Paragalactinia succosa

Coll. NV 2011.08.10
Coll. NV 2011.08.10
© N. Van Vooren
Coll. NV 2007.06.08
Coll. NV 2007.06.08
© N. Van Vooren
Coll. NV 2011.08.10
Coll. NV 2011.08.10

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Paragalactinia succosa (Berk.) Van Vooren,, 12 (4): 189 (2020).


Basionym Peziza succosa Berk., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6: 358 (1841).

Diagnosis 156. Peziza (Al. Helv. Pust.) succosa, n. s. Media, integra, sessilis, hemisphaerica, pallidè cereo-brunnea, extus pallidior, margine inflexo; came flavo-succosâ. On the naked ground in woods, generally dispersed, but seldom abundant. Cup one inch in diameter, hemispherical or subglobose, with the margin incurved; within of a pale waxy brown, without paler and mealy. The flesh when broken pours out a yellow juice. Asci elongated, slightly flexuous, containing eight elliptic sporidia, each of which contains two sporidiola. Paraphyses linear.
Tab. X. fig. 5. P. succosa, nat. size ; 6, vertical section; 7, asci and paraphysis; 8, sporidium.

Type Herb. Berkeley (K) ?

Homotypic Aleuria succosa (Berk.) Gillet, Champ. Fr., Discom.: 45 (1879) ; Otidea succosa (Berk.) Thüm., Mycoth. Univ., cent. 15: no. 1411 (1879) ; Galactinia succosa (Berk.) Sacc., Syll. Fung., 8: 106 (1889) ; Plicaria succosa (Berk.) Rehm, Rabenh. Kryptog.-Fl., Ascom., 1 (3): 1016 (1894).

MycoBank 835926


Garofoli D., Baiano G. 1996. Il Genere Peziza. 1° contributo: specie a lattice ingiallente. Rivista di Micologia, 39 (3): 233-258.
Medardi G. 1994. Genere Peziza Fr. 1822: Fr. 1822, non L. 1753. Studio di alcune specie fimicole e di alcune emettenti latice alla frattura. Rivista di Micologia, 38 (2): 149-162.
Petersen J.H. 2006. Sæsonens art [Peziza succosa]. Svampe, 54: 14-15.
Van Vooren N. 2020. Reinstatement of old taxa and publication of new genera for naming some lineages of the Pezizaceae (Ascomycota)., 12 (4): 179-192.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Paragalactinia

Created on 28/03/2013.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Le Bois-d’Oingt
Bois de la Flachère
23/06/2007, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2007.06.08 
[FR] Giron
13/09/2008, leg. C. Gérard
NV 2008.09.07 
[FR] Orliénas
13/11/2008, leg. B. Rivoire
NV 2008.11.04 
[FR] Amancey
Grand Bois, source Comboyer
17/08/2011, leg. G. Moyne, P. Chaillet & N. Van Vooren
NV 2011.08.10 
[FR] Sathonay
12/07/1896, leg. P. Riel

[FR] Bron
Parc de Parilly
08/06/1997, leg. J. Cavet

[FR] Saint-Hilaire-de-Brens
12/07/1896, leg. M. Rambaldy
PHR 1882 (SLL)
[IT] Alagna Valsesia
Val d'Otro
10/08/1992, leg. P.G. Jamoni & D. Garofoli

[IT] Badalucco
26/12/1993, leg. G. Baiano

[IT] Chiusa di Pesio
Pian delle Gorre
15/07/1994, leg. G. Baiano & D. Garofoli

[IT] Rocca d'Arazzo
San Carlo
06/08/1995, leg. G. Baiano & D. Garofoli

[FR] Beaufort
La Tetraz
28/08/2013, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2013.08.54 
[CH] Bellelay
Haut-marais de Bellelay
27/09/2012, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2012.09.32 
[FR] Corrençon-en-Vercors
Forêt de la Loubière
24/09/2013, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2013.09.14 
[PT] Juncais
ancienne école
22/11/2013, leg. M. Paraíso
NV 2013.11.13 
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