Kalapuya brunnea

Coll. 2012-01-07
Coll. 2012-01-07
© M. Trappe

Kalapuya brunnea M.J. Trappe, Trappe & Bonito, Mycologia, 102 (5): 1059 (2010).


Basionym Kalapuya brunnea M.J. Trappe, Trappe & Bonito, Mycologia, 102 (5): 1059 (2010).

Diagnosis Ascomata hypogaea, stereothecia, subglobosa vel globosa, 12–80 × 10–45 mm. Peridium porphyreum vel brunneum, verrucosum, verrucis fissuris tenuibus separatis. Gleba solida, albida, contextu fertili griseo-brunneo maculato. Asci globosi, 70–90 × 65–90 µm, pariete 1–3 mm crassis, 6–8 sporis. Sporae ellipsoideae, 32–43 × 25–33 µm, laeves, juventute hyalinae, maturitate succineae.

Type OSC 131234 - holotypus

MycoBank 517386


Trappe M.J., Trappe J.M., Bonito G. 2010. Kalapuya brunnea gen. & sp. nov. and its relationship to the other sequestrate genera in Morchellaceae. Mycologia, 102 (5): 1058-1065.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Kalapuya

Created on 02/07/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


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