Hoffmannoscypha pellita

Coll. HRL1132
Coll. HRL1132
© R. Lebeuf
© Cooke

Hoffmannoscypha pellita (Cooke & Peck) Stielow, Göker & Klenk, Mycol. Progr., 12 (4): 685 (2013).


Basionym Peziza pellita Cooke & Peck, Grevillea, 1 (1): 5 (1872).

Diagnosis Peziza (Sarcoscypha) pellita. C. & P. — Sessile, subglobose then expanded, at length splitting in a radiate manner into four or five irregular lobes ; externally brown, densely woolly with septate brown flexuous hairs ; disk flesh-coloured, with a rufous tinge. Asci cylindrical ; sporidia elliptic ; paraphyses slightly clavate at the tips.
On soil covering rocks. Adirondack Mts. U. S. (C. H. P. no. 92.)
Cup scarcely an inch broad. Sporidia .0007 .001 in. (.018-.025 m.m.) long, .0005 in. (.0125 m.m.) wide. Allied to P. lanuginosa and P. geaster. [PI. i, f. 3, a nat. size, d hairs magnified.]

Type ex herb. Peck no. 92 (NY) - holotypus

Homotypic Lachnea pellita (Cooke & Peck) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 169 (1889) ; Sepultaria pellita (Cooke & Peck) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 152 (1928) ; Geopora pellita (Cooke & Peck) T. Schumach., Norweg. J. Bot., 26: 56 (1979).

MycoBank 561771


Cooke M.C., Peck C.H. 1872. Pezizae Americanae. Grevillea, 1 (1): 5-7.
Dougoud R. 2006. Définition taxonomique et clé du genre Geopora. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 84 (3): 111-114.
Schumacher T. 1979. Notes on taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of operculate discomycetes (Pezizales) from river banks in Norway. Norwegian Journal of Botany, 26: 53-83.
Seaver F.J. 1928. The North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates).
Stielow B., Hensel G., Strobelt D., Makonde H.M., Rohde M., Dijksterhuis J., Klenk H.P., Göker M. 2013. Hoffmannoscypha, a novel genus of brightly coloured, cupulate Pyronemataceae closely related to Tricharina and Geopora. Mycological Progress, 12 (4): 675-686.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Hoffmannoscypha

Created on 03/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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