Genea coronata

Coll. NV 2013.06.13 (LY), leg. P. Chautrand
Coll. NV 2013.06.13 (LY), leg. P. Chautrand
© N. Van Vooren

Genea coronata P. Alvarado, J.-B. Pérez & M. Scholler, Sydowia, 73: 2 (2020).


Basionym Genea coronata P. Alvarado, J.-B. Pérez & M. Scholler, Sydowia, 73: 2 (2020).

Diagnosis Hypogeous ascomycete producing very small blackish ascomata with a chambered gleba, with opposed hymenium layers due to folding, lacking thick tramal plates between hymenium layers, forming an epithecium, subglobose spores (smaller than 32 μm on average (ornamentation excluded)) ornamented with irregularly conical, fang-like, subcapitate or mucronate warts, and fruiting in spring-summer. Almost identical to G. dentata, except for its genetic profile.

Type KRM-0005917 - holotypus

MycoBank 835344


Alvarado P., Cabero J., Moreno G., Bratek Z., Van Vooren N., Kaounas V., Konstantinidis G., Agnello C., Merényi Z., Smith M.E., Vizzini A., Trappe J.M. 2016. Phylogenetic overview of the genus Genea (Pezizales, Ascomycota) with an emphasis on European taxa. Mycologia, 108 (2): 441-456.
Alvarado P., Perez J.B., Van Vooren N., Bernauer T., Hensel G., Scholler M. 2020. Genea coronata (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales), a cryptic new species in a highly polymorphic genus. Sydowia, 73: 1-12.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Genea

Created on 28/10/2020.

Updated on 11/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Romagne-sous-Montfaucon
Cimetière américain
20/06/2017, leg. J.-B. Perez
M-0005917 (KR)
[FR] Dun-sur-Meuse
Croix Saint-Gilles
20/06/2017, leg. J.-B. Perez
M-0005930 (KR)
[DE] Karlsruhe
01/06/2016, leg. T. Bernauer, C. Gold & R. Richter
M-0044458 (KR)
[DE] Karlsruhe
01/06/2016, leg. T. Bernauer, C. Gold & R. Richter
M-0044436 (KR)
[ES] Castro
05/06/2013, leg. P. Chautrand
NV 2013.06.13 (LY)
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