Lamprospora annulata

Coll. 2015-10-22
Coll. 2015-10-22
© G. Moyne
Coll. 1977-08-16
Coll. 1977-08-16

© A. Bride

Lamprospora annulata Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 11 (1914).


Basionym Lamprospora annulata Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 11 (1914).

Diagnosis PIants gregarious but not crowded, at first globose and partially immersed in the substratum becoming expanded and with the hymenium plane or nearly plane and more or less pitted and roughened, pale orange, .5 mm. to nearly 1 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric or subcylindric, rather abruptly attenuated below into a short much contorted pedicel, entire ascus about 200 µ long and about 20 µ in diameter, at first almost filled with the spores, in older asci the lower part stretching and becoming about equal in length to the spore-bearing portion; spores 1-seriate from the first, perfectly globose and smooth when young and containing a few small oil-drops and granules, 12-14 µ in diameter, with two small rings appearing at an early stage about the proximal and distal sides of the spore giving rise to four small circles where the rings pass about the periphery of the spore, rings increasing in size until they reach a thickness of about 3 µ, the surface of the spore becoming minutely verrucose with age, the rings at maturity giving the spore a short cylindric appearance with the axis of the cylinder parallel with the ascus, entire spore when mature about 16-18 µ in diameter, rings of about the same diameter and nicely fitted over the opposite sides of the spore, the two rings usually parallel but occasionally one of them shifted out of its normal position, hyaline; paraphyses thickened above and densely filled with large granules, about 5 µ in diameter at the widest point.
On soil among moss and algae.

Type NY 00915348 - holotypus

Homotypic Octospora annulata (Seaver) Yei Z. Wang, Spec. Pub. Nation. Mus. Nat. Sci., 4: 29 (1992).

Lamprospora biannulata Beauseign. ex Grelet, Rev. mycol. (Paris), 10: 115 (1946); Octospora biannulata (Beauseign. ex Grelet) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 96 (2): 187 (1980).
Barlaea melina Velen., Mon. Discom. Bohem.: 323 (1934).

MycoBank 229364


Benkert D. 1987. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Caillet M., Moyne G. 1980. Contribution à l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F.Gray emend Le Gal. Espèces à spores ornementées globuleuses ou subglobuleuses. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 96 (2): 175-211.
Grelet L.J. 1945. Les Discomycètes de France d'après la classification de Boudier (treizième fascicule). Revue de mycologie, 10 (4): 96-116.
Rubio E., Suárez A., Miranda M.A. 2002. Estudios preliminares sobre los géneros Lamprospora De Notaris y Ramsbottomia W. D. Buckley (Ascomycetes, Pezizales) en Asturias. Boletín Sociedad Micológica de Madrid, 26: 61-82.
Seaver F.J. 1914. A preliminary study of the genus Lamprospora. Mycologia, 6 (1): 5-24.
Svrček M. 1979. A taxonomic revision of Velenovský’s types of operculate discomycetes (Pezizales) preserved in National museum Prague. Acta Musei nationalis Pragae, 32B (2-4): 115-194.
Wang Y.Z., Kimbrough J.W. 1992. Monographic Studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Special Publication of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan), 4: 1-68.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 23/04/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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[FR] Mornand-en-Forez
18/01/1989, leg. A. Ayel

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