Lamprospora tuberculatella

Coll. 2014-01-26
Coll. 2014-01-26
© C. Gelpi

Lamprospora tuberculatella Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 15 (1914).


Basionym Lamprospora tuberculatella Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 15 (1914).

Diagnosis Plants gregarious but never crowded, often five or six plants in the space of 1 cm., at first globose, opening at the top and gradually expanding, at maturity discoid, convex above and floccose with the asci which protrude above the hymenium half their length appearing as many minute white spines, whole plant pale orange, .3-.5 mm. in diameter or rarely reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; asci cylindric or subcylindric; spores 1-seriate, at first smooth and with one large oil-drop near the center, increasing in size as they mature, at maturity about 20 µ in diameter and covered with small tubercle-like markings, tubercles covering the surface of the spore and appearing beyond the periphery of the spore like those of L. tuberculata but much smaller, about twenty to twenty-five around the circumference of the spore, hyaline; paraphyses enlarged above and filled with orange granules.
On soil among moss near Yonkers, New York.

Type NY 00915362 - holotypus

Homotypic Octospora tuberculatella (Seaver) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 96 (2): 184 (1980).

MycoBank 200657


Benkert D. 1987. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Benkert D. 2002. Beitrage zur Kenntnis bryophiler Pezizales 10. Variabilitat und Verbreitung von Lamprospora maireana Seaver und L. tuberculatella Seaver. Feddes Repertorium, 113: 80-95.
Caillet M., Moyne G. 1980. Contribution à l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F.Gray emend Le Gal. Espèces à spores ornementées globuleuses ou subglobuleuses. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 96 (2): 175-211.
Eckstein J. 2014. Lamprospora hispanica und Lamprospora tuberculatella - zwei bryoparasitische Discomyceten (Ascomycota, Pezizales) neu für Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 80 (1): 105-117.
Seaver F.J. 1914. A preliminary study of the genus Lamprospora. Mycologia, 6 (1): 5-24.
Torres P., Honrubia M., Diaz G. 1988. Notas sobre ascomycotina en el S.E. de Espana Peninsular IV. Nuevas citas de discomicetos saprofitos. International Journal of mycology and lichenology, 3: 319-335.
Wang Y.Z., Kimbrough J.W. 1992. Monographic Studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Special Publication of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan), 4: 1-68.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 20/03/2018.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Pralognan-la-Vanoise
Petit Mont Blanc
19/08/1997, leg. N. Dam
- (B)
Source: FMBDS
[FR] Val-Cenis
25/08/2015, leg. B. Jeannerot
MV 20150825-03 
[FR] Val-Cenis
Plan du Lac
25/08/2015, leg. B. Jeannerot
BJ 2015-397 
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