Maublancomyces korfii

Coll. 2019-04-28
Coll. 2019-04-28
© E. Skific

Maublancomyces korfii (Raitv.) Dirks, Methven & A.N. Mill., Molec. Phylogen. Evol., 205: 10 (2025).


Basionym Discina korfii Raitv., Bot.-alased tood, 9: 371 (1970).

Diagnosis Ascomata pileata e stipitata. pileus irregulariter lobatus, 5-10 cm in diam., hymenio ochraceo-brunneo vel brunneo. Stipes irregulariter cylindraceus, crassus, albus. Asci cylindracei, octospori. Sporae fusoideae vel ellipsoide fusoideae, apiculatae, 29.2-31.5-37.0-37.3/9.7-10.4-10.9-12 µ, 3-guttulatae, hyalineae. Paraphyses cylindraceae, hyalinae, apice incrassatae brunneae.
Ad terram crescit.
D. gigas similis, sporis tenuibus differt.

Type CUP-K-4801 - holotypus

Homotypic Gyromitra korfii (Raitv.) Harmaja, Karstenia, 13: 56 (1973).

Gyromitra fastigiata (Krombh.) Rehm, Rabenh. Kryptog.-Fl., Pilze - Ascom., 1 (3): 1194 (1895), s. McKnight (1971).

MycoBank 855923


Harmaja H. 1973. Amendments of the limits of the genera Gyromitra and Pseudorhizina, with the description of a new species, Gyromitra montana. Karstenia, 13: 48-58.
McKnight K.M. 1971. On two species of false Morels (Gyromitra) in Utah. Great Basin Naturalist, 31 (2): 35-47.
Methven A.S., Zelski S.E., Miller A.N. 2013. A molecular phylogenetic assessment of the genus Gyromitra in North America. Mycologia, 105 (5): 1306-1314.
Miller A.N., Yoon A., Gulden G., Stensholt Ø., Van Vooren N., Ohenoja E. & Methven A.S. 2020. Studies in Gyromitra I: the Gyromitra gigas species complex. Mycological Progress, 19: 1459-1473.
Raitviir A. 1970. Once more on Neogyromitra caroliniana. Botaanika-alased tõõd, 9: 364-371.
Van Vooren N., Moreau P.A. 2009. Essai taxinomique sur le genre Gyromitra Fr. sensu lato (Pezizales). 3. Le genre Gyromitra Fr., sous-genre Discina., 1 (2): 3-13.
Weber N.S. 1995. A Morel hunter’s companion.

Classification: Discinaceae, Maublancomyces

Created on 04/02/2021.

Updated on 11/02/2025.


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