Peziza nordica

Coll. G01/16
Coll. G01/16
© R. Kristiansen

Peziza nordica Kristiansen, LoBuglio & Pfister, Sydowia, 68: 178 (2016).


Basionym Peziza nordica Kristiansen, LoBuglio & Pfister, Sydowia, 68: 178 (2016).

Diagnosis This species is similar to P. montirivicola but is larger, up to 80 mm broad, and has a longer stipe. The paraphyses are wider, up to 10 μm, and the asci are smaller up to 350 μm versus 457 μm in P. montirivicola.

Type FH 00304781 - holotypus

MycoBank 816483


Pfister D.H., LoBuglio K.F., Kristiansen R. 2016. Species of Peziza s. str. on water-soaked wood with special reference to a new species, P. nordica, from central Norway. Sydowia, 68: 173-185.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Peziza

Created on 22/12/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[NO] Gurostølen
Hallingskarvet National Park
16/08/2016, leg. R. Kristiansen
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