Geopora gilkeyae

Coll. AN 043489 (ARIZ)
Coll. AN 043489 (ARIZ)
© T.A. Clements/D. Fulton

Geopora gilkeyae (Burdsall) Guevara, Göker & Stielow, inval., Mycol. Progr., 11 (3): 718 (2012).


Basionym Geopora cooperi f. gilkeyae Burdsall, Mycologia, 60 (3): 518 (1968).

Diagnosis A forma typica sporis globosis vel subglobosis, (19-) 20-25 (-28) × (15-) 16-21 (-24) µ longitudinis cum latitudine proportionem 1.25 ferme habentibus differt.

Type leg. N.L. Gardner 231, 511626 (UC) - holotypus

MycoBank 561913

1) Combination invalid, based on art. 41.5, note 1 (ICN Shenzhen)


Burdsall H.H. 1968. A revision of the genus Hydnocystis (Tuberales) and of the hypogeous species of Geopora (Pezizales). Mycologia, 60 (3): 496-525.
Guevara-Guerrero G., Stielow B., Tamm H., Cázares-Gonzalez E., Göker M. 2012. Genea mexicana, sp. nov., and Geopora tolucana, sp. nov., new hypogeous Pyronemataceae from Mexico, and the taxonomy of Geopora reevaluated. Mycological Progress, 11 (3): 711-724.
Laursen G.A., Burdsall H.H. 1976. Notes concerning a new distribution record for Geopora (Pezizales) from Alaskan tundra. Mycotaxon, 4 (2): 329-330.
Song G. 1993. Geopora cooperi f. gilkeyae, a hypogeous fungus new to China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 15 (1): 105-106.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Geopora

Created on 07/02/2022.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


Collections List

[US] Coconino Co.
19/05/2017, leg. T.A. Clements
AN 043489 (ARIZ)
Source: Mushroom Observer
[US] Berkeley
University of California campus
12/12/1904, leg. N.L. Gardner
511626 (UC)
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