Microstoma floccosum

Coll. 1 July 2009
Coll. 1 July 2009
© R. Lebeuf

Microstoma floccosum (Schwein.) Raitv., Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimetised: 529 (1965).


Basionym Peziza floccosa Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 4 (2): 171 (1834).

Diagnosis P. floccosa, L. v. S., ad terram et ad ramulos in terra defoss. Nazareth.
P. longissime stipitata, fasciculatim crescens ; stipite subflexuoso sursum in cupulam tubaeformem sensim dilatato. Cupula ime tubaeformis, limbo dilatato, colore externo lutescenti coccinea, cum stipite strigosissime floccosa, tomento longo recto candido, omnino obtegente cupulam, stipitemque sarcosum. Disco eleganter coccineo, nudo. Tota unciam altitudine excedit, gracilis, et pulcherrima est.

Type ex herb. Schweinitz (PH) - lectotypus

Homotypic Geopyxis floccosa (Schwein.) Morgan, J. Mycol., 8 (4): 188 (1902) ; Plectania floccosa (Schwein.) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 192 (1928) ; Anthopeziza floccosa (Schwein.) Kanouse, Mycologia, 40: 491 (1948).

MycoBank 334280


Kanouse B.B. 1948. The genus Plectania and its segregates in North America. Mycologia, 40 (4): 482-497.
Pant D.C., Tewari V.P. 1973. Chemical reaction of the hairs of Microstoma floccosum. Mycologia, 65 (1): 199-201.
Raitviir A. 1965. Sarcoscyphaceae in the Far East. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Biol., 14 (4): 529-535.
Schweinitz L.D. von 1834. Synopsis fungorum in America boreali media degentium. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 4 (2): 141-316.
Seaver F.J. 1928. The North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates).
Wang Y.Z. 2001. Discomycetes of the Sarcoscyphaceae in Taiwan. Mycotaxon, 79: 329-336.
Waraitch K.S. 1980. The occurrence of Microstoma floccosa and Pseudoplectania nigrella in India and their probable association with oak. Indian Phytopathology, 33 (4): 523-526.

Classification: Sarcoscyphaceae, Microstoma

Created on 03/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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