Urnula versiformis

Coll. TNM F13875
Coll. TNM F13875
© Y.-Z. Wang

Urnula versiformis Y.Z. Wang & C.L. Huang, Nova Hedwigia, 101 (1-2): 50 (2014).


Basionym Urnula versiformis Y.Z. Wang & C.L. Huang, Nova Hedwigia, 101 (1-2): 50 (2014).

Diagnosis Differs from Urnula campylospora by variable hymenial hairs and larger ascospores.

Type TNM F11317 - holotypus

MycoBank 810025


Wang Y.Z., Huang C.L. 2014. A new species of Urnula (Sarcosomataceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan. Nova Hedwigia, 101 (1-2): 49-55.

Classification: Sarcosomataceae, Urnula

Created on 09/07/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


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