Pseudorhizina californica

Coll. 2012-06-24
Coll. 2012-06-24
© S. Krstic

Pseudorhizina californica (W. Phillips) Harmaja, Karstenia, 13: 56 (1973).


Basionym Helvella californica W. Phillips, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1 (7): 423 (1880).

Diagnosis Pileus campanulate or saddle-shaped, deflexed, sublobate, free, veined beneath, purplish brown ; stipes longitudinally costato-lacunose, rosy pink ; asci cylindrical, narrowed towards the base ; sporidia 8, elliptic, binucleate (.017 × .009 millim.) ; paraphyses linear, clavate, and brown at the apices.
On the earth in dense forest, near rocks, Sierra Nevada mountains, California (Dr. Harkness, no. 1005).

Type ex herb. Phillips, no. 1005 - holotypus

Homotypic Gyromitra californica (W. Phillips) Raitv., Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toim., Biol., 14: 320 (1965).

MycoBank 321860


Dirks A.C, Methven A.S., Miller A.N., Orozco-Quime M., Maurice S., Bonito G., Van Wyk J., Ahrendt S., Kuo A., Andreopoulos W., Riley R., Lipzen A., Chovatia M., Savage E., Barry K., Grigoriev I.V., Bradshaw A.J., Martin F.M., Arnold A.E., James T.Y. 2025. Phylogenomic insights into the taxonomy, ecology, and mating systems of the lorchel family Discinaceae (Pezizales, Ascomycota). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 205: 1-19.
Harmaja H. 1973. Amendments of the limits of the genera Gyromitra and Pseudorhizina, with the description of a new species, Gyromitra montana. Karstenia, 13: 48-58.
Methven A.S., Zelski S.E., Miller A.N. 2013. A molecular phylogenetic assessment of the genus Gyromitra in North America. Mycologia, 105 (5): 1306-1314.
Phillips W. 1880. On a new species of Helvella. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Botany II, 1 (7): 423-424.
Raitviir A. 1965. Taxonomical notes on the genus Gyromitra. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Biol., 14: 320-324.
Van Vooren N., Moreau P.A. 2009. Essai taxinomique sur le genre Gyromitra Fr. sensu lato (Pezizales). 6. Le genre Pseudorhizina Jacz., 1 (3): 15-16.
Weber N.S. 1995. A Morel hunter’s companion.

Classification: Discinaceae, Pseudorhizina

Created on 30/05/2015.

Updated on 11/02/2025.


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