Ascobolus nodulosporus

Coll. RM-2685
Coll. RM-2685
© R. Martínez-Gil
Coll. RM-2685
Coll. RM-2685
© R. Martínez-Gil

Ascobolus nodulosporus Brumm., Persoonia, suppl. 1: 92 (1967).


Basionym Boudiera marginata W. Phillips & Harkn., Bull. California Acad. Sci., 1: 25 (1884).

Diagnosis Crowded, at first orbicular, then patteliform, with a serrated margin, dull-ochraceous; asci broadly clavate, sporidia 8. spherical, becoming rufous, areolate .02 mm., paraphyses linear, rather stout.
On rabbits' dung. 2985.
The cells of the receptacle are remarkable for their thick walls, and the young sporidia for the same thing. This is quite as striking a species as B. areolata, C & Ph.

Type Harkness no. 2985 (BM) - holotypus

MycoBank 326519

1) Ascobolus nodulosporus is a nomen novum due to A. marginatus Pat. (1882).


Brummelen J. (van) 1967. A World-monograph of the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia, supplement, I: 1-260.
Phillips W., Harkness H.W. 1884. Fungi of California. Bulletin of the California Academy of Science, 1: 21-25.

Classification: Ascobolaceae, Ascobolus

Created on 11/01/2021.

Updated on 12/08/2023.


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[ES] Logroño
05/01/2021, leg. R. Martínez-Gil
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