minoribus polaribus praeditae.
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, substipitate to stipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid or convex and lobed, saddle-shaped or cerebriform; hymenium yellow-ochre, buff, yellow–brown, brown, or reddish-brown; stipe broadly cylindric, irregular, or fluted, chambered, white to yellow–brown. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to fusoid, apiculus broadly rounded or blunt, sometimes knobbed; surface rugulose to somewhat reticulate at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents uni- or triguttulate.
Melascypha Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 103 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza melaena Fr. 1822
Synonyme de Pseudoplectania
Melastiza Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 106 (1885)
Espèce type : Melastiza miniata (Fuckel) Boud. 1907
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Microeurotium Ghatak
Ann. Bot. Lond., 50: 860 (1936)
Espèce type : Microeurotium albidum Ghatak 1936
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Micronematobotrys Xiang Sun & L.D. Guo
Mycol. Progr., 9(4): 569 (2010)
Espèce type : Micronematobotrys verrucosus Xiang Sun & L.D. Guo 2010
Famille : Pyropyxidaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Conidiophores micronematous, pale brown, smooth or with ornamentation, unbranched. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, intercalary, hyaline to pale brown, inflated laterally, thin-walled, minute denticulate. Conidia solitary, simple, pale brown, verrucose to capitate, 1-celled, ellipsoidal, obovoid, clavate, straight or slight curved, base truncate, apex obtuse, eguttulate.
Microstoma Bernstein
Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. Dresden, 23: 649 (1852)
Espèce type : Microstoma hiemale Bernstein 1852
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Midotis Fr.
Elench. fung., 2: 29 (1818)
Espèce type : Midotis lingua Fr. 1828
Famille : Helvellaceae
Miladina Svrček
Česká Mykol., 26 (4): 213 (1972)
Espèce type : Peziza lecithina Cooke 1876
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Stade asexué de type Actinosporella.
Mitrophora Lév.
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3, 5: 249 (1846)
Espèce type : Mitrophora semilibera (DC.) Lév. 1846
Synonyme de Morchella
Monascella Guarro & Arx
Mycologia, 78 (5): 869 (1986)
Espèce type : Monascella botryosa Guarro & Arx 1986
Famille : Otideaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Moravecia Benkert, Caillet & Moyne
Z. Mykol., 53 (1): 140 (1987)
Espèce type : Moravecia calospora (Quél.) Benkert, Caillet & Moyne 1987
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Morchella Dill. ex Pers.
Neues Mag. Bot., 1: 116 (1794)
Espèce type : Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. 1801
Famille : Morchellaceae
Muciturbo P.H.B. Talbot
Mycol. Res., 92 (1): 95 (1989)
Espèce type : Muciturbo reticulatus P.H.B. Talbot 1989
Type désigné par Warcup & Talbot 1989
Diagnose : Apothecia parva, hypogaea, superne hemisphaerica vel lenticulato-turbinata, infra compressa vel concava, saepe per acumen centrale obconicum affixa vel demum vel demum excavata, laevia vel lobata, initio firma et albida demum violaceo-lilacina vel atrobrunnea, hymenio supra superficiem externam. Excipulum medullosum e textura globulosa vel textura angulari. Asci e pedo oriundo immaturi breviter amyloidei ascosporis in turma irregulari prope apicem, maturi subcylindrici parietibus tenuis et omnino non amyloidei, evidenter sine structura apicale dehiscentia consociata, deliquescentes ubi maturi ut sporas liberarent, plerumque ascosporis 8, rare minus. Ascosporae uniseriatae uninucleatae, sphaericae, hyalinae, tum violaceo-lilacinae, demum atrobrunneae vel atrae, semper ornatae, haud amyloideae. Paraphyses hyalinae vel pallido-stramineae, sparsim ramosae ad basim et interdum omnino per longitudinem totam, ad apices leviter parvae, tenuitunicatae vel tunicis gelatinosis crassis, septis frequentibus, extensae super ascis ut epithecium formarent, gelatinescentes et demum deliquescentes in muco qui ascosporas tolleret.
Synonyme de Ruhlandiella
Mycoarctium K.P. Jain & Cain
Can. J. Bot., 51 (2): 305 (1973)
Espèce type : Mycoarctium ciliatum K.P. Jain & Cain 1973
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Mycoclelandia Trappe & G.W. Beaton
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 83 (3): 536 (1984)
Espèce type : Clelandia arenacea Trappe 1979
Type désigné par Trappe (1979) under the generic illegitimate name Clelandia.
Diagnose : Ascocarpia exsiccata ± 2 cm in diam, profunde sulcata. Peridium glabrum, pallide fulvum, arena adherenti velatum. Gleba loculis vacuis labyrinthinis, hymeniis limitatis. Asci cylindrici vel saccati, octospori, valde amyloidei. Sporae late ellipsoideae vel subglobosae, 10-12 × 8-10 µm in diam, dispersae, inferiores quam asci. Holotypus: ADW 15885.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Mycogalopsis Gjurašin
Acta bot. Inst. bot. Zagreb, 1: 9 (1925)
Espèce type : Mycogalopsis retinospora Gjurašin 1925
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Myrmecocystis Harkn.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 3, Bot., 1: 269 (1899)
Espèce type : Myrmecocystis cerebriformis Harkn. 1899
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nanoscypha Denison
Mycologia, 64 (3): 617 (1972)
Espèce type : Nanoscypha tetraspora (Seaver) Denison 1972
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia small, less than 1 cm broad, cup-shaped to discoid or subturbinate, substipitate to stipitate or sessile, centrally attached, less frequently eccentric; texture firm-fleshy to leathery when fresh, brittle and corky when dry; stipe, where present, similar in color and texture to the cup, slender; hymenium concave to discoid, usually some shade of orange but varying from yellow to red, often translucent; exterior whitish or yellowish, glabrous to glabrescent, becoming strongly wrinkled when dry; ectal excipulum sharply differentiated from the medullary excipulum, textura angularis to textura epidermoidea consisting of several layers of large, 5-30 µ, pseudoparenchymatous cells with their long axes perpendicular to the exterior, sometimes with the outermost layer of cells smaller, 1-5 µ, and with thickened walls; medullary excipulum well developed, 40-200 µ or more thick, textura intricata; asci suboperculate with a lateral operculum, iodine negative, less than 300 µ long, maturing seriatim, cylindrical to clavate with a long tapered, and often crooked, base, 4-spored or with a mixture of 8-, 6-, and 4-spored asci; ascospores mostly unequal-sided ellipsoidal (ellipsoidal and symmetrical in N. macrospora), smooth, containing two conspicuous oil drops; paraphyses filiform to subclavate, not anastomosing to form a network about the asci. On leaves, twigs, and small fragments of wood in the tropics.
Stade asexué de type Mollardiomyces.
Napomyces Setch ex Clem. & Shear, nom. illeg.
Gen. Fungi: 333 (1931)
Espèce type : Napomyces gardneri (Setch.) Clem. & Shear 1931
Synonyme de Daleomyces
Neogyromitra S. Imai
Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 46: 174 (1932)
Espèce type : Morchella caroliniana Bosc 1811
Type désigné par Imai (1932)
Diagnose : Genus affine Helvellae sed sporae magnae, subfusiformae, apiculatae et sculpturae.
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, substipitate to stipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid or convex and irregularly lobed to cerebriform; hymenium rugose, orange-brown to red-brown or purple-brown; stipe broadly cylindric, fluted, or lacunose, white. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to subfusoid, with multiple, prominent, blunt apiculi; surface with a coarse, regular, widely-spaced reticulum at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents uniguttulate or triguttulate.
Neottiella (Cooke) Sacc.
Syll. fung., 8: 190 (1889)
Espèce type : Neottiella albocincta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Neournula Paden & Tylutki
Mycologia, 60 (6): 1160 (1969)
Espèce type : Neournula nordmanensis Paden & Tylutki 1969
Diagnose : Apothecia stipitata, urceolata vel cupularia; margo crenata vel stellata; hymenium pallidum vel purpureum; externa pallida subbrunnea vel brunnea-purpurea; excipulum medullare e textura intricata; excipulum exterius e textura angulari; pili breves; asci suboperculati, cylindracei, in basim obtusi, in iodo non caerulei, non simul maturescentes; opercula eccentrica: ascosporae ellipsoideae vel oblongateae, verrucoseae, hyalineae; paraphyses tenues, ramosae, anastomosantes
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia stipitate, thin-fleshed, leathery, urceolate to goblet-shaped; margin crenate to stellate; hymenium light colored to dull purplish; exterior pale brown to purplish brown; asci suboperculate, cylindrical, with blunt, occasionally lobed bases, connected to the hypothecium by a narrow hypha, not maturing simultaneously, not bluing in iodine; opercula eccentric; ascospores elliptical or oblong, hyaline, at first smooth, becoming verrucose, the ornamentation staining in heated cotton blue; paraphyses narrow, branched, septate, anastomosing ; medullary excipulum of textura intricata, without an evident gelatinous layer; ectal excipulum of textura angularis, the outermost cells giving rise to short, scattered hairs consisting of individual hyphae.
Nothoamylascus Healy & M.E. Sm.
Persoonia, 51: 145 (2023)
Espèce type : Nothoamylascus erubescens Healy & M.E. Sm. 2023
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Ascoma a ptychothecium, hypogeous. Excipulum composed of textura angularis or textura globulosa, with large isodiametric to ovoid cells, intermixed with oleiferous hyphae. Gleba composed of asci and paraphyses in a palisade. Asci cylindrical, evenly amyloid in Melzer’s reagent. Ascospores globose, ornamented with truncated spines. Mitotic spore mats in small clusters, epigeous on soil or hypogeous, white with pinkish brown areas, spore mass pink when young but yellow at maturity, mitotic spores nearly smooth to minutely warted, globose to subglobose.
Nothojafnea Rifai
Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet., tweede sect., 57 (3): 93 (1968)
Espèce type : Nothojafnea cryptotricha Rifai 1968
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Ochotrichobolus Kimbr. & Korf
Mycotaxon, 17: 326 (1983)
Espèce type : Ochotrichobolus polysporus Kimbr. & Korf 1983
Diagnose : Differing from Lasiobolus by septate hairs, from Trichobolus by operculate asci, and from both genera by having hairs present only at the margin and by forming buttresses at the bases of the hairs.
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Ochromitra Velen.
Monogr. Discom. Bohem.: 391 (1934)
Espèce type : Helvella sphaerospora Peck 1875
Synonyme de Pseudorhizina
Octospora Hedw.
Descr. micr.-anal. musc. frond., 2: 4 (1789)
Espèce type : Octospora leucoloma Hedw. 1789
Diagnose : Truncus simplicissimus, superficie terminatus fertili concava, plan, reflexa: de qua eriguntur, Thecae seminales membranulosae, elongatae, numerosissimae, utplurimum stupa filamentosa cinctae; utrisque inter se non cohaerentibus, seminibus octo foetae
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Octosporella Döbbeler
Nova Hedwigia, 31 (4): 827 (1980)
Espèce type : Nectria jungermanniarum P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1867
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Octosporopsis U. Lindem. & M. Vega
Z. Mykol., 80 (2): 566 (2014)
Espèce type : Humaria nicolai Maire 1926
Type désigné par Lindemann & Vega (2014)
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia 2-7 mm in diameter, sessile, at first more or less obconical, later becoming disc-shaped. Hymenium pale yellow, salmon pink to orange. Margin at first slightly bulged, later more or less membranous, with hyaline hairs; the flanks of the apothecium also covered with hairs. Asci 8-spored, operculate, not amyloid, base pleurorhynchous. Ascospores hyaline, broadly ellipsoid to broadly subfusoid, at maturity thin-walled, with minute refractive light brownish droplets, mostly binucleate, later becoming thick-walled and droplets accumulating in the centre. Paraphyses filiform, apically more or less swollen, terminal cell with faintly to distinctly yellowish homogeneous content. Excipulum two-layered: medullary excipulum of textura intricata/subepidermoidea, composed of thin-walled hyaline cells; ectal excipulum as textura globulosa/angularis, composed of hyaline, thick-walled, isodiametric cells. Hairs hyaline, thick-walled, walls one-layered, multi-septate.
Oedocephalum Preuss
Linnaea, 8: 131 (1851)
Espèce type : Oedocephalum elegans Preuss 1851
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 9 fide DoF
Orbicula Cooke
Handb. Brit. Fungi, 2: 926 (1871)
Espèce type : Orbicula cyclospora Cooke 1871
Famille : Pseudombrophilaceae
Orcadia G.K. Sutherl.
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 5 (1): 151 (1915)
Espèce type : Orcadia ascophylli G.K. Sutherl. 1915
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Ostracoderma Fr.
Syst. orb. veg., 1: 150 (1825)
Espèce type : Ostracoderma institale Fr. 1825
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 3 fide DoF
Otidea (Pers.) Bonord.
Handb. Allgem. mykol.: 205 (1851)
Espèce type : Peziza onotica Pers. 1801
Famille : Otideaceae
Oviascoma Y.J. Yao & Spooner
Mycol. Res., 100 (1): 102 (1996)
Espèce type : Lamprospora crechqueraultii var. paludosa Dennis 1956
Diagnose : Apothecia solitaria vel gregaria, albida, in sicco brunneola, primum cylindrica demum ovoidea vel obovoidea vel globosa. Discus valde convexus, laevis. Receptaculum emarginatum, glabrum, ad basin angustatum. Excipulum e textura globulosa compositum; muri cellularum tenues; cellulae marginem versus elongatiusculae vel clavatae. Asci operculati, cylindrici, I-. Ascosporae unicellulares, vel subglobosae, spinis ornatae. Paraphyses filiformes, septatae.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia solitary or gregarious, whitish when fresh, brownish-orange to brown after draying; cylindric at fist, becoming ovoid or obovoid to almost globose. Disc strongly convex, smooth. Receptacle emarginate, deeply cupulate, outer surface glabrous, attached to the substratum at a narrow base. Excipulum a textura globulosa, cells thin-walied, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, marginal cells slightly elongate or clavate. Asci operculate, cylindric, I-. Ascospores unicellular, colourless, globose to subglobose, ornamented with spines. Paraphyses filiform, flexuous.
Pachyella Boud.
Hist. Class. Discom. Eur.: 50 (1907)
Espèce type : Peziza barlaeana Bres. 1898
Type désigné par Le Gal (1953)
Diagnose : Le réceptacle est toujours épais, peu cupuliforme et plutôt étalé chez les grandes espèces, en coussinet chez les petites. Les thèques sont octospores et bleuissant très légèrement chez plusieurs espèces et pas sensiblement chez d''autres. Les spores sont largement ellipsoïdes, avec deux sporidioles accompagnées de granulations nombreuses. Ce sont des Champignons terrestres ou poussant sur les bois pourris. Les spores ressemblent à celles des Sarcosphaera ; l''aspect général est celui des Plicaria dont ils se distinguent par les spores elliptiques.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Pachyphlodes Zobel
in Corda, Icon. fung., 6: 55 (1854)
Espèce type : Pachyphloeus ligericus Tul. & C. Tul. 1851
Type désigné par Zobel, in Corda (1854)
Diagnose : Episporium muricatum.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Pachyphloeus Tul. & C. Tul., nom. illeg.
Giorn. bot. ital., 1 (7-8): 60 (1845)
Espèce type : Choiromyces melanoxanthus Tul. & C. Tul. ex Berk. 1844
Type désigné par Tulasne & Tulasne (1845)
Diagnose : Stratum corticale peridii vices gerens crassum celluloso-carnosum, extus minute obtuseque verrucosum, apicem versus diminutum aut saepius foramine circulari lato crasse obtuseque marginato rimave tomento peculiari occlusis pervium, nec non et basi absorbenti minutissima non producta suberadicata instructum. Moles interior carnosa molliuscula venis primum marmorata, tandem subuniformis et unicolor; venarum natura duplex, aliae nempe pallidae ab initio coloratae et latiores saepissime et praecipue apicem versus demum hiantes et excavatae, e variis uteri partibus ad ostium vel fungi culmen rimosum confluentes, aerem videlicet admittum vehentes, aliae contra ex inferiore strati corticali facie in plantae infimis enatae, venis alteris intermediis obscuriores, utrinque sporangia gignentes. Sporangia ideo venas steriles vertice spectantia, oblonga lagenaeformia breviter pedicellata simplici plerumque serie ordinata. Sporae octo reticulato-echinatae sphaericae in quoviscunque conceptaculo inordinate nascentes.
Synonyme de Pachyphlodes
Paradiscina Benedix
Kulturpflanze, 17: 274 (1969)
Espèce type : Discina melaleuca Bres. 1898
Type désigné par Benedix (1969)
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, sessile or substipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid, dark brown to black; stipe up to 1 cm long and wide, white, fluted. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid, nonapiculate, slightly thickened at ends; surface warty to coarsely rugose; perispore cyanophilic; contents triguttulate.
Paradoxa Mattir.
Beitr. Kryptfl. Schweiz, 8 (2): 32 (1935)
Espèce type : Paradoxa monospora Mattir. 1935
Famille : Tuberaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Paragalactinia Van Vooren, 12 (4): 188 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza succosa Berk. 1841
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata hypogeous or epigeous; apothecial species sessile and cupulate. Flesh producing watery latex, becoming yellowsih, greenish or bluish in air. Asci operculate, 8-spored, mainly without crozier, wall weakly bluing in contact with an iodine solution, a little more intensely at the top (WT type). Paraphyses containing a brownish vacuolar pigment. Medullary excipulum containing laticiferous hyphae. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa, with large cells. Ascospores uni- or biguttulate, warted. Species forming ectomycorrhizas.
Paragyromitra X.C. Wang & W.Y. Zhuang
Microbiol. Spectrum, 11 (3): 10 (2023)
Espèce type : Helvella infula Schaeff. 1774
Type désigné par Wang et al. (2023)
Famille : Discinaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 8
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, stipitate; hymenophore saddle-shaped, cerebriform, or irregularly lobed, yellow–brown, reddish brown, dark brown, or purple; stipe subcylindric, sometimes with longitudinal furrows, hollow, yellow–brown to light brown or purple. Ascospores hyaline, narrowly ellipsoid, ellipsoid, or fusoid, nonapiculate or infrequently with broadly rounded apiculi; surface smooth to rugulose at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents biguttulate.
Paramitra Benedix
Kulturpflanze, 10: 368 (1962)
Espèce type : Paramitra ochreoides Benedix 1962
Type désigné par Benedix (1962)
Synonyme de Peziza
Paranthracobia Van Vooren & Valade, 15 (4): 128 (2023)
Espèce type : Anthracobia rehmii Brumm. 1984
Type désigné par Van Vooren & Valade (2023)
Diagnose : Differs from Anthracobia by the presence of true excipular
and marginal hairs, pluriguttulate ascospores and absence
of carotenoid pigments
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, slightly
cupuliform, disciform to discoid, whitish, pale greyish, orangish or
ochre-brown, with an external surface covered by small brown hairs.
Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata and ectal
layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs ± superficial, septate, with
a simple base, short, straight. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid or fusoid,
hyaline, guttulate, smooth. Asci operculate, narrowing toward
base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses without
carotenoid pigments. Species saprobic, on burnt substrates. Asexual
morph unknown.
Parascutellinia Svrček
Česká Mykol., 29: 129 (1975)
Espèce type : Parascutellinia violacea (Velen.) Svrček 1975
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Paratricharina Van Vooren, U. Lindem., M. Vega, Ribes, Illescas & Matočec, 7 (3): 110 (2015)
Espèce type : Paratricharina poiraultii (Boud.) Van Vooren, U. Lindemann, M. Vega, Ribes, Illescas & Matočec 2015
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia about 10–20 mm in diameter or less, sessile, slightly cupulate with inrolled margin, expanded when old; outer surface covered by dense brown-red hairs, sometimes appressed and/or forming distinct pustules, but mostly straight and projecting outwards. Subhymenium thin, of textura intricata. Medullary excipulum of textura intricata, with thin-walled hyphae. Ectal excipulum of vertically oriented textura prismatica, with thin-walled cells, becoming a textura globulosa/subangularis in the outermost part, then with thick-walled brownish cells. Hairs more or less thick-walled, pale brown, more or less sinuous, septate, obtuse or pointed, with a simple base arising from the globose cells of the outer layer of the ectal excipulum. Asci cylindrical, with forked base, arising from perforated croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses cylindrical, rounded and slightly enlarged at the apex, with spumous compound KOH soluble content, without reaction in Lugol’s solution. Ascospores ellipsoid, hyaline, appearing eguttulate (in dead state) but with small polar aggregations of minute lipid bodies rapidly coalesced into two small polar guttules (in living state), more or less thick-walled, smooth observed in water and Cotton Blue, but with a rough to finely verrucose perispore if mounted in Lugol’s solution, entirely encapsulated by a delicate persistent sheath. Base of apothecia covered by hyaline anchoring hyphae.
Paratrichophaea Trigaux
Docum. Mycol., 16 (61): 5 (1985)
Espèce type : Paratrichophaea macrocystis Trigaux 1985
Synonyme de Lasiobolidium
Parawilcoxina Van Vooren, 13 (1): 36 (2021)
Espèce type : Parawilcoxina inexpectata Valencia, Van Vooren & M. Vega 2021
Diagnose : Differs from Wilcoxina by the presence of vacuolar bodies in paraphyses, its saprobic status, and its genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, slightly cupuliform, disciform to discoid, whitish to pale greyish, with an external surface covered by small brown hairs. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata and ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs superficial, straight, septate, with a simple base, sometimes arising from a chain of rounded cells. Ascospores uniseriate or irregularly biseriate, ellipsoid to narrow ellipsoid, hyaline, guttulate, smooth. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses containing vacuolar bodies. Species saprobic. Asexual morph unknown.
Paurocotylis Berk.
Bot. Antarct. Voy. Erebus Terror, 1839-1843 I, Part II, 2: 188 (1855)
Espèce type : Paurocotylis pila Berk. 1855
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Perilachnea Van Vooren, 13 (1): 18 (2021)
Espèce type : Perilachnea hemisphaerioides (Mouton) Van Vooren 2021
Diagnose : Differs from Trichophaea s. str. by deeply cupulate apothecia (at least in young state), mainly with a Humaria-like appearance, bi- or pluriguttulate ascospores, paraphyses containing small oil bodies, a saprobic status, and genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, deeply cupuliform or discoid, whitish, yellowish or orange, with an external surface covered by sparse brown hairs. Margin hairy. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata and ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs superficial, septate, with a simple base. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, containing small oil bodies. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, bi- or pluriguttulate, smooth or very finely dotted. Species saprobic of the litter and woody debris of conifers or on enriched or burnt soil. Asexual morph unknown but germinating ascospores observed in P. hemisphaerioides and P. flavobrunnea.
Petchiomyces E. Fisch. & Mattir.
Nat. Pflanzenfam. (Ed. 2), 5bVIII: 40 (1938)
Espèce type : Petchiomyces thwaitesii (Berk. & Broome) E. Fisch. & Mattir. 1938
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Peziza Dill. ex Fr.
Syst. mycol., 2 (1): 40 (1822)
Espèce type : Peziza vesiculosa Bull. 1790
Type désigné par Clements & Shear (1931)
Diagnose : Fungoides Tournef. J. R. H. p. 564. Fungoid. cava. Mich. gen. p. 205. Peziza. Dill. gen. p. 74. Ellvellae spec. Gled Schaeff. &c. Terana, Pezica, Trombetta. Adons. Octospora, Hedw. Musc. II. p. 4. Patella. Weber. Encoelia Hill. Pezizae spec. Pers. syn. p. 631. Nees Syst. p. 254.
CHAR. Receptaculum marginatum, cupulaeforme, primo sabelausum, mox expansum, epidermide tenui contigua. Hymenium laeve, persistens, distinctum. Asci ampli, distincti, fixi, sporidia elastice ejicienda includentes, parapbysibus immixtis. — Cupula centro adfixa, passim stipitata, libere evoluta, plus minus cava, demum passim planiuscula, disco polito (nec villoso l. pulveraceo) discolori. Velum universale, sed non distinctum & saepe nullum. Substantia carnose-membranacea l. ceracea.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Stade asexué de type Chromelosporium, Oedocephalum.
Pfistera Korf & W.Y. Zhuang
Mycotaxon, 40: 275 (1991)
Espèce type : Pfistera pyrophila Korf & W.Y. Zhuang 1991
Type désigné par Korf & Zhuang (1991)
Diagnose : Ab Pezizalibus aliis (praeter Ascozonus) asci tholo apicale gaudentibus pariete valde tenui munito, ab Ascozono habitu non coprophilo et apotheciis multo magis grandioribus et complexe fabricatis differens.
Synonyme de Peziza
Phaeangium Pat.
J. Bot. Paris, 8: 155 (1894)
Espèce type : Phaeangium lefebvrei Pat. 1894
Synonyme de Picoa
Phaeopezia (Vido) Vido
Michelia, 1 (5): 595 (1879)
Espèce type : Peziza apiculata Cooke 1875
Type désigné par Vido (1879)
Diagnose : Est Geoscypha sporidiis apiculatis fuscisque instructa.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous or hypogeous; apothecial species sessile and discoid. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution (WT type). Paraphyses diffusely coloured (olivaceous brown), with also a brownish external pigment on the top article. Ascospores containing numerous small polar granules, ornamented with isolated warts and with polar apiculi, hyaline becoming brown with age. Excipulum of textura globulosa, with small to medium-sized cells. Species forming ectomycorrhizas.
Phillipsia Berk.
J. Linn. Soc. Bot., 18: 388 (1881)
Espèce type : Phillipsia domingensis Berk. 1881
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Phylloscypha Van Vooren, 12 (4): 189 (2020)
Espèce type : Peziza phyllogena Cooke 1877
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2020)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate, sessile, external surface distinctly furfuraceous or pustulate. Flesh without latex, purplish-coloured. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution (W type). Paraphyses hyaline, with an external pigment at the top, pale brown, olivaceous brown or dark brown. Ascospores eguttulate but containing small polar granules, ornamented with warts. Species saprobic.
Phymatotrichopsis Hennebert
Persoonia, 7 (2): 199 (1973)
Espèce type : Ozonium omnivorum Shear 1907
Famille : Rhizinaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Physomitra Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 99 (1885)
Espèce type : Gyromitra esculenta Pers. ex Fr. 1849
Synonyme de Gyromitra
Picoa Vittad.
Monogr. Tuberac.: 54 (1831)
Espèce type : Picoa juniperi Vittad. 1831
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Pindara Velen.
Monogr. Discom. Bohem.: 341 (1934)
Espèce type : Pindara terrestris Velen. 1934
Famille : Helvellaceae
Piscidiscina Dirks, Methven & A.N. Mill.
Mol. Phylogen. Evol., 205: 11 (2025)
Espèce type : Discina leucoxantha Bres. 1881
Type désigné par Dirks et al. (2025)
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, substipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid, margin incurved; hymenium pinkish-buff to yellow-ochraceous; stipe fluted and lacunose, white. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to fusoid, apiculus truncate with a concave, apical depression; surface roughened to reticulate at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents uniguttulate or triguttulate.
Pithya Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 317 (1870)
Espèce type : Peziza pitya Pers. 1800 (= Pithya vulgaris Fuckel)
Type désigné par Seaver (1927)
Diagnose : Cupulae subsparsae, media magnitudine, ceraceae, primo teretes, demum explanatae, in stipitem crassum brevem attenuatae, basi albicante fibrillosae, ceterum subglabrae, margine acuto vix distincto, disco colorato. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia monosticha, perfecte globosa, simplicia, hyalina dilutissime rubellave. Paraphyses filiformes, clavatae. Autumnales.
Dürre Aestchen, bisher nur der Coniferen bewohnend.
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Stade asexué de type Mollardiomyces.
Planamyces Crous & Decock
Persoonia, 39: 377 (2017)
Espèce type : Planamyces parisiensis Crous & C. Decock 2017
Famille : Otideaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Plectania Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 323 (1870)
Espèce type : Peziza melastoma Sowerby 1799
Type désigné par Saccardo (1889)
Diagnose : Cupulae sparsae, majusculae, crasso-stipitatae, carnosae, basi plus minusve comatae, ceterum subglabrae, marginatae, disco plane concavo, discolori. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia monosticha, oblonga, demum guttulata, continua, episporio laevi, hyalino subrubellove. Paraphyses filiformes, subsimplices. Vernales.
Faulende Aestchen und dergl. bewohnend.
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Stade asexué de type Conoplea.
Plicaria Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 325 (1870)
Espèce type : Peziza trachycarpa Curr. 1864
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Cupulae gregariae sparsaeve, a minoribus ad maximas, carnosae, substipitatae sessilesve, lato-obconicae, turbinatae vel explanato-plicatae, extus aut villo denso, brevi, aut furfuraceae, rarius subglabrae, margine elevato, disco plerumque nitido, concavo explanatove, discolori, quandoque tremelloso. Asci magni, cylindracei, subvermiculares, substipitati, fusci, toti oblique transverse plicati, 8spori. Sporidia in asci superiori parte primo disticha, demum monosticha, perfecte globosa, ovata oblongave, continua, episporio crasso, tuberculoso, fusco (in P. violaceae modo laevi hyalinoque). Paraphyses filiformes, articulatae, demum secedentes (an omnium ?). Terrestres fimicolaeque. Peziza trachycarpa Curr. in Rbh. F. eur. 620. et Peziza Marsupium Pers. Myc. eur. I. pag. 228. etiam hujus generis sunt.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Stade asexué de type Chromelosporium.
Plicariella (Sacc.) Rehm
Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl. (ed. 2), 1 (3), lief. 42: 993 (1894)
Espèce type : Peziza radula Berk. & Broome 1877
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Ascomata subcupulata, majuscula. Sporidia globosa. [P. radula (B. ef Br.) Sacc, P. atrospora (Fuck.) Sacc, P. scabrosa (Cooke) Sacc].
Famille : Pezizaceae
Pseudaleuria Lusk
Mycotaxon, 30: 419 (1987)
Espèce type : Pseudaleuria quinaultiana Lusk 1987
Diagnose : Apothecia sparsa vel fasciculata, mediocria, sessilia vel substipitata, orbicularia vel repanda; hymenio clare rubro-aurantiaco, extus similari vel pallidiore, pilis hyalinis, flexuosis, stratum externum velutinum tormantibus; excipulo duobus stratis composito, strato interiore ex textura intricata, strato exteriore ex textura angularis, ascis operculatis, non amyloideis, octosporis, cylindraceis, basin versus sensim angustatis, ad maturitatem non prodtrudentibus, muro tenui; ascosporis ellipsoideis, laevibus, hyalinis, eguttulatis, mediocribus; paraphysibus gracilibus, sursum plus minsve dilatatis, raro ramificantibus.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia scattered or in clusters, medium sized, sessile to substipitate, discoid to repand, thick-fleshed, texture firm fleshy to rubbery, becoming corky when dry; hymenium bright reddish orange; exterior concolor or lighter when fresh, with flexuous hyphoid hairs, these hairs forming a felty layer; excipulum two-layered, medullary layer is textura intricata, ectal layer is textura angularis; asci operculate, non-amyloid, eight-spored, cylindrical, tapering to the base, thin-walled, not protruding at maturity; ascospores ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, eguttulate, uninucleate, medium sized; paraphyses slender, slightly to greatly and abruptly enlarged above, rarely branching.Soil and/or wood saprobe, or mycorrhizal.
Pseudoboubovia U. Lindem., M. Vega, B. Perić & R. Tena
Z. Mykol., 81 (2): 391 (2015)
Espèce type : Kotlabaea benkertii B. Perić 2013
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia 1-8 mm in diameter, sessile, smooth, at first hemispherical, later becoming disc-shaped, finally with irregular shape. Hymenium lemon yellow, greenish yellow, orange yellow. Margin slightly raised, smooth or finely serrated, sometimes irregularly wavy or incurved, same color as the hymenium. Asci 8-spored, operculate, not amyloid, base simple. Ascospores ellipsoid-ovoid or rhomboid, smooth, hyaline or occasionally pale yellowish, with many minute refractive droplets, later becoming thick-walled and droplets accumulating in the centre, with a cyanophilic perispore, dead ascospores containing occasionally a de-Bary-bubble. Paraphyses filiform, distinctly curved, septate, containing yellow or orange granules which do not stain green with iodine. Excipulum two-layered: medullary excipulum of textura intricata, composed of thin-walled hyaline cells; ectal excipulum as textura globulosa, composed of thin walled hyaline cells, intermixed with swollen hyphae. Anchor hyphae covering the base of apothecia.
Pseudocoprotus U. Lindem., Fellm. & J.A. Castillo, 11 (1): 20 (2019)
Espèce type : Cheilymenia catenipila J. Moravec 2003
Diagnose : Differs from the species of Coprotus sensu Korf & Kimbrough by its marginal hairs composed of globose and elongate cells in chains, its fully developed marginal tissue, its much bigger size, and the rDNA analysis.
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Pseudodiscina X.C. Wang & W.Y. Zhuang
Microbiol. Spectrum, 11 (3): 12 (2023)
Espèce type : Peziza melaleucoides Seaver 1928
Type désigné par Wang et al. (2023)
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, subsessile to stipitate; hymenophore cupulate to discoid; hymenium rugose, dark gray-brown to brown; stipe short, fluted. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, nonapiculate; surface with isolated, rounded warts at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents biguttulate.
Pseudombrophila Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 106 (1885)
Espèce type : Pseudombrophila pedrottii Boud. 1885
Famille : Pseudombrophilaceae
Pseudopithyella Seaver
N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Opercul.): 153 (1928)
Espèce type : Sarcoscypha minuscula Boud. & Torrend 1911
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Pseudoplectania Fuckel
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 324 (1870)
Espèce type : Peziza nigrella Pers. 1801
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Cupulae gregariae sparsaeve, sessiles vel breviter stipitatae, majusculae, carnosae, extus aut pilosae, praecipue basin versus comatae, aut subglabrae, stipite basi in hyphas soluto, effuse radicante, disco marginato, concavo, discolori. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia monosticha, perfecte globosa, simplicia, laevia, hyalina vel pallide fusca. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, subclavatae, quandoque coloratae. Vernales.
Auf faulenden Tannennadeln, selten auf nackter Erde.
Verhält sich zu Plectania wie Crouania zu Leucoloma.
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Pseudorhizina Jacz.
Opredelitel’ Gribov., 1. Sovershennye Griby: 414 (1913)
Espèce type : Pseudorhizina korshinskii Jacz. 1913
Type désigné par Jaczewski (1913)
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, stipitate; hymenophore irregularly convex, campanulate, saddle-shaped, or irregularly lobed, margin reflexed, fused, or free; hymenium brown to gray-brown or blackish-brown; stipe lacunose, sharply costate, ribs extending onto under surface of hymenophore, white to rosy pink to violet. Ascospores hyaline, globose to ellipsoid, nonapiculate; surface seen as smooth with light microscopy but smooth or finely rugose under SEM at maturity; cyanophilic perispore-periplasm complex absent at maturity; contents uni- or biguttulate. Hyphae of excipulum thick-walled.
Pseudosarcosoma M. Carbone, Agnello & P. Alvarado, 5 (1): 6 (2013)
Espèce type : Sarcosoma latahense Paden & Tylutki 1969
Type désigné par Carbone et al. (2013)
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia turbinate to discoid, gelatinous to less gelatinous in age, substipitate, hymenium deep purple to black, external surface grayish to black. Asci operculate, 8-spored, inamyloid, tapering basally with some forked bases; spores elliptical to subcylindrical, smooth, hyaline, oil-dropped to eguttulate at maturity; paraphyses cylindroid, branched, anastomosing, closely septate, with bent or lobed tips; subhymenium of a thick textura intricata; medullary excipulum of a loose textura intricata; ectal excipulum of textura angularis, the most outer cells with brown walls; external hairs branched, septate, smooth, lobed, hyaline to pale brownish-olivaceous.
Pseudotis (Boud.) Boud.
Hist. Class. Discom. Eur.: 52 (1907)
Espèce type : Peziza abietina Pers. 1794
Synonyme de Otidea
Pseudotricharina Van Vooren, Tello & M. Vega, 11 (2): 32 (2019)
Espèce type : Pseudotricharina intermedia Van Vooren, Tello & M. Vega 2019
Diagnose : Differs from the known species of Tricharina by its guttulate and roughly warted ascospores, and from Trichophaea species by its tricharinoid general morphology.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Pseudoverpa (P.A. Moreau, Bellanger & Loizides) X.C. Wang & W.Y. Zhuang
Microbiol. Spectrum, 11 (3): 14 (2023)
Espèce type : Gyromitra anthracobia Loizides, P.A. Moreau & Bellanger
Type désigné par Wang et al. (2023)
Famille : Discinaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, stipitate; hymenophore cerebriform to lobate; hymenium gray-brown, red-brown, purple-brown, or black when fresh; stipe cylindric, attached to hymenophore only at apex, white to ochraceous-orange, stuffed to hollow. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoid, nonapiculate; surface smooth at maturity; perispore cyanophilic; contents biguttulate.
Psilopezia Berk.
London J. Bot., 6: 325 (1847)
Espèce type : Psilopezia nummularia Berk. 1847
Famille : Rhizinaceae
Ptychoverpa Boud.
Hist. Class. Discom. Eur.: 34 (1907)
Espèce type : Morchella bohemica Krombh. 1828
Synonyme de Verpa
Pulparia P. Karst.
Bidr. Känn. Finl. Nat. Folk., 19: 9 (1871)
Espèce type : Pulparia arctica P. Karst. 1871
Synonyme de Pulvinula
Pulvinula Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 107 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza convexella P. Karst. 1869
Famille : Pulvinulaceae
Purpureodiscus (Hirsch) Van Vooren, 12 (4): 189 (2020)
Espèce type : Galactinia subisabellina Le Gal 1967
Type désigné par Hirsch (1992)
Diagnose : Ascomata minuta vel media, applanata, crassa, estipitata, obscure purpurea vel purpureo brunnea. Carne molle, sine lactae. Sporae hyalinae, laeves, eguttatae. Asci cylindracei, totis parietibus tenuiter amyloidei. Paraphyses simplices, rectes, crassae claviformes, pigmentis in parietibus. Anatomia ascomatis simplex, textura intricata vel inflata, sine mediostrato.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata discoid or pulvinate, sessile, fleshy, whitish, pinkish to reddish-colored or purplish brown. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, with wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution (W type). Paraphyses containing small vacuolar bodies. Ascospores eguttulate, but often with small granules at young stage, smooth or ornamented by isolated warts, in some species germinating to directly produce conidia. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa/angularis, with large cells. Species saprobic.
Pustularia Fuckel, nom. illeg.
Jahrb. nassau. Ver. Naturk., 23-24: 328 (1870)
Espèce type : Peziza cupularis L. 1753
Diagnose : Cupulae sparsae, plerumque maximae, carnosae, breviter crasse stipitatae, campanulatae ampliataeve, extus pustulato-furfuraceae, disco vix discolori, submarginato. Asci longissimi, cylindracei, 8spori. Sporidia in asci superiori parte oblique monosticha, ovata, oblongo-ovatave, continua, 1—2 guttulata, episporio laevi, hyalino, rarius lutescente. Paraphyses filiformes. Terrestres autumnalesque.
Synonyme de Tarzetta
Pustulina Eckblad
Nytt Mag. Bot., 15(1-2): 84 (1968)
Espèce type : Peziza cupularis L. 1753
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Synonyme de Tarzetta
Pyronema Carus
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur., 17 (1): 370 (1835)
Espèce type : Pyronema marianum Carus 1835
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Pyropyxis Egger
Can. J. Bot., 62 (4): 705 (1984)
Espèce type : Peziza rubra Peck 1872
Famille : Pyropyxidaceae
Stade asexué de type Dichobotrys.
Ramsbottomia W.D. Buckley
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 9 (1): 44 (1924)
Espèce type : Ramsbottomia lamprosporoidea W.D. Buckley 1924
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Reddellomyces Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk
Aust. Syst. Bot., 5 (5): 606 (1992)
Espèce type : Labyrinthomyces westraliensis G.W. Beaton & Malajczuk 1986
Diagnose : A Labyrinthomyces e Dingleya peridio laevi, glabro et ascis sporis 1–4 (–5) differt.
Famille : Tuberaceae
Définition actuelle : Differing from Labyrinthomyces and Dingleya in its smooth, glabrous peridium and asci with only 1–4 (–5) spores. Ornamentation of spores of some species collections swells inordinately in KOH. True ornamentation can be viewed in H20, Melzer''s reagent or cotton blue.
Rhizina Fr.
Observ. mycol., 1: 161 (1815)
Espèce type : Rhizina undulata Fr. 1815
Famille : Rhizinaceae
Rhizoblepharia Rifai
Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet., tweede sect., 57 (3): 104 (1968)
Espèce type : Rhizoblepharia jugispora Rifai 1968
Type désigné par Rifai (1968)
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Nombre d'espèces : 2 fide DoF
Rhizopodella (Cooke) Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 103 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza melastoma Sowerby 1798
Synonyme de Plectania
Rhodopeziza Hohmeyer & J. Moravec
Czech Mycol., 47 (4): 261 (1995)
Espèce type : Aleuria tuberculata Gamundí 1975
Type désigné par Moravec (1994)
Diagnose : Apothecia media usque magna, sessilia, cupuliformia, inaequalia, interdum auriculiformia, externe glabra, ad marginem pruinosa; hymenio miniato. Excipulum externum textura globulosa angularis compositum e cellulis latioribus, excipulum internum (medulla) textura globulosa angularis compositum e cellulis angustioribus cum hyphis intermixtis. Asci cylindracei, operculati, octospori, in toto iodo coerulescentes. Ascosporae late ellipsoideae, eguttulatae, pallide flavescentes, tuberculatae. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, septatae, rectae sed apice curvatae, granulis aurantiacis impletae.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Rhodoscypha Dissing & Sivertsen
Mycotaxon, 16 (2): 442 (1983)
Espèce type : Peziza ovilla Peck 1876
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Rhodotarzetta Dissing & Sivertsen
Mycotaxon, 16 (2): 453 (1983)
Espèce type : Pustularia rosea Rea 1924
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Rickiella Syd. & P. Syd. ex Rick
Ann. mycol., 2 (3): 244 (1904)
Espèce type : Rickiella transiens Syd. & P. Syd. ex Rick 1904
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Rubelia Nieuwl.
Am. Midl. Nat., 4: 386 (1916)
Espèce type : Peziza trechispora Berk. & Broome 1846
Diagnose : nomen novum, based on Sphaerospora (Vido) Sacc., illeg.
Synonyme de Scutellinia
Rugosporella Pfister, Healy & LoBuglio, 16 (3): 188 (2024)
Espèce type : Peziza atrovinosa Cooke 1875
Type désigné par Pfister et al. (2024)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia shallow cupulate, often in groups, hymenium ranging in color from tawny buff to dark brown to nearly black on drying, outer surface concolorous or lighter than the hymenium, scurfy. Flesh thick, composed of textura intricata with intermixed globose cells. Outer excipulum with low pustules composed of parallel cells oriented perpendicularly to the outer surface. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, under 15 µm long, with two guttules, surface ornamented with a regular or irregular reticulum the veins of which become brown at maturity. Asci blue in iodine at the apex without a ring and blue in the upper half. Paraphyses slightly swollen at the tip, containing dark amorphous material.
Ruhlandiella Henn.
Hedwigia, 42 (Beibl.): 24 (1903)
Espèce type : Ruhlandiella berolinensis Henn. 1903
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Fruitbodies pulvinate to brain-like. Excipulum of globose to angular, thick-walled cells. Asci cylindrical to clavate, weakly amyloid all over, without operculum; ascus wall evanescent. Paraphyses septate, branching, with a conspicuous gelatinous sheath; paraphyses distinctly exceeding asci in length. Ascospores globose, at first bi- to tri-seriate, hyaline, later uniseriate, with a pale brownish, strongly cyanophilic ornamentation.
Saccobolus Boud.
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 5, 10: 228 (1869)
Espèce type : Ascobolus kervernii P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1858
Famille : Ascobolaceae
Sarcopeziza Loizides, Agnello & P. Alvarado, 10 (4): 179 (2018)
Espèce type : Peziza sicula Inzenga 1869
Type désigné par Agnello et al. (2018)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata hypogeous or semi-hypogeous, medium- to large-sized, sarcosphaeroid in aspect and distinctly or indistinctly stipitate, at first angiocarpic, hollow, subglobose to pyriform, with a small apical orifice, gradually tearing concentrically to form erect or arched lacinias; hymenial surface smooth, purplish-violet; asci with fully functioning opercula, , pleurorhynchous, diffusely amyloid over the entire length, more intensely at the apex; paraphyses multiseptate, cylindrical or sometimes moniliform; ascospores monoseriate, ellipsoid, smooth or finely low warted, hyaline or subhyaline and mono- or multiguttulate,; in xeric scrub, dry grasslands and thermomediterranean matorral.
Sarcoscypha (Fr.) Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 103 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza coccinea Jacq. 1774
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Stade asexué de type Mollardiomyces.
Sarcosoma Casp.
Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl. Edn, 2, 1.3: 497 (1891)
Espèce type : Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel) Casp. 1891
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Stade asexué de type Verticicladium.
Sarcosphaera Auersw.
Hedwigia, 8: 82 (1869)
Espèce type : Peziza macrocalyx Riess 1852
Type désigné par Auerswald (1869)
Diagnose : Fungus suglobosus, undique clausus, deinde Geastri
instar irregulariter rumpens, carnosus, extus membranaceo-
corticatus, intus strato crasso merenchymatoso; hymenium
tenue ex ascis tubulosis 8-sporis paraphysibusque filiformibus
ramosis, septatis consistens.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Scabropezia Dissing & Pfister
Nord. J. Bot., 1 (1): 102 (1981)
Espèce type : Peziza scabrosa Cooke 1877
Type désigné par Dissing & Pfister (1981)
Diagnose : Apothecia raro plus quam 2 cm lata, catilliformia vel cupulata, hymeniis viridulis flavido vel olivaceo affectis, extra pustulis fuscidis prominentibus. Excipulum exterius textura globulosa vel angulari, cellulis globularibus vel elongatis, parietibus fuscidis, extrinsecus in pustulas conspicuas pyramidales vel conicas elevatum; excipulum medullare textura intricata. Asci omnino amyloides, operculati, cylindrici, basibus latis pleurorhynchis. Paraphyses rectae, septatae, supra matrice colorata granulari circumdatae. Ascosporae globulares, initio achroae, in duas series vel sine ordine dispositae, postea fuscidae, verrucosae uniseriales. Habitat in solo et in frustulis ligneis, locis deustis non affinis.
Species typifica: Peziza scabrosa Cooke.
Synonyme de Plicariella
Scodellina Gray
Nat. arrang. Brit. plants, 1: 668 (1821)
Espèce type : Peziza vesiculosa Bull. 1790
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Diagnose : Thallus fleshy, membranaceous, brittle, sessile, hemispherical, spreading; outside scaly or mealy.
Synonyme de Peziza
Scotopezia Van Vooren, Sammut & P. Alvarado
Cryptog. Mycol., 44 (12): 166 (2023)
Espèce type : Peziza pseudoanthracina Donadini
Type désigné par Sammut et al. (2023)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Ascomata gregarious, epigeous, discoid, sessile, brown to black coloured. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, with croziers, having a diffusely but inconstantly amyloid wall in iodine solution. Ascospores globose, uniguttulate, warted. Paraphyses embedded at the top with a yellowish-brown exudate. Excipulum of textura globulosa/subglobulosa. Anamorph unknown. Trophic status unknown.
Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte
Mém. Soc. roy. Sci. Liège, sér. 2, 14: 299 (1887)
Espèce type : Peziza scutellata L. 1753
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Selenaspora R. Heim & Le Gal
Rev. Mycol. Paris, 1: 307 (1936)
Espèce type : Selenaspora batava R. Heim & Le Gal 1936
Type désigné par Heim & Le Gal (1936)
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Sepultaria (Cooke) Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 104 (1885)
Espèce type : Peziza sepulta Fr. 1851
Type désigné par Boudier (1885)
Diagnose : Cupula carnosa, sessilis, extus pilis coloratis vestita.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Sepultariella Van Vooren, U. Lindem. & Healy, 9 (4): 118 (2017)
Espèce type : Peziza patavina Cooke & Sacc. 1877
Type désigné par Van Vooren et al. (2017)
Diagnose : Differs from Leucoscypha Boud. by pigmented apothecia and smooth ascospores.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Smardaea Svrček
Česká Mykol., 23: 90 (1969)
Espèce type : Ascobolus amethystinus W. Phillips 1875
Famille : Pyropyxidaceae
Smarodsia Raitv. & Vimba
Folia cryptog. Estonica, 42: 98 (2006)
Espèce type : Smarodsia stollii Raitv. & Vimba 2006
Diagnose : Genus pyronematacearum Kotlabaea Svrcek similis sed in sporis distincte guttulatis et pilis setiformibus crassiter tunicatis differt.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia terrestrial, minute, broadly sessile, discoid to saucer-shaped, disc pale yellowish to pale ochraceous or orange-yellowish, receptacle concolorous with the disc, externally smooth. Ectal excipulum of hyaline, large-celled textura globulosa. The cells of outer layers have thick, refracting walls. Hairs scanty, hyaline, aseptate, firm-walled to thick-walled, cylindrical to conical, obtusely rounded, rarely almost pointed, straight to slightly flexuous, arising superficially from a basal cell. Asci pleurorhynchous, cylindrical, apically not bluing in MLZ, at first 8-spored but 4-spored at maturity in type species. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusoid, containing 2 big, more rarely 1 big or 1 big and several small lipid globules, sometimes with numerous small globules or granulose cytoplasma, spore wall without changes when heated in lactic acid. Paraphyses apically clavate, fi lled with numerous small yellowish drops in CB.
Sowerbyella Nannf.
Svensk bot. Tidskr., 32: 118 (1938)
Espèce type : Peziza radiculata Sowerby 1797
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Spaniodiscus Van Vooren, U. Lindemann & Roffler, 14 (2): 43 (2022)
Espèce type : Parascutellinia fuckelii Donadini & Svrček 1985
Type désigné par Lindemann et al. (2022)
Diagnose : Differs from Scutellinia and other genera having an orange hymenium by the combination of the following characters: superficial and simple-based hairs, always smooth thick-walled ascospores, filled with oil droplets, and its genetic profile.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, orange-coloured, with an external surface and margin covered by short brown hairs. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata, ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis. Hairs simple, superficial, septate, with a simple base. Asci operculate, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, enlarged at the top, containing carotenoid pigments. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, pluriguttulate in living state, smooth. Trophic status probably saprobic. Asexual morph unknown.
Sphaeridiobolus Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 108 (1885)
Espèce type : Ascobolus hyperboreus P. Karst. 1871
Synonyme de Ascobolus
Sphaerosoma Klotzsch
Fl. Regn. Boruss., 7: 467 (1839)
Espèce type : Sphaerosoma fuscescens Klotzsch 1839
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 3 fide DoF
Sphaerospora (Vido) Sacc., nom. illeg.
Syll. fung., 8: 188 (1889)
Espèce type : Peziza trechispora Berk. & Broome 1846
Type désigné par Seaver (1927)
Synonyme de Scutellinia
Sphaerosporella (Svrček) Svrček & Kubička
Česká Mykol., 15 (2): 66 (1961)
Espèce type : Peziza brunnea Alb. & Schwein. 1805
Synonyme de Trichophaea
Sphaerozone Zobel
in Corda, Icon. fung. (Prague), 6: 53 (1854)
Espèce type : Sphaerozone tulasnei Zobel 1854
Type désigné par Zobel, in Corda (1854)
Diagnose : Fungus cavus, irregulariter gibberoso-plicatus, apice hians, basi mycelio copioso pallide fusco donatus. Peridium tenuissimum (evanidum?). Hymenium periphericum, superficiale, componitur ex ascis clavato-cylindricis exotropis, intermixtis paraphysibus multo longioribus filiformi-clavatis. Asci paralleli, approximati 5—6-, rarius octospori. Sporae sphaericae, in ascis uniseriati. Episporium verrucosum, verrucis crassis obtusiusculis.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 4 fide DoF
Spooneromyces T. Schumach. & J. Moravec
Nord. J. Bot., 9 (4): 426 (1989)
Espèce type : Spooneromyces laeticolor (P. Karst.) T. Schumach. & J. Moravec 1989
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Stephensia Tul. & C. Tul.
C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris, 21: 1433 (1845)
Espèce type : Stephensia bombycina (Vittad.) Tul. 1851
Synonyme de Hydnocystis
Strobiloscypha N.S. Weber & Denison
Mycotaxon, 54: 130 (1995)
Espèce type : Strobiloscypha keliae N.S. Weber & Denison 1995
Diagnose : Apothecia sessilia, juventute aliquantum turbinata, maturitate vade crateriformia vel plana, 1.5-5.0(-7.0) mm in diam, succulenta. Hymenium olivaceo-brunneolum vel olivaceo-cinereum. Pagina abhymenialis brunneola vel brunnea, glabra, margo minute pustullata. Sporae ellipsoideae, (18.7-)21-23.7 x (11.8-)12.5-13(-15.1) µm, hyalinae, maturitatae agullulatae, verruculosae, in ascis uniseriate. Asci J-, operculati, 8-sporae, 316-368 x 14.3-18.4 µm. Paraphyses rectae, anguste clavatae, septatae. Subhymenium e excipulum medullosum texturis intricatis, hyphae 5.3-10.5(-15.6) µm in diam. Excipulum ectale texturis globulosis/angularis. In strobilis Cupressacearum e Taxodiacearum.
Famille : Strobiloscyphaceae
Tarzetta (Cooke) Lambotte
Mém. Soc. roy. Sci. Liège, sér. 2, 14: 325 (1888)
Espèce type : Peziza tarzetta Cooke 1877 (= Peziza catinus Holmsk. 1799)
Type désigné par Rogers et al. (1971)
Diagnose : Cupula subintegra, nuda, stipitata; stipite tenui, vel abbreviato, erecto vel radicato.
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Temperantia K. Hansen, Healy & Kovács
Mycologia, 103 (4): 837 (2011)
Espèce type : Mattirolomyces tiffanyae Healy 2003
Type désigné par Kovács et al. (2011)
Diagnose : Peridium constans ex textura intricata. Gleba a peridio non separabilis, solida, marsupiis fertilibus et venis in sicco cremicoloribus. Asci sporis 1–4, paraphyses carentes. Sporae hyalinae, uniguttulatae, globosae, e verrucato porcatae. A Hydnobolite ac Mattirolomycete ordinibus DNA differt.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Ascoma a stereothecium without a basal mycelial tuft, not changing color with handling or damage, darkening slightly to cream-colored when dry. Excipulum thin, of slightly inflated, interwoven hyphae similar to those of the sterile glebal veins. Gleba solid, lacking paraphyses or channels. Asci 1–4-spored, irregularly arranged in fertile pockets. Spores globose, with one guttule, hyaline and ornamented with blunt-tipped warts and irregularly thickened ridges (Fig. 3j).
Terfezia (Tul. & C. Tul.) Tul. & C. Tul.
Fungi hypog.: 172 (1851)
Espèce type : Tuber arenarium Moris 1829
Type désigné par Trappe (1971)
Diagnose : Materie fertili in glebulas pulposas aggregata; sporangiis globosis ecaudatis in ipsa absque ordine nididantibus.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Terracavicola A.C. Grupe, Kraisit., Guevara & M.E. Sm., 11 (2): 41 (2019)
Espèce type : Terracavicola echinospora A.C. Grupe, Kraisit., Guevara & M.E. Sm. 2019
Diagnose : A hypogeous, creamy-tan to light brown truffle-like ascoma with a roughened peridium that is covered with copious brown hairs (setae), the presence of a weak epithecium which covers the hymenium and prevents active discharge of the ascospores, and unique ITS and 28S DNA sequences.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Thecotheus Boud.
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 5, 10: 235 (1869)
Espèce type : Thecotheus pelletieri (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1869
Famille : Ascobolaceae
Thindia Korf & Waraitch
Mycologia, 63 (1): 102 (1971)
Espèce type : Thindia cupressi Korf & Waraitch 1971
Famille : Sarcoscyphaceae
Tirmania Chatin
Bull. Soc. bot. Fr., 38: 62 (1891)
Espèce type : Tuber niveum Desf. 1799
Type désigné par Trappe (1971)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Trichaleurina Rehm
Ann. mycol., 1 (6): 515 (1903)
Espèce type : Trichaleurina polytricha Rehm 1914
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Tricharia Boud., nom. illeg.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 104 (1885)
Espèce type : Tricharia gilva (Cooke) Boud. 1904
Synonyme de Tricharina
Tricharina Eckblad
Nytt Mag. Bot., 15 (1-2): 60 (1968)
Espèce type : Tricharina gilva (Boud. ex Cooke) Eckblad 1968
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Stade asexué de type Ascorhizoctonia.
Tricharinopsis U. Lindem., Van Vooren & Healy, 11 (5): 155 (2019)
Espèce type : Tricharinopsis herinkii (Svrček) U. Lindem., Van Vooren & Healy 2019
Diagnose : Differs from Tricharina Eckblad by the absence of clustered hairs at the margin and by an outer surface densely covered with long hyaline to brown flexuous hairs (reminiscent of a Geopora species).
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Trichobolus (Sacc.) Kimbr. & Cain
Amer. J. Bot., 54 (1): 20 (1967)
Espèce type : Trichobolus zukalii (Heimerl) Kimbr. 1967
Famille : Ascodesmidaceae
Trichophaea Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 105 (1885)
Espèce type : Trichophaea woolhopeia (Cooke & W. Phillips) Arnould 1893
Diagnose : Poils du réceptacle longs et aigus ; spores le plus souvent garnies de gouttelettes intérieures. Hyménium blanchâtre ou glauque.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, subglobose, discoid or cupuliform, hymenium whitish, pale grey to grey-brown, brown or blackish, with an external surface covered by superficial brown hairs. Margin hairy. Excipulum two-layered: medullary layer thick, of textura intricata and ectal layer of textura subglobulosa/angularis. Hairs superficial, septate, with a simple base. Asci operculate, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored. Paraphyses slender, equal to enlarged (sometimes capitate) at the top, hyaline. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid or spherical, hyaline, uniguttulate, more rarely biguttulate, thick-walled, smooth. Species forming ectomycorrhizae.
Stade asexué de type Dichobotrys.
Trichophaeopsis Korf & Erb
Phytologia, 24 (1): 18 (1972)
Espèce type : Trichophaeopsis bicuspis (Boud.) Korf & Erb 1972
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, apothecial, sessile, pale greyish, with an external surface and margin covered by upward-pointing brown hairs. Excipulum three-layered: medullary layer of textura intricata, ectal layer of textura globulosa/angularis and the outermost part of ectal excipulum of textura prismatica. Hairs simple or bifurcate, deeply inserted in the excipulum, septate, mainly with a simple base. Asci operculate, narrowing toward base, arising from croziers, inamyloid, 8-spored, more rarely 4-spored. Paraphyses slender, not enlarged at the top. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, eguttulate, but sometimes containing small granules that can merge into two oil drops in overmature or dead ascospores, smooth or verrucose. Species saprobic, on soil, woody debris or organic matter. Asexual morph unknown.
Tuber P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg.
Prim. fl. holsat.: 1-112 (1780)
Espèce type : Tuber aestivum Vittad. 1831
Famille : Tuberaceae
Tubipeda Falck
Mykol. Untersuch. Ber., 1 (3): 377 (1923)
Espèce type : Tubipeda elastica (Bull.) Falck 1923
Synonyme de Helvella
Ulurua Trappe, Claridge & Kovács
Mycol. Progr., 9 (1): 140 (2010)
Espèce type : Ulurua nonparaphysata Trappe & Claridge 2010
Type désigné par Trappe et al. (2010)
Diagnose : Ascomata usque ad 4 cm lata, sulcata, globosa vel turbinata, tomentosa, brunnea. Gleba venis labyrinthinis, vacuis vel hymeniis opponentibus repletis. Sporae hyalinae, late ellipsoideae vel subglobosae, 12–15 x 10–12 μm, verrucis minutis ornatae. Asci in hymenio innati, amyloidei, sporis octo. Paraphyses destitutae. Peridium glebaque cellulis multo inflatis.
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Underwoodia Peck
Ann. Rep. N.Y. St. Mus., 43: 32 (1890)
Espèce type : Underwoodia columnaris Peck 1890
Famille : Helvellaceae
Urceolaria Bonord., nom. illeg.
Handb. Allgem. mykol.: 203, 311 (1851)
Espèce type : Urceolaria agelaea (Ach.) Ach. 1803
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Urinopezia Van Vooren, 15 (2): 77 (2023)
Espèce type : Peziza tarembergensis Moyne, Stöckli, C. Page & Van Vooren 2017
Type désigné par Van Vooren (2023)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1
Définition actuelle : Ascomata epigeous, cupulate. Flesh without latex. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with croziers, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution, more intensely at the top (WT type after the typology proposed by Van Vooren, 2020). Paraphyses containing small refractive vacuoles. Medullary excipulum of textura globulosa with large-sized cells, ectal excipulum of textura globulosa with smaller cells. Ascospores guttulate, smooth. Asexual morph unknown. Species saprobic on substrates enriched by urine.
Urnula Fr.
Summa veg. Scand., section post.: 364 (1849)
Espèce type : Urnula craterium (Schwein.) Fr. 1851
Famille : Sarcosomataceae
Velenovskya Albanese, Boragine, M. Carbone & P. Alvarado, 14 (3): 111 (2022)
Espèce type : Plicariella vacini Velen. 1939
Type désigné par Albanese et al. (2022)
Famille : Pezizaceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia discoid or irregular in outline, flattened to more or less convex, smooth to cerebriform; ascospores initially hyaline then yellow-brownish at maturity, ornamented; asci operculate, lightly amyloid in almost their entire length, much deeper at the top, 8-spored, with croziers; paraphyses cylindrical, septate, bifurcated, rarely trifurcated, with apex of various shape immersed in a light-brownish gelatinous content; subhymenium thin, of a dense textura intricata; medullary excipulum of textura intricata of cylindrical, subhyaline hyphae mixed with pyriform to rounded cells in the outer part; ectal excipulum of textura angularis. Besides its unique genetic profile, it differs from Plicariella in having ellipsoid ascospores, and from Peziza s.str. in having heavily ornamented light-brownish ascospores at maturity.
Verpa Sw.
K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl., 36: 129 (1815)
Espèce type : Verpa conica (O.F. Müll.) Sw. 1815
Famille : Morchellaceae
Verticicladium Preuss
Linnaea, 24: 127 (1851)
Espèce type : Verticicladium trifidum Preuss 1851
Famille : Incertae sedis
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Warcupia Paden & J.V. Cameron
Can. J. Bot., 50 (5): 999 (1972)
Espèce type : Warcupia terrestris Paden & J.V. Cameron 1972
Famille : Otideaceae
Wenyingia Zheng Wang & Pfister
Mycotaxon, 79: 397 (2001)
Espèce type : Wenyingia sichuanensis Zheng Wang & Pfister 2001
Diagnose : Apothecia cupulata, stipitata, brunneloa, usque lO mm diam, 22 mm altitudo. Excipulum
ectal e cellulis brunneloa, angularibus 5-20 µm diam (textura angulari), excipulum
medullare ex hyphis brunneae. Compositum. Asci octospori, crasse tunicati, cylindracei,
270-295 × 13.5-16 µm. Ascospori ellipsoidei, biguttulati, 19-21.5 × 11-12 µm.
Famille : Tarzettaceae
Nombre d'espèces : 1 fide DoF
Wilcoxina Chin S. Yang & Korf
Mycotaxon, 24: 511 (1985)
Espèce type : Wilcoxina mikolae (Chin S. Yang & H.E. Wilcox) Chin S. Yang & Korf 1985
Diagnose : Ab Tricharina excipulo ectali non distincte bistrato, ascosporis dimidium superius asci maturi tantum occupantibus, et procreatione anamorphosis lente crescentis generis Complexipedis et non celeriter crescentis generis Ascorhizoctoniae distinguenda.
Famille : Pyronemataceae
Définition actuelle : Apothecia small, cupulate, expanding to discoid, sessile, attached only at the center, scattered or gregarious; hymenium whitish to yellowish orange, senescing to brownish gray; hairs both marginal and running down the flanks, fasciculate, with large clusters near margin and clusters gradually becoming smaller towards the base of the apothecium, pale brown to brown, with narrow bases arising from a chain of thick-walled excipular cells, the broadest part of the hair well above the point of origin of the hair, containing brownish, globose inclusions often appearing attached to the walls, walls 2.0-4.0 µm thick, with thin or thick septa; excipulum clearly two-layered near the margin, ental layer becoming broader toward the apothecial base, of textura intricata, in some taxa having refractive, thick-walled hyphae threading horizontally through the layer, ectal layer of textura globulosa to textura angularis, composed of some almost globose to radially elongated cells with pale brown to brown, thick walls becoming mixed near the apothecial base with some small-diameter hyphae from the ental layer; asci cylindrical, narrowing toward base, apically operculate, 8-spored or rarely (2-) 4 (-6)-spored, J-; ascospores ellipsoid, uniseriate, lining up in the upper half of the ascus, smooth, hyaline or refractive-yellow when mature and mounted in media containing lactic acid, eguttulate, but often with a few small granules or with small, polar clusters of fine granules; paraphyses slender, septate, branched near base, with or without carotenoid particles, slightly enlarged toward apex.
Stade asexué de type Complexipes.
Wolfina Seaver ex Eckblad
Nytt Mag. Bot., 15 (1-2): 126 (1968)
Espèce type : Wolfina aurantiopsis (Ellis) Seaver 1937
Famille : Chorioactidaceae
Wynnea Berk. & M.A. Curtis
J. Linn. Soc. Bot., 9: 424 (1867)
Espèce type : Wynnea gigantea Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1867
Famille : Wynneaceae
Wynnella Boud.
Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 1: 102 (1885)
Espèce type : Wynnella auricula (Schaeff.) Boud. 1885
Type désigné par Eckblad (1968)
Synonyme de Midotis
Dernière mise à jour le 27/02/2025