Tuber brennemanii

Coll. MIN 928491
Coll. MIN 928491
© R. Healy

Tuber brennemanii A. Grupe, Healy & M.E. Smith, Mycologia, 110 (4): 783 (2018).


Basionym Tuber brennemanii A. Grupe, Healy & M.E. Smith, Mycologia, 110 (4): 783 (2018).

Diagnosis Tuber brennemanii differs from other members of the Maculatum clade based on the unique combination of characters, including the formation of anamorphic spore mats, an ascoma with a subperidium that is periclinal to tightly interwoven, ascospores that are ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal (mean Q = 1.6), and unique gene sequences.

Type FLAS-F-61235 - holotypus

MycoBank 819798


Grupe II A.C., Sulzbacher M.A., Grebenc T., Healy R., Bonito G., Smith M.E. 2018. Tuber brennemanii and Tuber floridanum: Two new Tuber species are among the most commonly detected ectomycorrhizal taxa within commercial pecan (Carya illinoinensis) orchards. Mycologia, 110 (4): 780-790.

Classification: Tuberaceae, Tuber

Created on 26/01/2019.

Updated on 08/08/2023.


Collections List

[US] Chatfield
Pin Oak Prairie Scientific
07/08/2010, leg. R. Healy
928491 (MIN)
[US] Center City
Wild River State Park
2011, leg. R. Healy
933722 (MIN)
[US] Tift County
08/06/2013, leg. T. Brenneman
F-61235 (FLAS)
[US] Huxley
Christiansen Forest Preserve
24/08/1996, leg. R. Healy
453308 (ISC)
[US] Hope
07/01/2010, leg. R. Brown
F-61237 (FLAS)
[US] Nerstrand
Nerstrand State Park
08/08/2012, leg. R. Healy
933291 (MIN)
[US] Stonewall
Shenandoah National Park
09/07/2016, leg. M.E. Smith
F-61238 (FLAS)
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