Peziza sublaricina

Coll. 2006-06-05
Coll. 2006-06-05
© M. Trappe

Balsamia nigrans Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 264 (1899).


Basionym Balsamia nigrans Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Bot.), 1 (8): 264 (1899).

Diagnosis 62. Balsamia nigrens, sp. nov.
Medium, semiglobose, irregular, black, verrucose, warts with polygonal base; openings stellar, sometimes extending through the mass; cavities large and somewhat regular; gleba white, firm, crossed by white wavy lines; asci semiglobose or ellipsoidal, briefly stipitate, 8-spored, 48 × 32 µ; spores oblong-elliptic, guttulate, 26 × 12 µ.
Type, No. 180, Harkness Coll. Beneath Ceanothus, Auburn, Placer County, Calif., May.

Type ex herb. Harkness (BPI) - holotypus

Homotypic Pseudobalsamia magnata var. nigrans (Harkn.) Gilkey, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot., 6 (11): 294 (1916) ; Pseudobalsamia nigrans (Harkn.) Gilkey, N. Amer. Flora, Ser. II, 1: 18 (1954).

MycoBank 521644


Gilkey H.M. 1916. A revision of Tuberales of California. University of California Publications in Botany, 6 (11): 275-356.
Gilkey H.M. 1954. Tuberales. North American Flora, ser. II, 1: 1-36.
Harkness H.W. 1899. Californian Hypogaeous Fungi. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 3rd series, 1 (8): 241-292.

Classification: Helvellaceae, Balsamia

Created on 02/07/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


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