Lamprospora maireana

Coll. 2013-04-07
Coll. 2013-04-07
© C. Gelpi
Coll. NV 2013.03.01
Coll. NV 2013.03.01

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Lamprospora maireana Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 14 (1914).


Basionym Lamprospora maireana Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 14 (1914).

Diagnosis Plants gregarious, at first globose, becoming expanded, at maturity with the hymenium plane or slightly concave, entirely pale orange without and within, reaching a diameter of about 2 mm.; asci cylindric or subcylindric, gradually tapering below into a stem-like base, having a diameter of 30 µm at the broadest point and reaching a length of 300-325 µ; spores 1-seriate, perfectly globose, at first smooth, at maturity becoming roughened, roughenings taking the form of tubercles which are as large as 3-5 µ in diameter and appearing as scallops about the periphery of the spore, the tubercles bearing secondary roughenings which give to each a minutely roughened surface, and giving the whole spore a translucent effect, entire spore at maturity, about 23 µ in diameter, subhyaline; paraphyses strongly thickened at their apices, reaching a thickness of 8 µ.
On the ground among moss and algae.
Type locality: Algiers, North Africa.

Type NY 00899885, BPI 566817 - isotypus

Homotypic Octospora maireana (Seaver) Yei Z. Wang, Spec. Pub. Nation. Mus. Nat. Sci., 4: 41 (1992).

MycoBank 201890


Aeberhard H. 2010. Ein seltener Moosling (Lamprospora maireana). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 88 (6): 222-224.
Benkert D. 1987. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Benkert D. 2002. Beitrage zur Kenntnis bryophiler Pezizales 10. Variabilitat und Verbreitung von Lamprospora maireana Seaver und L. tuberculatella Seaver. Feddes Repertorium, 113: 80-95.
Brouwer E. 1999. Mosschijfjes (Lamprospora en Octospora): voorkomen en verspreiding in Nederland. Coolia, 42 (1): 2-20.
Kullman B. 1997. A very rare discomycete, Octospora maireana, found in Finland. Karstenia, 37 (1): 27-31.
Seaver F.J. 1914. A preliminary study of the genus Lamprospora. Mycologia, 6 (1): 5-24.
Wang Y.Z., Kimbrough J.W. 1992. Monographic Studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Special Publication of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan), 4: 1-68.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 15/04/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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[FR] Bonifacio
Île de Cavallo
14/03/2014, leg. O. Gonnet
NV 2014.03.01 
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